Is this an anxiety attack?
I have anxiety and its getting worse i decided to go see the school counsler and she was gone so i went back to class and started shaking really bad and was like hyperventallating
this has happened b4 is it anxiety attack or just me freaking out?
How do you deal with your anxiety? What should i do if this happenes again?
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38 Answers
I don’t get them but I’d say it could be a panic or anxiety attack.
First, I’m sorry that you’re going through this. Whatever it is, doesn’t sound fun.
I’ve had anxiety attacks before, and what you’re describing sounds like one to me, but I am not a doctor. Seeing your school counsellor is a great idea. That person can guide you toward the help you need.
If you’re open to talking to your parents about it, you could also go straight to a doctor. They will have specific criteria to look for to tell you what’s going on.
You should check in with a doctor in any case. There are some medications available that will dampen the anxiety attacks a bit.
Sounds like an anxiety attack. I get them. My vision gets blurry, I get a headache, occasionally I get numbness in my limbs, and I find it hard to breathe.
This website has a pretty complete list of symptoms:
I’d say any physical response to anxiety (even shaking, hyperventilating) would qualify as an anxiety attack. You should see a medical professional, because it could get worse and really affect your life and health. My mum didn’t see a doctor and eventually she collapsed at work and now she’s on disability, so don’t be like my mum!
If it happens again before you can see anyone about it, try going somewhere private (like a toilet stall if you’re in school) and taking long, slow, deep breaths. Close your eyes and picture the colour green. Let it wash over your body. This sometimes works for me, anyway, but really it’s only a temporary measure.
Since you’ve experienced this before, I would see a doctor. It does sound like a panic attack, but you would need a medical assessment to determine that and rule out anything else.
but i cant see a docter
mom doesnt deal with things 2 good she found out i was cutting called me a self absorbed psycho attention wanting bitch
and she will findout about me seein a docter
I would definitely talk to the school counselor about this and she should be able to help you. Please don’t ignore this.
@disturbed_broken . None of that matters. You do. You need to let people know what you are going through or no one can help. Go! Run Fast ! Go Now and tell someone!
The school nurse might be helpful, but I wouldn’t pin my hopes on it.
Between the symptoms you described and what you stated your Mom called you, I truly hope you will go tell someone about this. ANY school official will be able to point you in the direction of getting help. If the counselor isn’t in, talk to the school nurse. If the school nurse isn’t in, talk to the princeplel! Anybody! Go! Now!
thanks everyone!
i will talk 2 someone tomorrow about it because i am home now
and i will tell someone at my school
again thanks that helps alot
@disturbed_broken NOW! Tell your parents! NOW! Do this because I tell you and we are jellies together. Believe me. I am a teacher (obviously a cool one q:)) and they need to know now! Too many children are in pain and never share because they are afraid. i just spoke to a retired teacher (who was a teacher of mine) and found out that her son committed suicide. Tell someone NOW!
my mom has the same problem
she thinks im doing everything 4 attention…what if i told my grandma?
i plan on moving out when im 16 to her place anyway
and i dont wanna go thru the same thing as when i told my mom i was molested and i cut
she says im making it up
@disturbed_broken Tell anyone and everyone who will listen. Even if you are making anything up, you are better safe than sorry! q:)
im not making anything up…
plus why is this such a big deal? its happened b4
Talk to your counselor, he or she will be glad to help understand.
Hyperventilation is a symptom of a panic attack. Panic attacks are common if you have an anxiety disorder. Being in your classroom is apparently what triggers it. Does it also affect you in pubic places? Perhaps it’s a social phobia. Again, just talk to your counselor. :)
@disturbed_broken . I never said you were. I am saying that one should always error on the side of caution. Emotions can get to be uncontrollable without notice and if you don’t know how to deal with them, bad things can happen.
it happens anytime i freakout about stuff
it was lunch when i was in the classroom i just freakedout about counsler and….i dont know…..what else
just life atm it just sometimes gets to me and i cant control myself anymore almost everytime i get on edge this happens
i also get heart palputations and get dizzy i 4got to add uptop
i will try….to force myself 2 c a counslor
Wow, tell your Grandma, OK? Please?
