General Question

desiree333's avatar

What channel/station can I watch Glee in Canada?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) December 16th, 2009

I live in Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada. I love the show Glee and I have no idea what channel to look for it on. Also what day and what time does every new episode come out? I only have basic Shaw cable so does anybody know if I can even get it on my TV and what channel?

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6 Answers

gggritso's avatar

Well, I’m pretty sure that the show airs on Global. In fact, you can watch the entire episodes online here.

desiree333's avatar

@gggritso thanks, I just wanted to be able to watch it on TV so that I see it when it first airs and not when they upload it to the site. And theres only like 3 episodes so who knows if they will even put up the new episodes.

gggritso's avatar

Well, the fact that they put it on the website just means that it airs on that channel at some point. Also, I’m not sure what the delay is, but GlobalTV usually uploads the episodes pretty quickly. There are only three episodes online because they don’t keep the old ones.

desiree333's avatar

@gggritso ohh okay, its just all my friends watch it now and the next day they’re all “did you see glee, it was so good!” then they spoil it for me, and if they dont I feel all left out because I have no idea what they’re talking about. I just want to see it when it airs! :P

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desiree333's avatar

@buenz I’ll try that. Can you please send me to a link of their website because I googled Ant and I’m not sure what is the website. On I found some but there were only the last two episodes or something. Plus, I’m pretty sure you can buy the season now anyways.

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