Do you think that some people are "meant to be", or is it just random chance?
My S/O and i were having this conversation today. My position is kinda old school, I think :) I think that everyone has that “perfectly imperfect” person for them. Sometimes we find our soulmates, and sometimes we don’t. But I think that there is that one individual who makes an impact, who we love more than all the others, who is “meant” for us to be with, whether that is for five minutes or 50 years. My S/O thinks that there are multiple people for everyone. We don’t have soul mates, and there isn’t such a thing as “meant to be”. Just outta mere curiosity, what do you flutherites think? Do we have one person we are meant for, or lots of people?
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19 Answers
Oh, maybe a flong…a crowd and some groupies would be nice, too.
I personally don’t think people are that unique, so it’s just common that people get together.
In the end it’s just for the sake of procreation anyways, otherwise I don’t see why the origins of marriage is so littered with sorrow and vehemence and defined by divorce today.
You’re hot, I’m hot, let’s fuck then fuck it lol.
I fall firmly in the “meant to be” category.
I usually don’t buy into the whole “soul mate” thing, but, there’s something about my current partner now, I don’t know.. I truly feel that it’s meant to be.
I don’t think anything is random. But, logically, there are a number of people for one person. And, faithfully, two people can be together forever.
If you met my children you would believe me when I said “yes!”. but then I am biased.
It feels like it was meant to be with my husband. Not sure if it was meant to be that way, but I’m not complaining.
I think there is more than one person in the world that could be meant for someone. I don’t believe there’s one and only one soulmate for me. I adapt pretty easily. I never expect someone I’m dating to be perfect for me. As long as they’re fairly close, I meet them halfway.
I think there are multiple people out there for everyone as well. And I also believe, while you can have several soulmates, they can be friends or lovers alike.
To think that out of the 6+ billion people on earth, there is one (and only one) perfect person for you? No. I can’t handle that idea.
I always hoped there was someone I was meant to be with.. but I kinda of feel now it is unrealistic..
I gave up someone who loved me the most because I felt he “wasn’t the one” and that maybe my “meant to be” was still out there…
Turned out I was wrong and I went right back to the one who only did good for me and I hurt him.
So moral of the story. If I think that way I am always looking for something more.. something “Perfect” .. which in reality will never happen
But then again.. Maybe he is my “meant to be”
good question..!
I believe that we do have soulmates and we are ment to find certain people and have them in our lives, be it five minutes or fifty years…
I have been in love a bunch of times in my life and at the time I thought each and every one was my soulmate. : )
So I don’t know, I am not the person I was when I married at 20. He and I grew to be completely different people than we were when we met, so we parted 16 years later.
I have been with my present partner for 11 years and we still like each other. Besides it is so much work to split up, heheh!
Definitely one person you are “meant to be with”, but several out there that you could be happy with. I think there’s only one that you’ll totally “click” with.
What if your soulmate was like, in Istanbul or something… then you’ll never find them! And there may be a language barrier.
It’s a fairy tale idea. I think there’s than one person you can have soulmate-type feelings with.
From a Christian (kind of Calvinist) perspective, I’d say there is a “meant to be” for most people (excluding people who are gifted for singlehood). If you are married, the “meant to be” would your spouse (regardless of how you feel about him/her at any particular moment). “Meant to be” would not be an excuse for infidelity or divorce (“Oh, I was actually ‘meant to be’ with THAT person, not you”), because your spouse is the one. In the rare exceptions of your “meant to be” having an affair or abusing you, you would have the option of divorcing them. This view isn’t for everyone, I’m sure. But, for those who accept it, the question for the unmarried person becomes, “How do I find my ‘meant to be’?”
Lots of people. Very often it’s pure chance who we meet first among all the ‘meant to be’ people.
I am convinced many of my soulmates are out there – friends or partners
My current partner and I are soulmates (I was soulmates with my last partner too)
This is why my partner has written on his FB wall that may shed some light into how he and I think
Teacup, shattered and scattered. pieces of darkness. all bits misinterpreted.. into stars and planets.. and then into people and souls. but they’re just bits of my teacup. shattered and scattered. And swept into the dust bin.
I think there are many people out there that would be perfect for us, I think we just stop looking when we find the first perfect one for us.
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