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kruger_d's avatar

How to use extra yolks?

Asked by kruger_d (6663points) December 17th, 2009

I baked a lot of merainges for Christmas and now have two dozen yolks in my freezer. I am looking for recipes that use yolks and not whole eggs. Was thinking about lemon curd, pound cake, and custard ice cream. Any other suggestions? Sweet or savory.

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19 Answers

_Jade_'s avatar

I freeze them for use in recipes.

ChocolateReigns's avatar

Scrambled eggs, maybe? Just make sure to put alot of milk to replace the egg whites that you don’t have any more.

Mavericksjustdoinganotherflyby's avatar

A nice Hollandaise or Bearnaise sauce.

Carbonproduct's avatar

Egg yokes make a great facial mask, just apply, let harden, and rinse. It softens your skin and refreshes your complextion. ;)

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Oh, you were talking about egg yokes. My boss got really, really interested for a minute there.

ubersiren's avatar

Ooh, make extra yolky scrambled eggs! Add a few to your normal mix. Delish. I’m jealous of your surplus of yolks.

SirGoofy's avatar

Use the different yolks for different folks.

Buttonstc's avatar

Creme Brulee. Yum.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Fold them into bread stuffing mix if you’ll be baking any for the holidays.

Blend a few into each fruit smoothie.

Fold into ground meat mixture for meatloaf or stuffed peppers/cabbage leaves, squash, etc.

Use a few of them along with milk for a french toast coating.

Cook them on a flat skillet like an omelet and then cut into strips for adding to salads or sandwiches.

zephyr826's avatar

A lot of crepe recipes use yolks. Stuff them with whatever you like.

AnnieB's avatar

Look at . In the ingredient search, type egg yolks.

MagsRags's avatar

homemade mayonnaise. Yum!

kruger_d's avatar

I did make mayo, and I do have a torch for creme brulee. I think I’ll make some nog tonight. Thanks, everyone!

Val123's avatar

@MagsRags I thought mayo was made just from the whites…?

kruger_d's avatar

Nope, just yolks. Alton Brown has a good recipe.

candide's avatar

use them to make Crema Catalanas -a deliciously sweet and indulging dessert!

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