General Question

zookeeny's avatar

What do you do when you are so stressed you feel like you are about to explode!

Asked by zookeeny (894points) December 15th, 2009

I have had one of those days where ‘red tape’ and silly stupid petty rules and procedures have tripped me up at every turn. Having annoying knock on effects like overwithdrawl bank fees caused by the womens petty behaviour etc I wont go into the boring details but I was livid. Stupid people trying to make simple things extra hard for no reason except to increase the depth and dynamic of their otherwise dull jobs. I basically spent the whole day sorting it out.

How do you relax and let go of a bad day?

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42 Answers

Only138's avatar

Drink a beer and have a smoke.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Exercise until you drop.

Only138's avatar

Wow, there’s 2 answers on the opposite ends of the spectrum. LOL

YARNLADY's avatar

I put on my walking shoes and walk my dog.

Berserker's avatar

I get drunk.

No good advice, but it’s the only thing that I found that works, unfortunately.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Thank my lucky stars it’s over. Listen to loud angry music. Sing along if no one’s home. Call someone and tell them how horrible it was .(oh, wait, you just did that one! ;-))

ragingloli's avatar

I explode! into a towel

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

One thing that always helps me is doing a hardcore workout.

jonsblond's avatar

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Not saying it is the best thing to do, but sometimes it helps. =)

shego's avatar

When I get to the point of exploding I find a quiet spot away from everybody and I take my teddy bear and cry my stress away then I have some chocolate

Corporate_Avenger's avatar

“I do not blow the coke,
I only smoke

lillycoyote's avatar

I either take a valium, my preferred method, it’s just that simple… or I walk it off. I put on my sneakers and walk around the neighborhood at good clip until I’ve worked it all, or most of it, out or off.

Zen_Again's avatar

I simply explode. Doesn’t everyone?

faye's avatar

@Zen_Again you know Canadians just carry on…and on… on….

lillycoyote's avatar

Addendum to my previous answer: I think it helps to figure out exactly how your anxiety and stress manifests itself. For me, while there is definitely a mental component, anxiety and stress very much manifests physically, in my body. My muscles tighten up, as you said, I feel like I’m going to explode and I do a lot of pacing. I had a doctor once who was unwilling to prescribe tranquilizers for me but offered to lend me some relaxation tapes and I basically told him to forget it. That if that was all he could offer, I would walk it off because when I’m stressed out and anxious I can’t sit still long enough to listen to relaxation tapes… but they certainly do work for some people.

faye's avatar

Just do one thing, then there will be one more, and soon you will have finished what ever it is.

JustPlainBarb's avatar

I take a very long, brisk walk. It’s preferable to go with someone and just try to forget about things and be silly!!!

lillycoyote's avatar

Addendum 2: I just noticed, having not entirely read your question before, that you seem to be blaming some woman (the womans) and her “petty behavior” for some of your problems. That is stressing me out. I’m going to have to take a brisk walk now, either that or smack you in the head, and I’d rather not do that. Mellow, mellow, mellow… take a deep breath… it’s just not worth it…

anoop66's avatar

Listening to music at full blast, espacially Marilyn Manson

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

For me the first step is to get as far away from other people as possible. Then I “blow it out” with strenuous exercise to the point of exhaustion, usually involving shouting and hitting something. Sometimes I go out back and start blasting targets, short-range rapid-fire stuff like blowing away chunks of firewood with a shotgun or large caliber handgun. After sessions like this, a hot shower and sleep. One of these two “therapies” will usually put my head on straight again. Note: I live in a remote area and the gunplay poses no threat to anyone. If these don’t work, the fallback is Valium and/or alcohol.

Confuscious's avatar

I usually do nothing. I go on with my daily routine. If I wait long enough the feeling of wanting to explode will pass.

mellow_girl's avatar

When i feel like that i go to the beach, it calms better than anything else, even if it’s two or three in the morning, even if i’m by myself. It’s the feel of the damp sand beneath my feet, the sound of the waves and seagulls and the salty smell of the air; nothing’s better than that in the world, at least for me…

faye's avatar

Soooooooo jealous of the waves!!!!

mattbrowne's avatar

Long-term strategy: build emotional firewalls.

Short-term strategy: intense exercise.

HasntBeen's avatar

lmao @lillycoyote !

Exercise is helpful to me (playing basketball, mainly). But the really indispensable stress relief is meditation. My life has been very stressful over the last couple of years, without that practice I think I would have probably blown all my gaskets.

Medlang's avatar

i usually just give in and explode….

answerjill's avatar

Take a warm bath with nice-smelling bath products.

wundayatta's avatar

I think I’ll find out soon.

nebule's avatar

hit the pillow

UScitizen's avatar

I stop talking to the dumb ass in the next cube.

ubersiren's avatar

Sleep. It’s my general defense mechanism.

Jude's avatar

Punch a pillow (I try to stay away from the dry wall :)), go for a run, yell out a string of obscenities, clean as though I were MACHINE. Eat Nutella by the tablespoonful.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

Is Nutella good??? I have never tried it.

Jude's avatar

@King_of_Sexytown it’s hazelnut/chocolately goodness. You should give it a try. :)

LeopardGecko's avatar

Go to the gym, lift some heavy weights until you’re completely drenched in sweat.

Shemarq's avatar

Go for a walk, get away, close my office door . . . it depends where I am, but either way I just need to get away by myself for a little while, then I’m fine.

talljasperman's avatar

I skipped school or ask for the day off and get a doctor to give you a time off doctors note.

scarecrowandtinman's avatar

Listen to music. When my car worked. Go for a drive in the middle of nowhere and put the windows up and yell. Drink and kvetch with my friends.

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