Should we harvest criminals organs?
If a person commits a horrible crime why not harvest there human parts for donation. Why should we pay tax dollars to keep them locked up.
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45 Answers
I totally agree.
At least for lifers.
Who would not mind having Charlie Mansons kidney?
I also agree we should harvest their organs. I guess the issue for some might be, would you want the insides of a killer put inside you? I think it becomes more of a moral issue than anything else.
No. And leave their pianos alone, too.
Why would someone have. Problem with having a bad guys organs inside you. So it would be ok for a good person to Die
and have ther organs no no.
We are talking about harvesting organs after they die, right? If they die after a life in prison, then I’m fine with it, but if we start killing people solely for the purpose of organ harvesting, then no thanks.
We kill these people anyways. Why wait you know
@Zombie345trioxin We kill these people anyways. Why wait you know
Because it is inhumane and cruel.
That would be barbaric! And, people in prison should have the right to decide what happens to their organs. Those people have rights also!
If you mean after they die, then why not. However if you mean to take it without their consent while alive than I would have to say no. As a species that would be a new low for us. I do believe there is no profit to be made in organ donation unless it sold in the black market, which is still illegal. So I’m not understanding how the prison sytem would make cash off of organ donation. Also to kill people for organs would be a problem.
If prisons started to make a profit off of organ donations than you may have to face the possibilities of people of a certain blood type being sent to prison so they can be harvested. Plus every once in a while there are innocent people sent to jail. What does society say after harvesting an innocents organs. OOPS! Sorry? My BAD! Bad enough the death penalty sometimes gets it wrong. Lets just carve them up like a large turkey dinner. No, this is NOT a good idea! Yes prisoners forfiet their rights as citizens but it does not mean they loose their rights as human beings who should have rights over their bodies.
I’m with @Cotton101 on this one.
Their punishment is their prison time. Denying them the right to decide what happens to their organs would be an unreasonable addition to their punishment.
And even if they’re sentenced to prison time plus posthumous organ confiscation by their judge, to some criminals this will be a very harsh punishment and others will not care at all, depending on their beliefs. (There are people who believe they can’t go to heaven if certain organs are missing.)
It’s wrong when they do it, too, obviously. And they’re punished for it.
That does not mean it’s not wrong when the powers that be do cruel things to them.
there lots of good people in prison that had ONE bad day! for example, a man has a fight with his wife, he goes to a bar, has a few drinks, leaves the bar and hit someone on a bike…that man could never been in trouble his whole life…went to work, feed his family, and did all the right things…but, he would go to prison for that mistake! don’t take all of rights away for that one bad day!
another example, man comes home and finds his best friend in the bed with his wife. He hits the man and he fall and hits his head on an object and dies! He goes to prison…but, does that one act define his whole life…don’t think so! should we as a society, takes all of his rights away! don’t think so!
If these ‘donations’ occur after death and the prisoner agrees, then I have no problem with this concept. If you’re talking about arbitrarily harvesting someone’s organs while they’re still using them, I have big problems with it. What makes us any better than a serial killer at this point?
My friend told me that they can now use criminals’ organs after their death without anyone’s permission in China.
You didn’t see Frankenstein? You know, the part where Igor drops the good brain on the floor and takes the criminal brain instead? You’d have an angry mob brandishing pitchforks outside your castle in no time flat.
Bad idea.
take his organs? kill him? what if the justice was wrong?
We already kill a large number of innocent people, and now you are proposing that we make it profitable to do so, rather than to introduce antagonists to doing so. Very bad idea, unless justice isn’t important to you.
I think the only ethical way to do this is to simply give someone the option of donating their organs if they’ve been sentenced to death – but I also think there couldn’t be any money attached. These would have to be pure donation.
Sounds like something that would go well with fatha beans and a nice Chianti.
Before I would have said” Harvest away! But then I saw a documentary on those in prison on long to life-long sentences, and even criminals are people. They probably don’t deserve it, but I cannot strip someone of what I consider a human right – the right to treat their body as they wish, even in death. I think it’s a slippery slope to force organ donation on criminals.
I say you give them the option.
I don’t know – let’s see what song you sing when you’re in prison for something you didn’t do and I come in there for my weekly ‘harvesting’
Yes they are people.
They get use to the rapes. Get good at it themselves. Comfortable with having/being an inmate boyfriend.
Developing a natural desire to do what ever it takes to get money out of the family.
Lack of desire to learn anything.
Basically becoming more useless to society then when going in.
I am not saying this to be smug or sarcastic. It is just the way of life that an inmate has to adjust to. It becomes very normal to them after a while.
Just another day at the office.
Yes, they are people that “love” and “care.” If not already turning into narcissistic sociopaths.
