What's the coolest user picture on Fluther?
Please don’t edit I think this question is going to be a great funny discussion.
Remember picture not user!!
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57 Answers
DrasticDreamer when she had her :P face.
There’s one I’ve seen, don’t remember the user, but he/she has this as their avatar.
robmandu series of “the mighty masked man”
@erichw1504 that was me!!!! Nice ;) At the moment, I’m in lurve with Sade (just my ears, not my heart!) big fan but that’s my normal avatar!
For now it is the ones with the Christmas Spirit Avatars! Tis the Season to be jolly!!! But Christmas aside I just love the “stuartlittle” avatar. Can’t think of the persons name though. I’m gonna go and look up the name.
YES! That is it @jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities Thanks you! I can’t seem to get into my profile page to see my friends list. Do you have any idea on why I can’t get into my profile page? It shows a guy with a patch over his eye. I emailed Andrew and sent a quick thought through the “contact” spot.
Out of the avatars I’ve seen I really like the one @daloon has chosen.
Does it also say the server is having trouble?
If so, it probably means the server is having trouble. (Try again later?)
Yes daloon does have a very special one.
@erichw1504 okay back to normal!! thanks for the lurve :)
Yep, Daloon’s has always caught my attention. When I first came to fluther, he was the only jelly I could consistently remember.
Ahhh, you are an ass fan. Of the ass man.
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities I only like theirs because right next to it it says, “I’m not really a donkey on a bike.” lol made me laugh the first time I saw it.
I like EmpressPixie’s “Death” Avatar
@dalepetrie oh yea, I also like yours. ♫I always feel like somebodies watch’n meee♫
That’s not true. You can’t see depth with one eye.
@Fyrius – that’s my 3rd eye. I can see in 4 dimensions.
PretentiousArtist’s, because that really is an awesome album
Ok I will say mine again. I have always liked casheroo’s avatar and jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities because I like Jeff staring at me in makes me all tingley inside.
Oh and I always like @Grisaille avatars. I love the look of them, they just have a certain feeling of mystery and sexiness.
@Fyrius Tim fixed it but told me it was a temp. fix for now. He will work on it though. Thanks for your help. :-)
I don’t want to be egomaniaical but I have to be, I vote for my own!
Supermouse’s Stuart Little avatar. It always brings a smile to my face.
Daloon’s always catches my eye.
Stuart Little hands down.
The cutest animated character ever.
I’m personally a fan of Pete’s, with the simple blue outlined jelly.
But if I’m correct, did it not previously have a face?
@daloon’s has always cracked me up
Lol, there’s little to thank me for. I hardly helped at all besides stating the obvious.
But, at your service. :)
out of this thread, @Fyrius.
Oh, but now I am here!
Daloon’s clearly stands out the most. Then again, I can’t say I didn’t wince the first few times it came into view.
I have always liked AstroChuck with the little additions (Santa Hat, antennae) that are added from time to time—makes me pay attention!
I also like the red fox on @crisw’s avatar
Jeruba’s. Cuz it makes me * sigh * when I c it.
I like Bob’s. Simple stick man. I like things simple.
Mine. Optimus Prime for the win!
I hope I make it to the hall of awesome avatars when I grow up!
I like bob’s.
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