Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Exactly, how safe are Fire Safe Cigarettes(FSC)?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) December 16th, 2009

January 1, 2010, Tennessee goes to FSC. i know the reasoning behind the idea of cigarette papers that extinguish themselves within a few minutes, if left unattended. the idea is great for safety, but what additional chemicals are now in the cigarette papers, that will cause further harm to humans? i know, i need to stop smoking. since that is not going to happen, just how safe are Fire Safe Cigarettes?

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10 Answers

Lua_cara's avatar

Check this link out. You may just find all your answers here.

grumpyfish's avatar

You’re worried about the safety of the chemicals in the FSC? =)

Deck chairs, Titanic…

Jacket's avatar

I don’t know but I suspect it’s not added chemicals as much as lack of them. Tobacco don’t burn well naturrally. Cigars and pipes die out if unattended. Cigarettes have added chemicals so they won’t extinguish themselves. I suspect they just removed those.

tyrantxseries's avatar

I hope the new chemicals in the paper don’t cause cancer…I’d hate to get cancer from smoking these new cigarettes lol

We have those in Canada and they work well, as per what’s in them and how it can affect my “health”, I don’t really care.

@Jacket here they added something, you can see it if you put a cigarette under a “black light”.

NadaNormal's avatar

LOL!!!! just giggling at the thought of a “Safe” cigarette, only safe one is left behind at the store

CMaz's avatar

They are very dangerous!

They keep going out and you have to keep re-lighting.
It is a real distraction when you are driving.

ragingloli's avatar

They still give you lung cancer and possibly Lupus, so no, not “safe” at all.

fsclawrepeal's avatar

Fire safe cigarettes are actually very dangerous. The laws were passed state by state using deception and misinformation. Fires have increased for smokers in New York, the first state to pass the law. Fire safe cigarettes also greatly increase the health risks for smokers.

For more information, see:

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