How can we stop socialism? The buck can't just stop at healthcare. Police, fire departments, public transportation, and public schools are all deeply entrenched socialist institutions.
Asked by
bolwerk (
December 18th, 2009
Lovers of freedom often ignore the socialist institutions that already exist.
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30 Answers
Move to Canada. I hear they’re all about Capitalism.
I hear ya, though. Fuck the police and firefighters. As far as transporation, who gives half a shit about having paved roads and highways? If I wanted them, I’d make them myself!
edit: Thanks Pandora, forgot about public schools. What a waste of my tax money! I’ll teach my kids all I know, I’m much more knowledgeable than those scumbags who have degrees in their fields! It all disgusts me.
You’re asking the wrong crowd. I’m usually in favor of socialism. :)
So you don’t expect an ambulance to show up at your house if you need it, and if your house catches on fire, you plan on putting it out with a garden hose? No one in your family attended college or university, and if they did, they paid cash for the experience, no loans/grants/scholarships? You plan on filling pot holes in the roads as you encounter them?
How about Common Good? A society is as good as the quality of life of its weakest members.
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Do all of you suffer from irony deficiency? This is a good question, cleverly phrased.
Yeah. If it weren’t for those goddamn socialist governments, I could send my kids down the coal mines for 14 hours a day to make some money while I could have some fun whipping my slaves.
I swear I stoped following this crappy question but it keeps telling me theres a new post.. LOL
I’m happy to see these responses.
I want a public plan!
Or be locked in a clothing factory that catches fire and you have to jump out the windows plummeting to their death.
Fuck OSHA and child labor laws.
And the the fire thing did actually happen. Piles of 12 year old girls on the street. <—Fuck yeah capitalism..
Who is this “we” you speak of?
Sarah…is that you?
im australian so I say so what—i think socialism is ok—
It’s a scary thought that people who hold such views are free to roam the streets… in broad daylight even!
I’m no expert, but I’d say that the very basis of American democracy is founded on socialist principals. Read your the American Constitution. It’s fairly clear.
It’s the commies you’re after really!
Ah, I wouldn’t worry about that one bro!
The problem with the taking the ironic approach to questions like this is: there are plenty of folks out there that will ask the same question seriously!
A radical libertarian would indeed seek to privatize as many government functions as possible until essentially nothing is left.
One might ask if we are achieving this agenda now through sheer neglect and self-sabotage.
@bolwerk When posting an ironic question meant to highlight a certain lack of common sense in the ‘Fox News’ zeitgeist, you may want to whisper a hint that you don’t actually agree.
I see the irony now. Sorry about saying that “you are a fucking idiot”.
I will just end this with an apology.
@johnpowell And for that, you win a special Apology Starfish!
it’s like cancer, you can’t stop it… it goes in remission for a while, then it strikes again :s
Everyone knows that certain socialized programs are needed within the framework of capitalist democratic- republic.
This lover of freedom understands it anyway..
Times marches on with them or without them…and so does life!
<<eyes rolling>>
OOOOOOOHH! Tell us about the satire! Plz!
That’s quite an interesting notion actually. How could a society reconstruct all of its necessary ‘systems’ so as to make them more ingoing with capitalist principles while still maintaining a society that is stable enough to survive. My immediate thoughts are drawn to either dedicated voluntary services (which would likely not be sustainable due to human nature) or thoroughly trained mercenary groups who are hired for each individual service (not dissimilar to how many free market systems are designed). The primary detriment of this latter option would be the mercenary groups rogue status which would permit them to leave at any time they deem fit as, aside from financial gains, they have little reason to continue serving the society in question. The main benefit on the other hand would be that the society could efficiently choose the mercenary group that offers the most professional services for the least amount of resources (relative to the services and level of expertise they are providing).
Should this process occur however it would take a considerable period of time to reform each individual service that is not ran primarily by a free-market system due to the substantial amount of resources that would be required to renovate each one at a time making it impossible to preserve order and redevelop all of the necessary services simultaneously.
My apologies for anyone who has taken the time to read my ramblings but hypothetical situations involving sociological and political elements intrigue me.
To bring about political change it is necessary to become an active part of the political process. One way is to volunteer to help the candidate that comes closest to your own views, and work your way up from there.
Socialism has also infected mental healthcare institutions and prisons, restraining people who dont need the government interfering with their right to do whatever they want. Hell, if they murder someone, that is the ultimate political act of self determination. (caution: may be ironic/facetious)
All I want to say is “Keep the government out of my Medicare!”
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