Would you be more upset over your teen a) coloring their hair or b) getting tattoos.
Asked by
Val123 (
December 17th, 2009
To me the answer is blindingly obvious. Colored hair grows out, or fades out. Tattoos are permanent. However, I was at a function once, and there was this guy there who, as it turned out, worked for the SRS specifically for families and children in crisis. He’d go to their homes and mediate and offer advice or whatever. Well, I was deep into kids too, via teaching AND I had teens, so we struck up a conversation. This very question came up…..I was floored when he was adamantly opposed to the kids coloring their hair, but all for them getting tats and facial piercings! He made some comment that led me to believe he thinks they’re….attractive, some how. And he said something like, “I can NOT believe you’d just let your kids color their hair any color they want!” I was left with my mouth hanging open! I mean…this guy worked with children, for the SRS?
What are your thoughts?
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23 Answers
I agree that my teen getting a tattoo would be much upsetting than any color their hair was dyed. I have a feeling that the guy who was so opposed to hair dying might have had a few tattoos of his own!!
That’s crazy. Hair grows and fades. Tattoos are forever.
I’m just grateful when she eats right, tells me where she’s going and comes home safe and sound. When I was 15 and stuck an earring in my ear by myself it was shocking for my parents and teachers. Everyone rebels.
@ABJustPlainBarb It was just….weird. But what else would you expect from the SRS, I guess.
@JONESGH I know!! It was totally crazy!
@Zen_ Of course the kids rebel. That wasn’t the question.
I am in agreement… haircolor is temporary, tattoos are permanent. In the 2nd and 3rd grade, my son would use the colored goop that you put in the hair with a mascara-like wand. It was his fun rebellion. He started buzzing his hair off around 10, so that hasn’t been an issue since.
At 17, he started planning the tattoo he wanted to get in memory of his father. He found the images and had a well thought out design that I liked. I still told him to wait until he was 18, and research the artist and be sure he really wanted it. But he instead found a place that didn’t check proof of age. Fortunately for him, his came out very close to his design, although it could have been better. The same can not be said for his friend, though; his tattoo was not planned out and looks rather odd, unfortunately for him.
It wouldn’t be the fact that the tattoo was permanent, I’d be very upset that they went to a tattoo parlor that even tattooed a minor…who knows what other corners they cut.
And, obviously, I’d be more upset over the tattoo and wouldn’t care about the hair.
@Val123 Oh I’m sorry – let me answer the question then – a permanent tattoo with potentially dangerous aspects of unlcean needles and infection is far worse than hair dye. From now on I’ll literally answer your questions.
Why would people be upset over dyed hair? That sounds ridiculous to me.
Tattoos.Unless it was a tattoo of my bootprint on their a$$!lol!
wasn’t too happy about my son getting a tattoo, but he just wouldn’t look right with blond hair so i gues i’ll deal with the tat.
C: male ear piercing.
I just saw that being discussed on an episode of Dr. Phil. Their younger son is a rocker and really really wanted a tattoo. Dr. Phil and his wife finally caved, but stipulated ok as long as it was not on any area unable to be covered by a t-shirt. The theory being, if he later wants to apply for a job or be in any situation where a tat would be a disadvantage to him, he would have no problem covering it up. I think that’s a pretty sensible compromise.
But, personally, if it were my kid I would let him go to town on his hair any crazy way he wants since it would be all over in a few months no matter how horrid it looked. Hopefully that would satisfy the rebellious streak till he’s older and can choose a tat tastefully.
@charliecompany34: I wasn’t happy about my son wanting to pierce his ears. I allowed him to do so – Left ear only – at 13 (because that was the age I was allowed to get mine pierced). He got the Right ear done on his own shortly after that by his friend’s sister, and it was poorly aligned. So he let that one close up and then had the Right ear pierced again a few months later. At least piercings can close up. The ear gagues are a different story…
If they want to colour their hair, that’s fine with me. Wanna shave off the sides and make a pink mohawk with heart patterns in it, go ahead.
Want a tattoo? I wouldn’t say they can’t have one, however they would indeed have to listen to me go on about how they better be sure the design is what they want, and I would discourage them from getting the tattoo in a place that’s directly visible, but in the end it’s up to them. And I’m not paying for it. If they really want it, they’ll save up the cash for it, it would be a good way to know if they’re serious about it or not.
Of course it might not work that way, plenty of tattoos are free, but the quality may suffer, and the instruments used may not be professionally looked after like in a professional tattoo parlour…I would hope that telling them about this issue would sink in their heads, too.
If I were a parent, I think my priority in raising my kids would be that they have common sense and know how to anticipate their actions, rather than gripe on their personal choices and looks. (Even though failure is the best teacher, gah.)
I guess this post is pretty much eating its own tail. Good thing I don’t have children.
Getting a tattoo for sure. I mean, they will regret getting it once they’re older for sure. At least dying hair can be changed.
Not to mention the fear of unsanitary needles…
The tattoos, no question. Aside from the permanence of it, it’s illegal for anyone in the UK to tattoo a person under 18.
If I were a mom, I’d get mad about them getting tattoos, not only because it’s permanent, but because they might regret it, and or it might not even mean something to her or him when they are older…hair grows…so even if I hate the color she chooses then it will grow out… :D but there is something about a tattoo that just can’t be taken lightly…but if she convinces me…then maybe…but until she’s 18.
@Zen_ I don’t mind people posting off subject, but I simply didn’t understand why you even made the comment.
I agree with all of you. The individual in question just absolutely floored me with his attitudes!
I’d be more upset over a tattoo. Hair grows out. Tattoos are permanent. (Unless you’re a secret millionaire and can afford the laser removal treatment?) I have dyed my hair so much. But never have I gotten a tattoo. I’m 15 btw. Hope that helped a little..
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