Do you guys have trouble with your questions?
Asked by
Tomfafa (
December 17th, 2009
I asked 5 questions… but only one got thru… am I the only one… or am I just too goofy for the lofty fluther standards?
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59 Answers
Yes. I was told my question sucked :(
Why were your questions pulled (what did the mods say)?
That’s one of the things I don’t like about this site——it’s so damn picky about the questions you post. My last question was deemed “too simple”. I’m sure if I made it a little more complex, it would have been rejected as being “too complicated”! Sigh!
Be more specific in what you’re asking and you should have no trouble what so ever.
If you ask something and then trail off elsewhere in the questions details, people may not really understand what you’re trying to ask.
EX: Question What is your favorite thing to do on your day off?
Details I like to go out with my friends to bars and have a good time. Do you visit bars often? Which kind of bars do you like the most?
In that example, the question was actually “What is your favorite thing to do on your day off” however in the details, it seemed more like the person wanted to know about bars that you like. Try to stay on one topic.
Also try not to ask something that has been asked within a few weeks. It may get modded due to being a “duplicate” question.
My only probalem is I’m unable to ask questions at all! I don’t know if it’s a glitch, or what!
@danbambam I can’t imagine the mods would really phrase it that way…
So far so good… I have asked two and they did not need any editing.
I am sure that I am going to ask something that needs editing but, well, c’est la vie.
No poll questions. You gotta be intellimegent.
My q got modded too but I admit I jumped right in without reading the guidelines
@Tomfafa: Did you get a message at the top of your home screen saying “You have a question that needs editing” each time they disappeared?
If you did, then they were pushed to moderation. If not, it sounds like you have a glitch.
One of the other biggest reasons questions get modded (afaik) is when they feature several grammatical mistakes (especially in the question itself, more than the details)
I’ve only asked one. Thank goodness it wasn’t sent back. Will probably happen to me too at some stage.
I haven’t had any issues. Then again, I’m not the type to ask a lot of questions and those that I do ask tend to be the sort of thing where I am glad that I have the chance to expand on them without a small character limit like some other sites have.
Of course, that means that the questions that are asked here are expected to be more intricate and well thought out than some other places. A simple stream-of-consciousness thought isn’t a valid question; you need to ask questions of a higher caliber than some people are used to.
Is your email verified and working? When a question is pushed back to you to edit an email is sent. Also when in edit for a question the Mod notes will appear in red above.
haha @Dog : You were my mod!!
@danbambam Yup- and your question went right back up after you edited it. :)
@Dog : You were just so dang helpful. haha Still figuring this thing out.
You guys are great! Good advice! I will get serious and ask serious Q’s.
To be or not to be… what was the question?
The mods say I am sub standard… (sob)... to be judged by jellyfish!...
The mods are mad I tell you! Ahahahahahaha
Ask questions you really need help for. Leave the bullshit for another site.
@Tomfafa Another little hint. If you’re going to write a few comments like you just did, as long as it’s within ten minutes, you can edit your comment and add to it.
@breedmitch What if I don’t need help in any topic? Should I leave? What if I am just hangin’ with the good flutherers? What if I depend on my accountant, attorney, broker, financial adviser and the yenta that lives across the street for advise?
@chelseababyy Thanks Chels… how do I edit breedmitch? You are a cutiepie! You busy friday night?
@Tomfafa I think breemitch means to say, think carefully about your questions; if they will begin an interesting and meaningful discussion, or if you have a very specific/human question that can’t be answered really quickly via Google, then ask away.
If you don’t need help or wish to prompt a discussion, dive into answering questions or stick around as an observer.
I have a difficult time wording my questions properly. Even the ones that do make it through don’t receive the kind of answers I am looking for. I once reworded a question based on the exact wording that was suggested by the moderator, and it still got rejected.
So far I’ve asked three and only had to withdraw one, in which the answer chain had gone ‘way off onto a tangent, something I could not “fix” by changing the question. I like the system here, it’s more like an academic journal. Question, discussion, cross-references, categories. I was not much of an “asker” in my previous cyber-home. Anything that works to keep out the “what brand of toilet paper?” or “what is this blue pill?‘off of here is fine with me. Thumbs up for the Mods.
I spoke too soon; I just had one disappear but did not get a notice from the mods.
@Beta_Orionis Thanks beta… I was too snappy… You really are bright! I spent many hours looking at the stars… neglecting my social skills I guess.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land Of course you are correct… I peer review for a few technical journals, I will behave.
