@pdworkin that is correct, as the “spectrum” is broad-based, and is characterized by many factors, including genetics. As ASD has such a broad spectrum, the combination of factors the diagnosis comes from identification of one or more factors in concert; I’m sure this group is aware of them, but for laypersons, there are several (I may not be listing them all either-there are a couple dozen):
-Genetic markers/predispositions (for example, the inability to flush/excrete toxins, esp. heavy metals, for example, the Mercury (Thimerasol) that is a preservative in vaccinations);
-Diet/Allergies (intolerance to lactose, glutens, proteins, etc.);
-“Leaky Gut” syndrome/digestive issues related to allergies/intolerance;
-Other metabolic issues (e.g. cellular disorders that cause oxidative stress, Methylation imbalances, etc.);
-Blood-brain barrier trauma (viral infections, exposure to certain viruses via pediatric vaccinations like Measles);
It’s the very thing that causes the “spectrum” and why most identify ASD with the icon of a “jigsaw puzzle”-it’s a very complex set of circumstances, which produce very specific and unique symptoms-some treatable, some curable, others that need to be accommodated for in making life adjustments, and cognitive and behavioral therapies to mitigate the social and behavioral effects of the disorders.
The thing that pisses me off most about this is not the circumstances, but the unwillingness for our government, big Pharma, and the medical industry to acknowledge the truths and facts for what they are and to treat this like any other medical epidemic.
When the parent knows more than the pediatrician, when therapies are being cut from regional services like SELPA because some bureauocrats don’t believe in their efficacy, that’s what starts to push my buttons.