If you could enforce a rule of etiquette, what would it be?
We all have things that annoy us, chap our fannies, or just plain piss us off. One of mine is people who interrupt while you are having a conversation. What’s yours? And we do them to others, too. Do you chew with your mouth open? Are you one of those who combs their hair in the kitchen? I know, I bet you leave the toilet seat up in the middle of the night, don’t you? Bastards, the lot of you. So tell me, what yanks YOUR crank?
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45 Answers
It would be to say may instead of can. And to not smoke when someone else on the table. I don’t, but people do. And I believe its rude.
You know what really grinds me gears?....When I go to pull into a parking space and some lazy shopper has decided it’s too difficult to return their cart so they just leave it in the middle of the parking space.
I was shopping for a holiday dress for my daughter the other day and another mom was looking for an outfit for her daughter right next to me. She smacked her gum at least 5 times in 2 minutes while she was discussing what would be proper for church. I wanted to smack her!
If you are driving 30 in a 40 in the passing lane, uh sorry. I will ride your ass. Move over!
Don’t talk at me! Either give me a chance to speak too or don’t bother starting a conversation with me in the first place!
Whether you STFU before or after getting my attention is up to you,
I hate when people smoke in an enclosed area! It’s completely rude to the non-smokers. My grandmother comes to visit and gets so upset that I don’t allow her to smoke in my house. Too bad granny! It makes my eyes water, my nose itch, and gives me a migraine. Step outside please :)
Toss up between 1) being on the cell at a table in a restaurant, and speaking loudly; 2) Not tearing a dinner roll into bite-sized pieces and buttering each bite, but slathering butter on the whole thing; or 3) chewing loudly, with an mouth open mouth.
I know the second one is really nit-picky, but it drives me crazy.
@Sonnerr – I also am a stickler for proper English and I too drive people nuts.
@Ansible1 – Rest assured, they will be seated in one of Dante’s lower levels of Hell.
@jonsblond – I hate people who don’t understand the difference between the ‘hammer’ lane and the ‘granny’ lane’.
@PandoraBoxx – WOW! And I thought I had issues!. Just kidding…but seriously, buttering every bite? That’s just anal…seek professional help. (wink, wink)
Oh lord, here he comes…King_of_Sexytown. Quick, everybody hide.
@Ansible1 It’s not that it bothers me as much as it is just a weird habit that I always have to put the cart away.
((smiles at Corp))
Hiya’ King Sexy, whatcha up to?
Nothing. I was sleeping but the damned dog kept waking me up. I sprained my knee today. Twas lots of fun.
@Corporate_Avenger, I know, it’s a weird one. But otherwise you either get butter on your chin or your fingers, and that’s just icky.
Picking “The Golden Prize” from the nose AND Eating it; should be addressed with a Singaporish-Felony-caning; then, so should Farting in enclosed-cramped quarters…
@CorwinofAmber But farting is the most hilarious on the way out of an elevator!!!
@CorwinofAmber – Agreed. But I find few things funnier than a loud fart on a full but quiet elevator. Just the sheer look on the faces of the passengers with the terror at the unknown effluvium is sometimes enough to make the stench worth the ride.
@King_of_Sexytown – That answer is why we no longer date.
I hate it when people put their heads down to the plate instead of bringing the fork up to their mouths.
Always be kind and considerate.
I have to second the admonition: keep grandmothers outdoors.
Don’t shit where you eat
People must always say thank you when a door is held open,
and must always say excuse me when someone walks in front of you, like at the grocery store (on aisles and when in line)
@Violet – I do both of those…maybe there is hope for me as a human, even yet.
Stop touching pregnant women’s bellies! If they don’t invite the contact, don’t do it! I think the next time it happens to me, I’m going to reach out and touch their belly too.
No Holocaust deniers in the Nazi thread.
@Violet – You can be mean…just be nice about it.
It makes me crazy when people walk into a room and stop in the doorway, oblivious to the idea that there might be people walking in behind them. If you enter a room or building and are unsure of your next move, do not just stand in the way. Step to the side and realize that you might have people behind you.
@Corporate_Avenger – ok, I’ll try lol. I think it would be a very good idea if you always said thank you when someone holds a door open for you, or if you walk in front of someone.
Don’t start a discussion, make your argument, then leave claiming you’re done because you’ve made your point, so you don’t have to hear the points of others…that’s f-n rude in any context!
@sndfreQ I thought you were telling someone in this thread that when I first read it. I was like “What?!” LAWL I’m dumb like that. Corp knows how I roll.
@King_of_Sexytown no, not directed at you or anyone in particular in this discussion…perhaps I am venting though…
Any form of physical contact with a person without their prior permission. Violating someones “personal space” if not absolutely necessary (like in an elevator). Autism speaking here.
Don’t text while you’re talking to me. That sly little glance down at your phone, the ‘click-click-click’ with your speedy thumbs, yeah, I saw it. If that conversation is more important or more interesting than the one you and I are having then go finish that one. You can simply say, “Excuse me, I need to finish what I’m saying here,” and I will either leave you the hell alone or wait if it’s important.
My biggest pet peeve is when I’m reading. When I have a book in my face that is NOT an open invitation to start a conversation with me. I ride the bus to work every day and it amazes (pisses me off) me how many people want to converse with a person that is trying to read.
@Corporate_Avenger most definitely. I find it hard to bare when I’m stuck in an elevator with someone on the phone that doesn’t have literate diction. Not to be rude, but I mean… come on.
slower traffic keep right.
Quit. . .popping. . .your. . .fucking. . .gum.
No more “crop dusting”—drive by fartings! I live with all males and they drive me crazy!
Attention-seekers who speak loudly on purpose to draw attention to themselves. Like those mothers you run into at the store, the ones who are conversing with their child, but are actually talking to everyone within shouting distance. “No, no Rachael, remember what mommy told you about being polite to others?” Rachael has no idea what mommy is talking about, mommy has never told Rachael one damn thing about manners. But mommy is making sure EVERYBODY in the store and the parking lot knows how important manners are to mommy, what a great mommy she is for taking the time from her hectic shopping to give a life lesson to her child where most other mothers would just ask the child to please stop screaming. Mommy is the most magnificent mommy ever! Did anyone else notice Rachael’s runny nose or the bed head that has obiviously been there on Rachael’s dirty little noggin for weeks?
@Silhouette – Daaaaamn. I thought I had issues. I love your answer. Give me more. GA
@Silhouette I loved your answer! When I see that in public, it is so obvious that by trying to appear to be a good mother, she is obviously overcompensating for her lack of it.
@Shemarq Thanks, I can’t stand it. You can see the surprise on the child’s face, under the dried snot mask they are wearing. It’s the first time in weeks mom has actually talked to her other than, “Rachael, be quiet, mom is on the phone!” This situation brings out the worst in me, I want to say, “Mother dear, that child’s ears are so damn dirty I’m sure she can’t hear a word you’re saying.”
People who don’t acknowlege you when you speak to them. They either completely ignore you or just give you a “dead stare”. I think the least you can do when someone talks to you is to reply.
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