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MrItty's avatar

Have any recent movies been good enough to see more than once in the theatre?

Asked by MrItty (17431points) December 17th, 2009

I went and saw Disney’s new Princess and the Frog last Friday. Then yesterday I bought some sounds off the soundtrack. After listening to them yesterday and this morning, I’m rather strongly considering going to see it again this weekend.

How about you? Have you ever seen a movie in the theatre more than once? Which ones? Or is there no movie that can be good enough to justify 2x the outrageous ticket prices?

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32 Answers

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I saw the movie Fantastic Mr. Fox twice in the theater, and would highly recommend it.

filmfann's avatar

With most movies coming on DVD after 6 months, I don’t go to the same movie twice very often.
That said, I did that last with The Dark Knight, and before that, O Brother Where Art Thou.

pearls's avatar

Since I only take my grandchildren to the movie theaters, I would have to say no.

_Jade_'s avatar

As far as I am concerned there has not been a movie made that was worth seeing in a theater ONCE. I hate going to the theater…after paying for over priced tickets, over priced drinks, over priced snacks…nine times out of ten, you spend the entire time asking kids to please be quite so you can hear at least some of what’s being said on screen. I wait for the DVD.

Vunessuh's avatar

I saw Inglourious Basterds 3 times in theatres. I haven’t seen a movie more than once in a movie theatre since I was 12 and obsessed with that dolphin movie Flipper.
My, has my taste in films changed.

Ghost_in_the_system's avatar

The last movie I seen in a theatre was Enchanted. As entertaining as it was, I couldn’t imagine paying eight bucks to see it again without the dvd to put back in its case because I bought a copy.

Dezimae's avatar

well, im not gonna say im obsessive okay maybe i am but i went and saw the last Harry Potter movie like 3 or 4 times. other than that there isnt one that i have gone back to the theater to watch.

dphhaas's avatar

my wife and i love to go to the movies, and while we don’t really see the same movies twice in theaters for monetary reasons, i agree with filmfann. if we could have we would have seen dark knight at least twice in the theater. also i thought zombieland was good enough to see twice in the theater.

erichw1504's avatar

The Dark Knight.

erichw1504's avatar

I knew someone who went to see Twister more than 5 times when it came out in theaters.

Only138's avatar

Zombieland was good enough to see twice.

CMaz's avatar

More than once in the theatre?

It better be good enough to see it once. Needs to have a big screen effect.

jfarmer1978's avatar

2012 has big screen effects in it. The movie isn’t the greatest (I enjoy mayhem and destruction so I loved it). If I had the budget for it, I would see it in the theater again purely for the wonderful big screen end of the world.

Anon_Jihad's avatar

I saw District 9 three times in the theater I believe.

CMaz's avatar

Or was that District 3 nine times?

drClaw's avatar

Inglorious Basterds

Anon_Jihad's avatar

@ChazMaz Oh shit! You done gone went and scrambled me brain cells!

CorwinofAmber's avatar

The latest “Star Trek” film I saw twice.

MrBr00ks's avatar

I saw the last Star Trek. The Boondock Saints 2, if you can find it, is worth seeing twice as well.

evegrimm's avatar

I honestly can’t remember the last movie I saw twice in theatres. I did try to talk a friend into seeing QoS twice (instead of Burn After Reading), but she wasn’t having any of it.

When I was much, much younger, I saw The Lion King multiple times in the theatre.

For the most part, I usually have the same friends who go see movies with me, and they rarely want to pay/go see the same movie more than once. We have re-watched the same movies before, though, once out on DVD. (We’ve seen Hellboy 2 a few times.)

dalepetrie's avatar

I don’t think I’ve ever gone to the theater to see a movie more than once, simply because there are always more movies I want to see than I have time and/or money to see in the theater, so about 90% of the movies I would go to see in the theater if I had the time and could afford to, I end up seeing on DVD. At least I have a nice big screen TV now, and a wife who is a librarian and can borrow new movies pretty soon after they come out, plus I have a pretty big DVD collection and a DVR packed with things I’ve been meaning to see, so I’m never going to be enough at a loss for something to see that I’ll need to go to the theater again, no matter how much I enjoyed it. That said, I’d agree that Inglorious Basterds would be a candidate if I were going to go 2x, and I thought the film adaptation of Where the Wild Things are, and Up were two fantastic kid/family movies well worth re-watching this year.

smartfart11's avatar

Where the Wild Things Are! (I have already seen it twice.:))

nunoAfonso's avatar

I just saw Avatar and believe me it´s worth every penny. 2012 is pretty good to so i would go watch it more than once.

filmfann's avatar

@nunoAfonso thanks. Avatar looks awful, but I trust James Cameron (when Cameron was in Egypt-land…Let my Cameron go!!!!).

Jeruba's avatar

Julie and Julia is worth two takes.

MrBr00ks's avatar

@filmfann GA for the Ferris Bueller reference!

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I’m looking forward to picking up The Visitor on DVD one of these days. (I normally buy used DVDs from Blockbuster or pick up the really out of date—and out of favor—ones in the $5 bin at Wal-Mart, so it often takes me a while to collect the ones I really want.) I haven’t seen that one offered at Blockbuster yet. I can’t imagine that I’d ever see it in the $5 bin.

I’ve been wanting that movie since I saw the trailer for it a year or more ago.

To answer your question, though, I haven’t gone to see movies in a theater since On Golden Pond (yeah, I know, that has been a while, hasn’t it?). I’m not counting Death to Smoochie, which I attended at a theater just to sit in the back row and neck with my date. To this day I can’t recall any more than wondering: How did they ever get Robin Williams to allow his name on the credits?

dalepetrie's avatar

@CyanoticWasp – albeit I wasn’t necking with anyone when I watched it on DVD at home, but I was really prepared to dislike Death to Smoochy, and I actually really liked it. It was way darker, way funnier and way more surreal than I ever would have guessed. Of course, when I realized it was written by the guy who wrote the Get a Life TV series, I realized why I liked it so much. You’ve got to have a bit of a strange, dark sense of humor to appreciate it, but if you do, I think you should consider watching it again.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@dalepetrie Thanks. I’ll consider that advice. I was pretty busy necking, after all… and I do like dark humor (even more than dark chocolate, and I adore that stuff). Surreal… sounds too much like a weekday at work, but maybe I’ll give it a whack again someday. (Working or Smoochy, one.)

dalepetrie's avatar

@CyanoticWasp – interesting. I’ve never worked anywhere surreal (but I’ve had more than one job that was abstract).

CyanoticWasp's avatar

As I started to respond, I realized that “surreal” wasn’t a good word to describe some of the folks I work with and their verbalized thoughts. “Unreal” is a better word. And in their case “distracted” rather than “abstract”.

dalepetrie's avatar

@CyanoticWasp – your description of your co-workers reminds me a bit of the recent movie “Extract”.

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