What is something you use to be able to do that you no longer want to do or are incapable of?
Asked by
Vunessuh (
December 17th, 2009
For years when I was in grade school I would ice skate almost every week. Now, because of weak ankles and a bad knee, it’s surprisingly very painful to even try. I haven’t done so in years.
I also use to be able to tolerate a M. Night Shyamalan film before I began cringing and passing them up at the video store.
Oh, and run across my lawn naked without going to jail.
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56 Answers
Handle my liquor (Incapable). I’m cheap drunk, anymore.
I used to be able to tolerate intolerable people. I no longer can or want to.
Oh and I can’t do an armpit fart anymore and I don’t want to cause it hurts my boobies to try.
I can’t seem to eat well any more. My healhy eating habits flew out the window right about the time college started. I eat pizza in all the various forms – pizza bagels, pizza pockets, pizza pies, etc.
I really need to adopt a healthier diet.
read music. i’d rather just play music by ear.
Downhill ski, serve a tennis ball, bend from the waist and lift.
eat tubs of funfetti frosting and still weigh 102lbs (don’t want to and cannot do, but would like to be able to eat as much as i used to be able to), smoke weed everyday and still be a person (don’t care to anymore), work out (it just doesn’t last) ... man this is depressing!!!
If you can no longer tolerate intolerable people doesn’t that make you intolerant?
And aren’t intolerant people quite intolerable?
I won’t be getting any more girls pregnant. At least, according to the test results from about 25 years ago, anyway.
Eat liver and onions. I used to love that meal, but just the thought of it turns me off, these days.
Thank you all for your answers so far.
I used to go poopy in my dipey. I no longer do that!!:)
@Sir_Mikey That’s very good and quite relieving to hear. :)
OMG me too! and I did this as a kid of all things!, i don;t know many kids that are willing to eat liver, but I did. Won’t know, egads!
I use to compose many songs on the keyboard & guitar. Self taught, pretty darn good, now…they sit and collect dust. Same with reading. I haven’t read a book since 2000. I use to read a novel a week and had to belong to a book club because it filled my extreme apetite, but now….forget it, whats on Tivo!
Play tennis. My ankles and knees give me too much trouble now.
Since I’m not as agile as I was when I was 12 years old, I can’t ride a bike as well. I used to LIVE on my bike. 2 years ago, my daughter & I both bought new bikes. We’d been riding & we were coming into our driveway. I came in too fast, hit the crushed rock, & slid under my husband’s PU. It was a bad fall. I was sore for a month. It took the two of them to get me in the house. A man driving past our house saw it happen. He circled the block, came back & asked if I was okay & if he could help in any way. I’ve ridden a couple times since, but it scared me. My bike riding days may be over.
In my teens and 20’s, I could sit thru a triple feature with ease. We had a movie theater in Berkeley that specialized in the trip-feat.
Fistfull of Dollars For a Few Dollars More The Good the Bad and the Ugly. Easy 7 hours.
Goldfinger Thunderball You Only Live Twice. 6 hours minimum.
Enter the Dragon Game of Death Fists of Fury. 6 hours of pure joy!
Now a days, I can hardly sit thru a 2½ hour film. My back hurts too much to stay in one position that long.
@jbfletcherfan I’m sorry. That totally sucks. I know how it feels to stop doing something you love for your own well being. I suppose eventually, everybody reaches that point.
@Vunessuh Thanks. Yes, I hate to give it up, but I think before something happens that I break a bone, for God’s sake, I’d better pass on it. (anyone need a new bike…low miles, LOL)
I gave up bicycling too.
But that’s just because I’m lazy. :D
i used to ice skate and because of a broken ankle, being heavier and not having skated for about 30 years, i would not even try. i would probably break a bone if i tried it now.
running’s getting a lil harder….........
I used to be able to do the splits….....I can kind of do them half way now!
I use to jump out of perfectly good airplanes in flight. I can no longer do that because my last jump almost killed me; I now have about two pounds of metal holding my right leg together, and my right leg is about ½” shorter than my left leg.
@CaptainHarley Ouch! I’m sorry to hear that. I’m just very happy you survived it.
@Vunessuh… LOL! Me too! Seems that’s what I’m best at… surviving! : )
@SeventhSense :
I suppose if being unable/unwilling to eat inedible food makes me inedible I can see your point.
But since it doesn’t I’m going to say that being unable/unwilling to tolerate the intolerable makes me “prudent” and unwilling to eat shit :)
…did somebody call me? ;-)
Cute llittle puuuuuuuppy wuuuuppy…snorkle snorkle
When warranted. I’ll even eat it with humble pie.
Stay up all night
Or for that matter, late at all. In college, I could pull an all-nighter and function just fine the next day. That went out the window about the time I hit thirty.
I used to stay up and work until 2AM and be good the next day. That ended when I was about thirty-five.
Now I’m pushing forty and 9 or 10PM is about the best I can muster.
@cprevite Ha! Wait until you get to 66! By this time, any morning you wake up is a GOOD one! : D
crack my own back – used to clasp my my hands behind my back and stretch outward – no longer works and I suffer
I used to be able to whistle. Somehow I lost that ability…
I used to be able to pole vault. I am now a good 40 lbs away from being able to pull that off.
Thank you everyone. btw, can somebody tell me how to do that ‘regarding your answer’ thing on someone’s profile page? I feel like a dum dum, but I don’t know how.
@YARNLADY – WOW!!!!!! I’ll tell ya, that’d make me rubber neck on the beach. Still have the same great smile to. Can’t tell much else though.
Next to the Flag as you’ll see a pilcrow (paragraph symbol) click it and the link should appear in your browser. Cut and paste and link it.
@SeventhSense Thank you. I finally managed to figure it out. This is the first question I asked, so I’ve never seen that link before because it obviously doesn’t show up when you write an answer to another question. It threw me off. :)
Burn the candle at both ends. I used to me able to work all day and party all night. I no longer have the stamina nor the desire. I have slowed down immensely and I am very happy with the change.
@SeventhSense—Thanks for that word. I’m going to ask a Q based on that in just a minute.
Well where do I start?...I use to Love working but am unable now. Sure puts a damper on your social life. And having less money takes a toll on things too. lol
@Sunshine2u Thanks for your answer and I’d have to agree. Being broke really doesn’t allow you to go out and do much. We’re in the same boat. :/
This is something I want to do but can’t anymore:
Take my rifle to school with me and drop it off at the principal’s office so I could hunt on the way home from school.
Wow. Talk about a cultural divide.
You might as well have just said I miss driving a spaceship with my martian friends.
I remember a few months ago when I had cash in my pocket and could actually go out for a meal.
“Voting” comes to mind.
I can do it, it’s not like I’ve lost the right to, only the desire. I’ve come to the conclusion that “voting only encourages them”, so I avoid it now.
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