Meta Question

Pandora's avatar

What is a GA?

Asked by Pandora (32456points) December 17th, 2009

I was looking at where the list of awards has discriptions and I was wondering what the initials GA and OP mean? I looked around and could not find what it meant. Can someone please tell me?
I’m thinking OP may mean operator but I may be wrong.

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17 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

Great Answer and Original Post/Poster.

Pandora's avatar

@johnpowell Thanks! Now some things make sense. LOL

flameboi's avatar


Cotton101's avatar

Good morning MsP…looks like John answered your question!

Pandora's avatar

Morning Cotton. I never would’ve guessed either of those. LOL

Cotton101's avatar

Have a good one MsP!

Pandora's avatar

You too Cotton. :)

UScitizen's avatar

General Aviation

AstroChuck's avatar

Great ass! And I thank you for the compliment.

Pandora's avatar

@AstroChuck I think they were talking about your donkeyor just calling you names.
Do you have a donkey?

SirGoofy's avatar

Postal abbreviation for the State of Georgia.

AstroChuck's avatar

@Pandora- Sadly, no. :-(

Pandora's avatar

Awwwww. Sorry to hear. : (

HumourMe's avatar

Gamblers Anonymous?

Pandora's avatar

@HumourMe Hmmmmm! Nope, I’m pretty sure thats not it. :)
Bye the way, your sponsor is looking for you. LOL

Sir_Mikey's avatar

Giant Ass. Thanks Pandy:)

Pandora's avatar

@Sir_Mikey (o.0) :’( How could you Mikey?
I mean I’m working on ITTTTTT!
(Pandy turns to look in the mirror and runs out crying.)

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