Social Question

ucme's avatar

Have you won anything lately?

Asked by ucme (50052points) December 17th, 2009

A prize or a bet are you generally lucky like that?

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22 Answers

Tom47's avatar

Yeah! I won the Friday “payday dollar pool” at work last Friday on my shift. $36 bucks! Second time I ever won it. I am now $5 bucks ahead…(lol)

Alrook's avatar

I went to a casino with 20$ and left with 25 times that amount ^_^

Gossamer's avatar

I won a zoo york hoodie from entering codes on mountain dew bottle caps just got it yesterday

The_Anonymous_Witch's avatar

i just won the perfecto-fish award… although i have no idea how , or what i did ... any flutherites wanna pm me if they know . .... you probably remember how much it bugged you ;-)

ucme's avatar

@ These “awards” are so fuckin lame!

belakyre's avatar

I won my friend’s respect when I stood up for her, does that count?

ucme's avatar

@belakyre Respect pays higher than any material gain so of course it counts!

Haleth's avatar

@ucme Fluther is more about just the questions and answers than awards. The awards here just pop up sometimes, like easter eggs in a video game. Getting online awards doesn’t really get you anywhere, but you can get some good advice here.

I haven’t won anything recently, but my grandmother sneakily baked me some cookies while I was studying and left me a really nice note with them. Aw…

ucme's avatar

@Haleth I could care less about awards merely pointed out that on here they are particularly pathetic that’s all

Tom47's avatar

Better than the old AB. It got to be a points war there and the trolls were always out in force.

ucme's avatar

@Tom47 the points whores where many in number but little in intellect

Tom47's avatar

Also agreed.

Haleth's avatar

@ucme If you don’t care, then why would it matter enough to be worth pointing out? From this and your other question, you seem to be just bashing Fluther without trying to learn about it. Most ABers have said in discussions here that part of being on AB was about always being on the defensive and competing for status. It’s not necessary to have that attitude here because people are generally welcoming and helpful.

ucme's avatar

You are reading way too much into a fleeting remark. I have no attitude with this or any other such site. It is you who are on the defensive. You’re over reacting at the notion that the bloody silly fishy awards should be remarked upon. Bit futile at such a trivial comment.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Yes. I won twice at a raffle one month ago ($50 GC for a restaurant and a bottle of 2007 Pouilly Fuissé), and once at another raffle two months ago (a book).

MissAnthrope's avatar

I won 4 passes to the Pittsburgh zoo (including parking) and a $25 gift certificate to IHOP in Uniontown, PA. I was a little bummed because I’d already gone to the zoo and had a backstage VIP tour with one of my classes. I was like 3 feet from a tiger, no kidding.. how do you top that? Seeing as I’m leaving the east coast hopefully tomorrow, I traded these for $60 in Cheddar’s gift certificates. Then gave $30 of it to my roommate for doing me a solid and lending me his car yesterday.

knitfroggy's avatar

I won $25 on a lottery ticket a couple weeks ago.

sliceswiththings's avatar

I won the heart of a great guy:)

bandit77's avatar

i won the best costume award at my friends halloween party last month i was dressed as a 80’s poser rock star

Tom47's avatar

Oh, I forgot! I won the Irish Lottery again! They only need me to send my bank account number to send the money…(lol!). That is really amazing…since I did not even enter the lottery. Oh, and a long lost relative died in Zimbabwe, leaving me a fortune. They also need my bank account number.

SABOTEUR's avatar

I won a free cruise for two.

I turned it down because I can’t afford to travel to Florida where the ship departs. And I refused to prepay a fee of some sort to reserve space.

“You have a whole year to make arrangements.”

Some guy called me…on my cell phone, mind you…and berated me for my decision. Seems I’m the only recipient of this prize to turn it down.

“I don’t know where you’ll get the money. Do you expect me to pack your wife’s bag and drive you to Florida too?”

Asshole expects me to take his verbal abuse on my prepaid minutes.
(The nerve of some people.)


Tom47's avatar

I am always “winning” free things in Branson, Mo., where I have actually been and enjoyed very much,...but I certainly can’t go five or six times a year! Surely, they must realize this. And I am not even retired yet. You just get your name in the loop and they keep bumping on you. I understand, it is just a little gal making some money for school, etc., but they should know to take certain names off the list to be called. Common sense.

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