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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

In a how-much-can-you-stuff-down-your-gullet eating contest, would you choose to overindluge in Froot Loops or Cheerios?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37805points) December 15th, 2009

Let’s imagine you’re joining a how-much-can-you-eat contest, and the foods to be used are the breakfast cereals Froot Loops and Cheerios. Do you have a preference? Do you think you could win? Are there other foods that you think you would do better at? What’s something you might win at in an eating race?

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24 Answers

chelseababyy's avatar


I would kick major ass.

AstroChuck's avatar

Cap’n Crunch

(No crunch berries)

Jude's avatar

Count Chocula

Darwin's avatar

Cheerios. I hate Froot Loops

And no, I probably wouldn’t win. Perhaps back when I was a teenager I could have but I am now in the part of my life when my stomach seems to be shrinking.

erichw1504's avatar

Cheerios. Fruit Loops are too sugary.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Pussy. If it’s not on the menu, then I’m holding out until it is.

JuJubee's avatar

Cheerios would be my choice and I think I would opted out if I had to do froot loops.

MacBean's avatar

I’d pick Cheerios! And I doubt I’d win. If the contest was about speed and we only had to eat one big bowl, I would kick ass. But if it was about amount, I’d be left in the dust.

gradyjones's avatar

Fruit Loops and I would so win this contest.

@CyanoticWasp pervert

Dr_Dredd's avatar

Froot loops. It’s all about the sugar, baby…

janbb's avatar

Can’t we add potato chips to the choices?

spacemonkey's avatar

cheerios would be easier.froot loops are kinda rough and scratchy.

missyb's avatar

Cheerios! Froot Loops tear up the roof of your mouth, ouch!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@janbb Yes. Please do. Munch to your heart’s content.

HighShaman's avatar

I’d have to choose the Cheerios as I am diabetic and the Fruit Loops would kill me .

Blondesjon's avatar

Honey Nut Cheerios. I am ashamed to admit that I could probably win a chicken wing or pizza roll eating contest. is beer considered a performance enhancing drug?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Blondesjon Anything that helps you in the contest is fair game, including beer, so guzzle away.

aprilsimnel's avatar

<——Not an oat fan.

Froot Loops!

Blondesjon's avatar

@aprilsimnel . . . i liked hall better too

MacBean's avatar

@Blondesjon: GROAN. <gives some lurve anyway>

aprilsimnel's avatar

@Blondesjon – Well, Daryl is a hottie…!

casheroo's avatar

I’d chose Fruit Loops.
I eat pretty much a box a cereal every morning (I have to restrain myself) I would totally kick everyone’s ass.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Cheerios for sure. Fruit Loops would be too sugary to eat a lot of; I’d barf.

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