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occ's avatar

Would you use a toothbrush that fell on the airport floor (after washing it, of course)?

Asked by occ (4182points) December 18th, 2009

If your toothbrush fell out of your bag onto the floor at the airport (bristle side up, so only the plastic back touched the floor), would you be okay with washing it with soap and then continuing to use it?

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29 Answers

pjanaway's avatar

No, I would throw it away.

NUNYA's avatar

Just dropped on the floor?............................I’d say, yes. I’d put it in the dishwasher. I do that with my toothbrush all the time.

azlotto's avatar

Yes, after boiling it.

chelseababyy's avatar

Hell no. A new toothbrush is only a couple bucks. Why waste time and effort trying to make sure you got all the nasty germs off? Just go buy a new one.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Remember the senator who got busted soliciting gay sex in an airport bathroom? I’d buy a new toothbrush.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Nope. I’d just by another.

75movies's avatar

Sure, and I’d let a homeless man rub it in his ass crack. Are you crazy? Just leave it on the floor and step away. Now!

jrpowell's avatar

I participate in oral sex. Odds are that has more piss getting in my mouth then a toothbrush that was on the floor for a second.

I would rinse it. It isn’t a big deal.

75movies's avatar

I agree with rinsing a vagina before putting it in your mouth.

Corporate_Avenger's avatar

@75movies – Where was the word vagina mentioned?
As for me, anything that falls on an airport floor (especially the bathroom) is DEAD to me. Time to see other oral cleaning articles.

jrpowell's avatar

@Corporate_Avenger :: Probably my mention of oral sex. And it being known that I am male and heterosexual.

occ's avatar

No, not the airport bathroom floor. The floor in the area near security. Regular lobby floor.

Corporate_Avenger's avatar

@johnpowell – Ah! That answers it.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

No way! There’s not enough boiling, bleach, scrubbing, or anything else that would allow me to that. That’s right…they’re cheap. Get a new one.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

No,but I have eaten a chicken leg that has hit my kitchen floor.It cools off on the way down and you never have to worry about burning the roof of your mouth ;)

occ's avatar

If, say, you got home and didn’t have a back-up toothbrush there…and it were late at night so you couldn’t buy a new toothbrush…would it be better to wash the toothbrush with soap and use it, or to not brush your teeth at all? All hypothetical, of course…and is the airport lobby floor any different from dropping it on the floor of your own bathroom? If you drop the toothbrush on any floor would you never use it again?

Corporate_Avenger's avatar

@occ – Let’s be honest…some floors are just worse than others. They have a higher “BAAAAGGGHH! Factor”. That being said, if I drop something that is going to be ingested, imbibed, or otherwise orally injected into my body, there are rules. In my home, it is a 5–10 second rule. In other places, it may be a simple 5 second rule. In places where there is a high traffic flow which leads to a lower possibility of regular floor or carpet cleaning (like an airport, truckstop, etc, I have a zero-tolerance rule. I would throw up if I tried to use a toothbrush that may have come in contact with another person’s vomit, baby shit, bum cum, or whatever. And I could never be sure, sooooo…
You? You do what you want…I’m moving on.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille A chicken leg hitting your own kitchen floor & giving it the 3 second rule is a far cry from your tooth brush landing on an airport floor.

casheroo's avatar

I’d rather go with some gum, than brushing my teeth with that nasty toothbrush.

Tink's avatar

Gross. I’d throw it away.

woodcutter's avatar

there’s bound to be someplace that sells all kinds of personal hygiene products right there at the a.p. for ten times the price you would pay at china mart but to me it would be worth it for piece of mind. I wouldn’t even pick it up to throw it in the can if it hit the sink counter top.

SarasWhimsy's avatar

Dear God no. Let it go, find another one. Even a whisp (those new things) would be better for a few days than a nasty airport floor toothbrush. Please just thow it away and move on. It’s like double dipping a chip when other people are dipping pubic hair, bodily secretions, plague, vomit. Please, throw it away.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I’d even brush my teeth with my finger & toothpaste before I retrieved it off the floor!

downtide's avatar

Heck, no. At an airport there’s sure to be a place I could buy another toothbrush.

Darwin's avatar

You could always soak it in a bit of mouthwash. There’s enough alcohol in most of those to kill off anything it picked up off the floor.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Darwin You go right ahead, haha.

lonelydragon's avatar

Maybe after soaking it in bleach, but even after cleaning, the “yuck” factor would probably drive me to throw it away.

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