Social Question

What has been your experience on Diazepam?
My Doctor has (today) put me on 2mg three times daily for ten days. This is for a suspected muscle spasm in my throat which he thinks is psychological because I have GERD (or Gastro-(o)esophageal reflux disease) and thought it was something to do with that as I’ve had increased difficulty swallowing.
Because the difficulty is intermittent and gets worse throughout the day is the reason why he thinks it’s psychological rather than anything physically obstructing… so…
My question is really what have your experiences been… but my motivation is this:
Amongst other (very scary) things the leaflet that comes with the tablets suggest that one doesn’t come off the tablets immediately (but nothing has been mentioned about this to me) because it can cause all sorts of complications… and to avoid alcohol… which is fine but it’s like… nearly Christmas… and it says do not drive and I have a very important trip to make on Monday to a friend of mine…
So I’m kind of wondering whether to start taking them after Christmas and put up with the discomfort until then or whether to take them at all… or whether to take them and come off them on Christmas Eve… (but then I’m a bit concerned about coming off them quickly – although nothing has been said about coming off them slowly… hmmm)
ANYWAY…skip to the end…. I’m going to phone the pharmacist in the morning about the discrepancies about coming off the tablets (and the fact that I’m on Omeprazole too which apparently you’re not supposed to take…) but I wanted to know YOUR stories…because these sound like pretty dangerous and serious pills…and I’m a bit scared!!!