What is the most embarrassing thing your child ever said as a toddler?
Asked by
Pandora (
December 15th, 2009
Today I had a conversation with a friend over embarrassing things children say or do. My daughter had to have her blood drawn and at the grocery store a few days later she remembered the male nurse and pointed at him while crying out loud that the man was a bad man. He was so flustered and tried to talk to her and she yelled that he was a bad man because he hurt her. LOL. However at the time I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me up. I’m possitive so did he. I had to say loudly that he was a nurse and had to take her blood, but people around us looked at us like we were both evil. So, what is your story?
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30 Answers
My son and I were at the grocery store. We walked by this guy and my son jabs his finger into the guy’s crotch and said “mommy, does he have a penis?” I just about died!
At 5 years old, I was at the San Diego zoo and saw a group of baboons in a cage. I asked my grandmother why all those monkeys had chapped asses.
My grandmother said that when i was little I had a hard time with my T’s and when we were in church I heard fire truck sirens and I screams Fire Fuck grandma Fire Fuck ! lol she was so embarrassed
This is all very amusing. LOL
@Shemarq , I know the feeling. LMAO
Picked up gum off of the road and chewed it.
I am in tears laughing over this…oh this is great! :D
My little brother (brainy, of course) went up to a pregnant lady on the trolley and asked if she knew if the baby inside of her was an embryo or a fetus (clearly a fetus…the bun was due out anytime!). The woman didn’t know what he was talking about and thought he was calling her child a “monster” and started to get upset. It was soo embarrassing.
My son couldn’t say consonant combinations, so he asked for farties [smarties, we subtituted and taught him M&M’s] in a store, he was excited about a fofent fuck, [cement truck]. we got him speech therapy!! When he tried to say snow….
@jmah Yeah, they don’t know the 10 second rule. ;D
@seekingwolf Maybe she was more upset that she didn’t know the answer. LOL
We were at the grocery store and I was pretty clumsy that day. I had nearly walked into at least three seperate people. I jokingly said, “I think I might kill someone today!” For the rest of the day she told everyone who would listen, “My mommy’s going to kill someone today.”
My 7mos old daughter was in the shopping cart at the checkout. My mother called breastfeeding titty time and so she was trying to get in under my shirt and saying “titty, titty”.
My mom and grandmother like to tell this story about how when I was first learning words I couldn’t say the letter ‘R’ yet. (I’ve since learned in linguistics class that ‘R’ is typically the last consonant we English speakers acquire). I think they were setting the table, and I was watching and saying “fork, fork, fork” over and over again, but without any “R“s.
Yeah its funny how we can’t wait for them to talk and then one day we wish they were mute. LMAO All great stories so far. This is a great way to end the evening. =D
@pandora when they are little you can’t wait for them to walk and talk, then when they get older you want them to sit down and shut up. ;-)
ohhh man, i don’t have kids but when i was a kid, this woman was telling my parents how cute i was and i asked if she was a witch. classic.
these are a hoot
We were in line to check out at a little imported food joint when I noticed the clerk was a very obvious transvestite.
When it was our turn, I said to my (then) five-year-old daughter, “Give the lady the money sweetie”. She looks back and forth and says, “But Bah, it’s a guy”.
@faye Who knew? LOL
Thanks, I’m having a ball with this one!
When we visited a family friend named Heidi who was pregnant, I asked “Why is Heidi so fat?” when I saw her and it was loud enough for everyone to hear. People just laughed, but my mom was embarrassed!
Also, when I was a little older, I once said a male news anchor on TV was “pretty”. That was more embarrassing for me, though. :P
oh you guys, these are marvelous
My son was asked by his plyschool teacher to tell her my name. He said mommy. She said no what does daddy call mommy? he looked at me [8 mos pregnant] and he said ,“fat?”
@DominicX Wow that second one. Cough! Cough!
Nah, just messing with you. I had a neighbors child who use to watch tv with his mom and watch shows like montel with her. He always would ignore when they had models but one day they had transvestites and he kept talking about how they were the prettiest women he ever saw. Needless to say this worried his mom. Especially when she explained they were men and he still thought they were pretty. :))
@Pandora My mom uses that as evidence for possible early signs of my homosexuality. That and the Easy-Bake oven thing… :P
Proof that words can be used against you at any age. LOL
I actually got another one. One day in the grocery store (what is it with kids and grocery stores? ) My daughter was sitting in the cart and noticed my nipple was cold so she decided to reach out and tweak it. (And let me say kid are not gentle) Well I wanted so badly to kill her. I mean the pain was so bad, I saw colors. I told her to never hurt mommys titi’s ever again or she would be spanked.
Weeks go by and we are in the pediatricians office for her physical. I’m talking to the doctor and she reaches into my shirt pocket that is on my breast. I quickly pull her hand away and she says , ” It ok mommy, I no hurt your titi” I think the doctor and I both wore the same lovely shade of red.
Well guys, off to bed I go. Please continue on. I look forward to more amusing stories and it certainly will make my day. Thank you all for sharing your fun stories. I just absolutely love it!
My kid likes to call people “old man” or “old lady”, it doesn’t matter how old the person is.
Then there was the time his dad let him play Grand Theft Auto, and I spent the next week trying to explain why it’s not cool to talk about killing cops.
I remember grocery shopping with my mother and lilttle brother when he was just a toddler. We lived in a very small town that consisted mostly of white farmers. So when my little brother pointed and loudly yelled “Mommy…why is that man black?!” I can’t say I was overly surprised. Just very embarassed! My mom quickly pushed the cart faster and put her head down in shame. Yikes.
My daughter asked an old man why he walks slowly:) Yey pan:)
@cheebdragon LOL, that definetly would not be cool.
@Sir_Mikey (Pan shakes her head) Mikey, Mikey, Mikey, You know she gets that from you. LOL
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