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Why am I obessed with an image?
I have built my home from the bottom up. It is 27 rooms. It takes me 4 hours a day to clean it and about 9–12 once a week to deep clean it. I cannot leave anything unmade, out of place or out of order. I dry all my sinks, showers and tubs. Sweep the carpet so the nape is one way. everything has to be “just right” everyday, all day. If it isn’t I get anxious about it. I cannot relax until it is just right.
I recently developed an illness RSD where I cannot keep the house the way I want to, so I hired a maid. I know it is silly! In my head I know this, because it is clean, but it is not in order to fit the image.
I didn’t use to be this way. It is not cleaning that I am obsessed with, it is this image I have in my head of what my house should look like. I have ever since I started building it I hate the cleaning. I know this because my mother asked me to clean her house for her and I said no, the idea turned me off. My car is not this way. It is clean but not like my house.
Can someone please tell me is OCD something that can be developed like this? My daughter tells me all the time I am OCD, but she is a teenager and I just think she may be teasing. How can I be so obsessive about a house? Nothing else, just my house?
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