I guess it comes down to what ever society decides that makes them sleep better.
To me, it reminds of the little boy that bring a frog home. Wants to keep it, thinking that leaving it in a shoe box in the close it ok. Because they feel it is better to have it then to let go.
We know what happens to the frog.
Now we are talking about humans not frogs.
It is amazing how well a human can adapt to the most adverse and horrible situations.
So it is best. Basically for our own insecurity to lock them away and let them live. Believing it is better then death?
If I do something that puts me away for life. I choose to donate my organs and be put down.
@ChazMaz I don’t understand your comment – you’re saying (supposedly) criminals become gay and violent and thieving because of jail and that is why we should harvest their organs?
I am saying what they have to do to adapt to their environment. And, what they will become because of what they were that got them there and what they have to do to live in there..
You have to question what is the benefit?
Also, they do not become gay. It is a form of adaptation. A transmogrification in order to have something that they otherwise can’t.
Even in prison there are human desires that we are just hard wired with.
At least the lifers should have the choice.
So… how does that bear on the issue of harvesting criminals’ organs?
@ChazMaz right so what does it mean for harvesting?
It bears on the issue because before you can make that type of decission you need to see all sides.
Not just what you see on TV. And, not just what you want to convince yourself.
@ChazMaz well thank you for providing us with insight – have you been to jail?
My son is doing 30 years.
@ChazMaz did he deserve it? should we harvest his organs?
“did he deserve it?”
I wish I could give you an easy answer. But, Yes as do most of them that are in jail.
“should we harvest his organs?”
I say we do.
Because when he and his buddies get out. I will be optimistic and give them 3 months before they are back in. No question him giving his mother a beating for not giving him money will be part of the reason.
I love my son. Nothing I can do about him or for him. Except go broke, chasing appeals.
I do care about you. It can and it would prevent a possible tragedy from happening to you, your family or friends.
When he does go back. We will be out thousands of dollars getting him to the point of freedom, and being right back to square one.
Don’t forget the cost to tax payers.
30 years x $45,000 a year to keep him in jail. $1,350,000 and that is not accounting for inflation. Hey, TY for helping out.
That is it right there.
What I have come to see. From once being like the average person and becoming injected into the prison system.
Two completely different mind sets. A whole other way of thinking.
Sort of you have to be in it to understand. And, if you are not in it really is not your problem. Always coaching from the side line.
Do not get me wrong either. There are plenty in my position that do not feel the way I do. I respect that.
My opinion on that way of thinking.
Those people have thrown away their lives in order to become part of that life.
That is the life my son chose. Does not mean I have to be a part of it. As much as I am.
Some people it is a way of life. There are plenty of people that having a family member in prison is not unusual. So it is a norm and acceptable.
I will never accept prison as normal. In most cases it is cruel and unusual punishment.
I started to see why this may be something we may not even want if the prisoner gave his permission. What happens to the guy who like @Cotton101 said, happens to have made one brief mistake. One never likely to be commited again and lands in jail. Or if a person lands in jail because he was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time and he is convicted because he lacks an aliby. Now like I said he is a rare blood type and there is some rich guy looking to pay a prison guard money to get this guy to contribute. Now this guy gets tortured or tormented or even his family gets threatened because he can’t protect them. I know this sounds like a bad movie but guards get in trouble for drug smuggling all the time in many countries. What is to say it wouldn’t happen for organs as well. Just the other day, I read some people got caught for killing people and using their bodies to make oil for perfumes. I thought it was a joke but it was even on the news. Unfortuneately if as a society we let this go than we become no better than an animal. I mean even if a prisoner says its ok, what is to say they weren’t coherced? We would have no real way of knowing. I guess the only way they can contribute if they agree to do it just days before going to the electric chair. By the way, I think the electric chair and being poisoned would ruin organs for transplant.
That way of thinking comes from watching too many movies. :-)
It does not work that way. No to say anything is possible and this person has no one in their life. In general, the counselors and the family would pick up on any coercion.
When you have someone in prison with family that is involved. They become obsessed with everything that that inmate does, has and does not have. It sort of becomes like caring for a 2 year old.
@ChazMaz can you allow for a possibility that people may have opinions based on things other than the ones they’ve seen in movies?
When I see it otherwise.
As your opinion is respected, hopefully, so is mine. :-)
This is a very profitable state industry in China. In fact they postpone executions until they have paying recipients lined up for all the organs. Do we want to go that way? Oh, and the Chinese judges are not too concerned about whether the prisoner is actually guilty.
Who cares if the organs are from a bad or good person? If you are in need of it so badly, I am sure you will take it even if it is from a bad person.
You don’t tell people their kidney, cornea or whatever came from a serial killer. Serial killers should be experimented on instead of poor innocent animals.
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