What are some of the best ways in dealing with rejection or a breakup?
Asked by
cornbird (
December 16th, 2009
We all have different ways in dealing with a breakup and dealing with rejection from someone we really like. I am interested in finding out some ways in which different people deal with these issues. Also what are some of the worst breakups that you have ever experienced?
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26 Answers
i prefer to accept the grief process is normal and let myself go through the stages till healed, then i start dating again with a more iced heart.
I go out and party, and try to find someone new to make me forget. This is the best I can deal with this particular problem. There are over 300 million people in the U.S. and being stuck on one human being is just asinine.
A thorough purging of any and all items relating to that ex is the beginning of the healing process, a nice bonfire of love letters usually will follow.
My worst was my first marriage and knew it was really over when she maced me. That was super not fun.
@cruiser lol i like cutting up mine in the shredder and then dumping the crap in the trash.
Immerse yourself in some self-development project, such as courses of instruction, strenuous physical exercise, etc.
Obsess and torture yourself. Worry about obsessing and torturing yourself. Repeat as needed.
I think I’ve mentioned that I broke up with one of my Ex’s on valentine’s day a few times here on fluther. It might seem harsh, but I thought I was in love with her for a long time, but toward the end of our relationship she was straight up crazy.
Yea, yea, you’re probably thinking, “What you couldn’t handle her bitching about you playing video games?” No, she was f*cking crazy! I remember one night….
I had just gotten off of work and came home (yes, we lived together) and just wanted to sleep, because I was exhausted. At some point during the night she decided she wanted to dump a thing of lotion all over me while I slept. Of course I woke up pissed. I cussed and scorned while she complained about not “getting any” even though she gave no clue nor a lead that she wanted to have sex when I got home. In fact I thought she was already asleep. Anyways, I ended up going out into the living to sleep on the couch, because all I wanted was to sleep. Minutes later she follows me with a leather studded belt and proceeds to beat me with it. Afraid of fighting back due to the man never being believed if the authorities happen to get involved I flee. Not only was it quite painful, but it went on for hours of her chasing me around the parking lot, until I eventually got fed up and took a few slashes to get in close and remove her weapon. She resorted to fists and I pushed her to the ground. Then she ran inside and locked the door. I slept in my car, lol.
This of course was not the night I broke up with her. That Valentines day I really wanted to do something special for her, but she was being a complete bitch that day. That night I recall us getting into an argument of something trivial and her threatening to kill herself and all that mess. So she’s screaming and throwing shit and I’m just thinking, “Please let a neighbor hear this and call the cops.” For some reason she got in the shower and destroyed everything in the bathroom and I mean everything. She even managed to break the bathtub. A feat that still baffles me. During this very audible event I stood in the door way of the apt waiting for cops to show up, but they never did. Then, there was silence….....
She walked into the bedroom got dressed and then told me, “I feel better now. I’m gonna go to walmart for some tuna helper. I’ll be back.” She left..
I packed some clothes and hopped in my car and didn’t talk to her for over a year.
@Axemusica Wow….just…..wooooow….I always hear about these crazy people, and just hope that I never run into one one day….I’m sorry to hear that. Though the belt part is kind of funny, and how she just transforms like nothing happened, not that I’m laughing at you, just the situation is funny.
@Blackberry yea the belt part was quite a shocking surprise and the next day I threw it out when she wasn’t around. I look back think, “WTF??” but at that time it was hell.
@Axemusica Did you ever try to get her help? Or urge her to go see a psychiatrist?
@daloon She was going off and on. she’s better now. We’re actually good friends now, but a relationship? never again! Not only the physical beats were the problem, mental abuse, and being very promiscuous. Don’t ask why I was with her, I have trouble asking myself the same question.
@Axemusica What was her diagnosis? A lot of her behavior was probably due to her disorder. Not that you would know that. But I’m glad you are friends, at least. As you can tell, I have a lot of sympathy for the mentally ill.
@daloon I knew about her illnesses and tried urging her to take her meds, but she never did. Extreme Bi-Polar, manic depressive and I think something else, but I can’t recall. I think her maturity level had a lot to do with it, because now she doesn’t take much of her meds anymore and she seems, fine, but I’ve haven’t seen her in years. Just talk to her every once in a while.
Introspection – self-examination – leading to growth.
@Axemusica Just so you know, promiscuity, delusions, paranoia, impulsiveness, even hllucinations are all symptoms of bipolar (same thing as manic-depression). Many of us don’t like to take meds because it makes us feel stupider and not like ourselves.
@ Daloon, they are symptoms of other disorders, not just bipolar
@Poopy Sure, but his girlfriend was diagnosed as bipolar, not schizophrenic or something else.
@ Daloon because of similar characteristics (many) doctors refuse to believe patients have more than one ; therefore it goes untreated.
@icy Fires are so much prettier and cleanses the soul better than the trash can! ;)
@Poopy ‘Tis true. But I’m not sure how much it matters since the docs all seem to be throwing random shit at it to see what works.
@daloon that’s why I have never gone in to be looked at. I don’t want to be a guinea pig.
When I was young, this sort of thing was devastating, because I didn’t have enough experience to know that I would actually recover from it eventually.When other people tried to tell me it would pass, I didn’t believe them.
I think the most helpful person was my aunt, because she asked me leading questions about how I felt and let me sit in her kitchen for hours on end feeling sorry for myself until I got over it.
When I got older, I found that a good counselor was a lot like that.
@Cruiser you just like to keep things hot ! :P
The best way to get over someone is to get under someone.
@Zen_Again GA. That might be my favorite answer ever!
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