You’re old enough now to know that when your mother calls you names like “Psycho” and says the things she’s saying, she is not treating you like you deserve to be treated.
I hope you know that you mustn’t believe anything she is telling you about yourself, all right? It’s wrong to call anyone names like that, even (and especially) your own child, and it’s wrong to not get help for your child when they ask for it.
Please see your grandmother, or a counselor, or someone other adult that you trust, and soon. You need someone where you are to listen to you and to get you some help.
@disturbed_broken: ”plus why is this such a big deal? its happened b4”
Okay, I don’t want to totally terrify you or anything, but here’s why it’s a big deal. I’ve had panic attacks for years and years. When it started out, it was a lot like what your situation sounds like. Every once in a while, maybe every couple of months, I’d have a really unpleasant little freak-out. I would just ride them out and try to keep myself breathing and after a while (anything from five minutes to forty-five minutes) it would fade away and I’d be fine again. I didn’t really worry about it. It felt like I was going to die when it happened, but afterward I was perfectly okay, just really tired. I’d sleep like the dead for a few hours and when I woke up it was all in the past. No big deal.
Well, as I kept ignoring them, they kept getting worse. The problem grew to the point where I had trouble doing simple things like leaving the house or talking on the phone without being thrown into a panic. I’m sure if I’d addressed the problem and spoken to a counselor of some sort before the problem escalated to that degree, I would’ve been able to implement some coping methods that would’ve kept me a functional member of society. But I didn’t, and now my list of diagnoses in my therapist’s file on me includes several different anxiety disorders, I’m basically homebound (I have to really force myself to leave the house, and sometimes I need people to come with me and actually sort of herd me out of doors) and overcoming these issues is a rather steep uphill battle.
So… Do yourself a favor and talk to a professional about it. You may not ever get to a point as pathetic and desperate as mine, even if you do continue to ignore it, but… better safe than sorry, you know?
i told my grandma but she told me to see the school counsellor but idk if i can i have been trying to since yesterday and now im freaking out..And feel anxiety real bad when i think about it.
Im sorry to hear about that…that must be difficult!
I seen my mom go through the same stuff as you a couple years ago.
I hope things get better
@disturbed_broken I could see how talking to the counselor could seem a little intimidating at first. How about if you write stuff in a letter and just leave it for the counselor to read? At least it would get the ball rolling…
thanks yeah i already (used to i guess) talk to her
she sent me to the hospital once because i was suicidal
idk why im so freaked out….it always scares me and its an irrational fear
ok i will try….if i dont have a stupid panic/anxiety whatever attack lol.
Thank you.
@disturbed_broken I understand. Anxiety disorders are the most common disorders in young people, so don’t be afraid to speak to counselors who are there to help you. You have to try and be brave about speaking to them. You have to want to seek their advise. They are there to listen to and counsel you, don’t hesitate to tell them.
Did you talk to the counselor yet?
not the one from school…
i am going to see my counsellor at mental health in an hour =S
You need a hug, too, kid. I’m sorry you’re going through this right now. But you’ll come out the other side a stronger person, OK? OK. (((((HUG!)))))
How did it go? Aaagh, I’m not going to be able to find out the answer for days!
I might need 2 be put on meds
and ya
I’m glad you’re addressing the problem now because it seems like it was spiraling out of control. Try not to be scared. Look at it as a way of relieving you from being scared and anxious. We are all very supportive of you.
I take meds for anxiety. Trust me, it’s the best thing I ever did.
@disturbed_broken Please let us know how you are progressing as we all need to hear that our advice has been recieved well and has made a difference and we want to continue to provide you with support. q:)
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