Just asked my 2nd Q. Happy to say it passed inspection.
Upon further reflection… I would say that limiting the sheer quantity of questions might be a good thing.
I am however starting to notice (when I look into the activity of fellow fluthererers) that there is a high ratio of Q’s answered to Q’s ask… for instance I’ll see 4 Q’s asked… 48,000 Q’s answered…
@jerv Here is your question. It is alive and well and was never sent back to you to edit. To find your questions go to your profile. They tend to get buried and you will have a link there to see them. :)
@Tomfafa I think because we don’t all ask something everyday. I know personally that I only ask when I really need/want to know something, or if I want to start a intelligent discussion. However I’m always giving input and insight by answering questions.
@chelseababyy Thanks Chels… I’ll keep my goofball persona (1 of 18) in check… maybe.
@Dog That isn’t the one I was talking about. I asked another one a little while (about an hour?) ago.
@Tomfafa The thing is, is that there are times here when being a goofball is exactly what people are looking for. Just be sure to read the question thoroughly and use your smarts. It’s funny because a lot of times the comical comments get more lurve then the well thought out ones, however people really do appreciate the time you put in to say something meaningful. It definitely pays off.
@jerv I do not see it. We do not preview questions- they post directly. It sounds like a glitch. (It happens sometimes) Try posting it again and PM me if it does not work.
@Dog Just did a few seconds ago, and it appears to have taken this time. Here it is.
@tomfafa: If you don’t need advise (sic) in any subject then you shouldn’t be asking questions. This is not a social site.
@breedmitch It actually is quite a social site. You just have to know when to be serious, and when to joke.
Wrong chelseababy. It is a question and answer website. The social aspect is a side effect.
@chelseababyy Exactly right, and it’s that clear separation I “lurve” so much… +GA
Change is never easy. Understanding the differences between cultures is never easy and this applies to online communities as well. Almost a year ago similar to what is happening now with the Answerbag to Fluther migration we had the to Fluther migration. The community of course also had it set of documented and undocumented rules and own culture. It’s very natural to wonder why things are different on Fluther like it’s natural to wonder why things are different in Asia or Africa (unless you’re Asian or African of course). There is no unique way of life. I also think it’s okay to politely express disapproval, but this doesn’t mean all the rules will be changed right away. And some rules really make a lot of sense. Everyone can choose among several of online forums and Q&A sites. Not every site is right for everyone.
I think it’s wonderful to have so many new Flutherites coming from whatever other website. Please give Fluther a chance. In time you will have a better picture of all the pros and cons. Maybe a comparison with the chief editors of a newspaper or magazine will help. Letters to the editors are appreciated. But the newspaper doesn’t have to print all the letters.
After a while you will get the hang of it tweaking your questions. Less and less questions will fall through. Happened to me as well. And of course I also went through this somewhat emotional phase right after the immigration.
You will find out that more than 98.437% of all Flutherites are really very nice people. Okay, the percentage is just a rough estimate. Don’t believe everything you read on Fluther.
Quit asking questions, for now! Watching how others word their questions and learning the requirements of the site. Also, very comfortable with Fluther’s strict requirements and look forward to asking questions in the manner they require! But, not ready at this point!
@Cotton101 Excellent idea. A bit of “silent recon” is always useful. +GA
Tom, from the response to your question, seems like you did a good job asking the question. so, that would be an “ataboy!” When i was working, retired now, my boss would call me about every 5 years and give me an “ataboy!” loll All those years got very few “ataboy” but, a lot of, “oh sh*t!”
@Cotton101 Thanks Cotton… When my firm peaked, I had close to 40 workers… 18 of them were PhD’s. There was not a day that passed that we did not celebrate each other and the work we did. I was touched by story of your lady friend and avatar.
Thank you Tom..really miss that girl..she was something! Have a great day Tom!
@Tomfafa – Novice users often get the impression joking isn’t allowed. Which is not the case. But the idea of Fluther isn’t about only having silly drivel. Very often people really need support or they really want to have a serious discussion. Some debates can get a little heated. Humor can be used to defuse tension and stress.
I’ve had two sent back to the drawing board for editing.
Try again. It’s worth it. Happened to me as well. You’ll get the hang of it!
@Silhouette I do not see them in the pending so they must have posted. :)
@Dog.. Yes they did, I made a few adjustments and they posted them. Thank you
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