General Question

phoenyx's avatar

Am I the only one in the world who doesn't like the taste or smell of coffee?

Asked by phoenyx (7419points) February 27th, 2008

I just bought a large container of jelly belly jellybeans. I’ve been separating out the coffee ones and my co-workers can’t seem to get enough.

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8 Answers

fafnet's avatar

I hate the taste but like the smell so I think you are the only one!

Csteele29's avatar

I hate them both I feel your pain!

brownlemur's avatar

I have never had a cup of coffee in my life due to the gag reflex I have when I smell it. So I am right there with you.

Tchalla's avatar

I’m not a fan of either I’m with you

Cardinal's avatar

I live is Seattle,home of…............. what is it Star something. Don’t mind the smell, but never had a cup o’joe in my life.

Yogi's avatar

yup same here I work with a large group of people that with out thier cup of crack they can’t act right so can u imagine how I feel when I turn every corner and I have to smell that nasty crap.

sfgirl's avatar

To answer your question, no, you’re obviously not.

aansuzek1's avatar

Nope. Mountain Dew is the way to go!

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