General Question

barnaud777's avatar

Do you think innovation is an outdated concept?

Asked by barnaud777 (10points) December 16th, 2009
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10 Answers

UScitizen's avatar

Of course not. However, I see innovation routinely discouraged by an antiquated bureaucracy which rarely rewards “colorful” thinking.

CorwinofAmber's avatar

Not sure what you mean by “outdated”. Humans are terrific at innovation and adaptability; well, in terms of technology anyway. We are always playing “catch up” with societal maturity. Quality academic institutions ought to encourage innovation and reward creativity/critical thinking. Governments the business sector (non-profits too) should champion innovation; it’s what makes us human; especially when it benefits humanity. ;)

syz's avatar

Heavens, no. The pace of technological change alone is astounding.

CMaz's avatar

Well, it is better then constipation.

JustPlainBarb's avatar

Now this is an interesting question. I can’t imagine innovation being an outdated concept because it means, “something newly introduced”. I can’t imagine there never being anything new to introduce… at least I hope not. What would we have instead…. outovation????

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Totally. We have a brand, spankin’ new process that beats innovation all to hell and gone. Oh, wait a minute…

Never mind.~

OnaBoat's avatar

In the literal sense or in the business magazine buzzword sense? In the literal sense, no. In the business magazine buzzword sense, the term may be getting a little old.

nisse's avatar

What? No?

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