What is your funniest Christmas memory?
I was thinking about that Christmas classic movie ” A Christmas Story” where the young boy is obsessed with a Red Ryder B-B gun for Christmas…and all the strange and silly things that happen to him on the days before Christmas. It’s not the best movie, granted, but it does encapsulate a time in American history that pre-dates Ipods and Nintendo.
What is your funniest Christmas memory? Who was involved in it? Why has this stood out more than any other memory?
One of my funniest Christmas memories was when my two brothers and I dressed up as the Three Kings….except that I looked like a King and they looked like Queens (in drag). We scrounged around in my parent’s closets and just put on whatever we could find and my brother put on my pink tutu from dance school. We marched into our parents living room…singing ” We Three Kings”. We were in our teens. The funniest part is that my middle brother is usually really staid and quiet and so seeing him participate really cracked us up. He wore some pink tissue paper on his head anchored with a headband….and it stuck straight out from his ears! I guess you had to be there…..
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18 Answers
One year my brother, sister, and I ran downstairs on Christmas morning to find that there was a new decoration on one of the lower branches of the tree. Our dog at the time was getting a bit up there in years, and wasn’t functioning at 100% mentally. Oh Christmas turd, oh Christmas turd…
@jeff….......this made me laugh out loud! Thanks for sharing! (I think.)
One year our cat had a litter of kittens a few months before Christmas. The kittens were fascinated with the Christmas tree and the decorations on it. We tried to keep them away from the tree when we were home but when we would leave the house they would climb the tree and pull it over. We would come home to find the tree laying in the middle of the floor, decorations all over the place and those silver icicle strings floating around the room. We had to put the tree back together about half a dozen times that year.
When I was 12, I got hold of some champagne on Christmas day. I became the joke of the party, and everything was extremely funny to me. You can only imagine the hangover I had.
Last year, my dog Max was10 months old. We put the tree up, & he went over, sniffed at it, then- you guessed it, lifted his leg on it. Fortunately, his aim was bad & he only peed on the floor. (“Hmm, indoor plumbing!”)
2 years ago my 3 year old cousin thought that pulling the Christmas tree would be funny.
So he pulled it and suddenly all my family(12 person at that moment)woke up with a fallen Christmas tree over the new large screen TV.I was the only one who was just sitting there laughing like a nuts.
It was really funny believe me.!!!
Watching Clarke Griswald fly down the Hill on his highly waxed Sled!
About three years ago my father was wondering what happened to all the classic toys that he had been given when he was a kid. One on particular that he was asking about was the radio flyer metal wagon.
So my mother and I searched every where until we found it. So Christmas day finally rolled around, and my mother gave him a blindfold to wear and walked him outside. We told him to take the blindfold off and then he let out a blood curdling scream, and ran inside. Well inside the wagon was a Howdy Doody puppet sitting there.
I was laughing so hard because I had never heard my father run and scream.
It was a sight to see, and hear.
@shego – Just had to look up Howdy Doody puppets!
Gross I’d have screamed too!
Wife and i and the kids had just arrived back home, after a really great Christmas Party and dinner and my parents house. the time was about 11 pm, Christmas Eve night. after threatening the kids with bodily harm, our kids finally went to sleep around 1 am. now was the time to play Santa Claus. all year, my daughter had begged for a childrens kitchen from Santa Clause. i found one three months prior to Christmas, but it had to be constructed from scratch. it was made of metal and really a cute present for my daughter. no wonder she loved it. did i say “loved it”?. i opened the box and there were at least 2,000 nuts and bolts that had to be used to build this “kitchen”. i fussed and cussed and said words that should never have come out of Santas mouth. at about 5 am. i ran out of cuss words and finally completed her kitchen. worn out and ready for bed and wouldn’t you know it, here they come! i want sleep! i want my warm bed! all i received was a hot cup of coffee from my wife and hugs and kisses from my children. was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY!!
I’d reckon my funniest christmas memory would be from about 2 years ago:
I’d known for quite a while that I’d rather vomit up my testicles than spend a day with my entire family not even considering the drunken aftermath, just can’t stand them. At the time, I was in a relationship, not the same one as now, one side of her family always met for christmas breakfast, and then the other met for dinner. Mine was meeting for lunch. It was to work out perfectly, I’d go to the breakfast, make an appearance at lunch, and then leave again for dinner.
Breakfast went swimmingly. Went back home, we had lunch, things were terribly delayed and the ride for the dinner arrived. I went with them, and then quickly got a phone call from my mother/sister fighting over the phone to scream profanities at me. Everyone was upset/angry/ready to kill me for ‘deserting the family’, note, this was the first time in my entire life I hadn’t been at every single second of a christmas gathering. So this caused my then S/O’s family to change their plans, they brought me back to my house until the ensuing ragestorm could subside, and then I went with her family again to the dinner.
A great many members of my family now intensely dislike me.
Comedy gold.
I remember coming out of the grocery store with my Dad the week before Christmas, and when he opened the trunk to put the groceries in, my eyes got as big as the proverbial saucers when I saw all these TOYS!
“Dad, look!!” “Get in the car!”, “but Dad…”, “JUST GET IN THE CAR!!”
Awkward, confusing, silent drive home…
We got up one Christmas morning to find that the dog had went thru and unwrapped and partially unwrapped most of the gifts…
There he sat… just looking so innocent…
@Supacase…...all I meant was that it isn’t “Apocalypse Now”.....but it definitely is a feel-good movie. And I like it.
I have fond memories of my dear grandmother calling my grandfather “BONEHEAD” as they set their artificial spinning Xmas tree up.It became a tradition ;)
Thanks all for sharing your great stories. I don’t think I have ever given out so many GA’s!
Well, as I have mentioned, I am a twin so my brother and I would get “back to backers”. Those were gifts that we had to sit back to back to open so one wouldn’t see the gift before he finished opening it because the other opened it faster.
Then once my sister had a little to much champaign and my grandma came in the kitchen and said, smiling, “I think your buzzed little one” and my sister said “ I could drink you under the table gram baby!” Our aunt a real fussy look down her nose my way kind a lady was getting up to leave so we got my sister up into the bathroom where she said, loudly “oh good I have to peeee”. Aunt leaves, we go to check on sis and she locked the door and fell asleep on the toilet. We picked the lock. She woke up an hour and a half later completely sober.
So many fantastic answers…....! I hope that you are having a great holiday….wherever you are….thanks for answering!
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