Social Question

Sorceren's avatar

Would you work for free on a project that you knew could save the world?

Asked by Sorceren (674points) December 16th, 2009

If you have gifts—like math or mechanics or engineering or chemistry, English, grant-writing, whatever—would you volunteer them free for a project that stood an excellent chance of, say, wiping out half the world’s need for oil or producing very nearly free energy?

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15 Answers

syz's avatar

Of course. Why wouldn’t I? Why wouldn’t anyone?

gemiwing's avatar

I’d be honored. I might ask for free coffee or a sandwich once every now and then though.

randomness's avatar

Yep. Of course.

belakyre's avatar

If I was offered that, I would feel like I was the most important person on this planet. I mean, saving the world! Not only am I doing something back to the earth for all it has provided, but would also cut back costs (due to oil) by a huge margin? Why of course I’d do it for free! (Food and drink factors are of course, exempted from my previous sentence.)

Cruiser's avatar

No! Only because a project that significant and of that magnitude would surely be worth gazillions of dollars in revenue generated by that development and I would like a piece of that action if my talents would further that goal.

Now if it was something like stopping a terrorist from detonating a nuke in my home town or steering a missile to stop a meteor from obliterating my world…*HECK YEAH!!!

belakyre's avatar

@Cruiser, you’ve changed my mind. My price: A lifetime’s worth of cash!

By the way, I intend to spend in my life…and when I mean spend, I mean spend!

smashbox's avatar

If,I win the Nobel Peace Prize for it, can I accept that?

I want recognition, somehow, someway, even some money under the table, would be nice.

Cruiser's avatar

@belakyre You work cheap! Let me negotiate your contract!!

belakyre's avatar

@Cruiser Depends what you want to negotiate!

Cruiser's avatar

My fee is 10% that alone would be a lifetime’s worth of cash in a deal that would wean the world from dependency on oil!! Trust me when I say you’d be set!!

janbb's avatar

Yes – in a heartbeat as long as I had enough money elsewhere for the basic necessities.

Jewel's avatar

Sure. I work for free on much less important projects.

CMaz's avatar

“could save the world?”

If it WOULD I am all in.

COULD, most of us are already doing that.

ubersiren's avatar

For sure!

thriftymaid's avatar

Yes, unless there was a moral conflict.

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