What do you think the perfect person would look like.. male and female?
I guess I should also say not the “perfect person” but the perfect person for you. Their characteristics and qualities that make them amazing in your eyes.
And and optional part two:
Will perfection to your standards ever be met by someone?
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12 Answers
A deep soul, personality, substance, conversation, maturity, and life experience.
Everything else is secondary to me…my friends used to laugh at me for dating my last boyfriend, who was 250+ pounds with little hair and old pox scars on his face. But he was the most beautiful person inside and that’s why I loved him and came to see the beauty in all his “imperfections”. It was a real learning experience for me and I grew so much. Even though we’re broken up now, he’ll always be a part of my life. He’s a dear friend.
My perfect woman would be 5’7 and 200 pounds with large breasts and a huge butt and hips : ) She would be smarter than me of course, very science oriented and goal driven. We could burp and fart in front of each other and laugh our asses off about it. She would never get jealous and trust me so much that I wouldn’t even feel the need to be rebellious and cheat, but she’s not out there so it doesn’t matter D:
Honestly, they’d look a lot like my current boyfriend. I’ve liked him for over 6 years and in all those years, I still haven’t met anyone who matches up to him. It kinda sucks in some ways. (That scary part is that some people think we look alike). He’s just everything I like, appearance and non-appearance wise. Appearance wise he’s adorable, he has big eyes, he’s pretty thin, 5’7”, but not shrimpy, he’s athletic, he has short hair, and a cute smile. Non-appearance wise he’s extremely nice, he never says anything bad about anyone, he’s clever, funny, positive, and just a pleasant person to be around. Part of the reason why I am pretty unwilling to give him up, despite the fact that we go to college 200 miles apart. I am actually just about to go hang out with him in about 15 minutes.
@jackm I agree. Ryan Reynolds is hot. :)
I usually like it better when people have some imperfections, because they can be really endearing. But I think Natalie Portman is perfection in female form. She’s gorgeous.
The perfect person, if she were a female she would look just like me. If presented as a man, he would look like me, but with a kickstand, handlebar mustaches and one good man-boob.
I don’t believe in perfection but I have personal ideals, not even preference just and ideal cheesecake woman and man.
Black hair
Clear pale skin
5“8— 6ft
Slim build
Longer legs than body
Larger breasts/slim hips
Green or Black eyes
Red Hair or Black Hair
Pale skin with freckles
Full build (not slim)
Wider chest than hips
Muscular hips/butt
Green/Blue eyes
Clean shaven
Male: Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds
Female: Rachel McAdams, Natalie Portman
male…5’8”, 165 pounds maybe? 170? thin but strong and not scraggly. nice arms. snuggable chest. nice teeth but not perfect and not overly white. stubble. dark hair. interesting eyes – i have no preference for color as long as they’re bright and lively. i like olive-ish skin. big sideburns, a genuine smile. medium-full sized lips. shorter hair but not too short. just the right length to pet and play with for hours :D. like i said…slender but not weak. cute butt and nice calves. FOUND HIM.
female…5’4”...125 pounds, dark hair, medium skin, dark eyes, nice eyebrows, proportions matter so medium boobs and a nice butt and decent hips, muscular legs. shapely arms. i have a thing for arms. i always notice them. i like glasses on girls. long hair, long eyelashes. nice teeth, again not too white or perfect though. that looks fake. and full lips please.
haha okay im done
thanks for all the answers.
Its so interesting to see everyone’s taste in appearance
I think the perfect person for you must have the three “C’s:
1. compatibility
2. cute: I do think physical attraction is important
3. common sense: I think there are lots of people who have unrealistic expectations of what they can get, I mean sure lots of people want a celebrity look alike, but do you also look extremely hot?
otherwise, i think the rugged ones who some sex appeal for man, and for girls I like latin chicks who are super hot and warm.
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