@pjanaway It’s the reward for getting a GA on a question made by a new user. Considering the huge influx of Answerbaggers, people are getting them like wildfire.
I don’t know if that wildfire analogy works. How about herpes?
I rather like the awards. Particularly the “Atlantis” awards.
I still want to know what the criteria is for getting the “Pilgrim” award. I won it, and I have no idea why.
Actually… I don’t know why I have “Cake in the Frizzer” or “Feeding Frenzy” either…
The banner at the top of the page that says “You just achieved the xxxxx award” doesn’t really bother me, but I really don’t care either. I never check to see what award it is or what it means.
The thing I do hate is having to scroll past the awards on someone’s page when I want to leave a comment. (That’s something that I don’t like about the “my fluther” feature as well, but that doesn’t bother me as much, since it is sometimes useful when I want to go to a particular person’s profile quickly. The awards have no such useful purpose.)
I know Jeruba. But the rest of you grouches I pointed just because I could. Damn, you really ought not said anything! I have a new mission :) Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!
I second the motion. My initial reaction to the whole awards thing was basically indifference.
When I expressed a slight interest in one of the obscure ones with no definition, I quickly learned the folly of that.
Logically it makes no sense to receive an award without any rhyme or reason. Then when you try to figure it out, the
question is pulled. That pretty much takes all the fun out of it.
I am now back to apathy and indifference and if I could just eliminate the notifications altogether it would be just fine by me.
I like the awards. Indeed, I like all the funny little sayings that Fluther has all over the place. I hope to win one of those secret awards someday (if I could just figure out what they’re for).
Did someone get out of the cranky side of bed this morning or is this just a ploy to get as many points as possible so you get more awards? Either way it makes no difference. I came from AB and at first I thought the names were silly but with time they become amusing. I see no reason to deleted it just because it annoys someone for 5 whole seconds. I mean don’t look at it. No one is holding a gun to your head. This is how AB became a nightmare. Someone wanted to change the site by taking things away and they responded by tossing the baby out with the bath water.
I want to opt out, too. I find it interesting that some of the longer veterans and prolific jellies are the ones who most want the awards to go away. I wonder if that signifies anything,
I am the fucking president of the opt-out club – and as I near 5000 lurve I am considering doing another New_zen-again or something – the longer you keep the name, the more lurve you acquire from more people, and the more distracting it is. I JUST WANNA CHAT LIKE WE USED TO.\
Maybe there should be two fluthers – one award free, the other for kids to play pacman on.
The awards are a relatively recent innovation, and like you hated AB when it changed, many of us here are not happy with it. Personally, I think it is very dangerous for the site, and changes the character in ways that, if allowed to go much further, will make this a place that is no longer pleasant to be at. I do not believe that conversation and advice should be competitive. It changes people motivations in a bad way, resulting in much worse advice, not to mention increased hostility between jellies. This is what happened at Askville. I’d hate to see it happen here.
I’m pissed! The county awarded me the fire hydrant award. I didnt ask for it. I don’t want it. It’s just sitting there, FORCING me to look at it. There is no other scenery whatsoever. Who cares that the county put a ton of thought into it? Who cares whether my neighbors like it? It’s all about ME and what I want, baby! Me, me, me! My insurance company awards me a discount on my premiums. Who do I call about this? I demand action immediately! I snub thee, fire hydrant.
@Cruiser@Violet ROFLMAO! +6 back atcha!
. @phillis I second that motion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!************************************************************
Don’t rest too long, gailcalled! We’re counting on you (takes off both socks, preparing to count higher). We also extend our apologies for the very busy life you’ve now embarked on. At this rate, you may never have the chance at happiness you long for! You have to keep that sharp edge. We understand :)
We’ll never, be approved of, unless we go back, to, school and become, English majors!!!!!!!!!!!!****
Something tells me I wrote that wrong.
Or until people learn that what matters most is the purpose and context of what we’re writing and not how incredible we are at grammar. I don’t like feeling as though forgetting a comma makes me responsible for the Holocaust all of a sudden. Lighten up. We don’t all have the same education and some of us, points above, could have a little something called dyslexia.
This is a Q&A internet site. Not an English exam.
Hell, I’m a screenwriter and I still make mistakes all the time on this site because I’m not in writing mode, I’m in relaxing mode.
I could understand getting annoyed by PpL wHo rigHt Lyke diS, but being bitter over a comma is silly.
There’s my 2 cents for the day.
Or would you like me to write out two instead of 2?
Sorry Phil, I had to.
Grammar and punctuation are two in the same.
Again, it’s about the context of what has been written. The meaning. The purpose. The message. It’s power.
I find it sad knowing that you are incapable of recognizing these things if a comma is missing.
Makes us all feel real noticed and special by you, that what we have to say means nothing because we don’t have an English degree.
I was talking about overpunctuation and not under. And for the record, grammar and punctuation are not one and the same. My degree is in Astronomy as it happens. You may hate what I say, but you can understand it. The clearer the writing, the more power it has.
I see.
Some of us can see past it, I suppose.
I do beg to differ over you correcting someone about missing a comma. That is not overpunctuation.
I know Jeruba as opposed to – I know, Jeruba.
That’s what I found annoying.
Oh Gail!!!!!! You done stirred up a Hornet’s nest this time!!!!!!! !!!!!! They givin’ you guff? I smak them upside the head you say the word. No, not that word. The other one.
@rooeyroo; Hit the “option (alt) key with your left ring finger. While holding it down, hit the “e” with another finger of choice. A little teeny accent ague occurs. Then remove both fingers and hit the “e” again; é
—I am not the least bit interested in changing this site or anyone who uses it. I like it here! I mean, REALLY like it here. So I’m staying. I don’t mind the rules, because I get them….they make sense. I will say what I want, when I want, to whom I want….all while operating under the umbrella of very reasonable fluther rules. And I will have fun while doing it! If my version of fun does not match your yours, then feel free take your ball and go home. That that falls squarely under the heading of “Your Problem”.
You guys might as well know that I am dyslexic. I misread things, I mistype things. I leave out letters, I transpose letters. It was a real bitch, getting my nursing and paramedic degrees, let me tell you! Just to throw you a little something extra to chew on, I have brain damage as well, which, by the way, does not equal lack of intelligence. For those of you who are uneducated on those two subjects, I forgive you, and am happy to overlook it because….....
to expect an entire group of people to be educated in any and all subjects specific to my preferences is both ludicrous and self-defeating.
That someone may not be educated on what I happen to know a great deal about does not, to me, immediately relegate that same someone to sitting in a dark corner of a piss-scented convalescent home with a slack-jawed countenance and a blank stare, while drooling down thier own chin. It is possible – POSSIBLE, mind you – that you might have something of value to offer in any number of other interesting areas.
In fact, in my effort to constantly adapt, those reasons are why I don’t spend any time in the chatroom, even though I was bowled over by how ingenius and thoughtful it was. I spend as much time checking for errors as I do posting. However, those mistakes are going to happen despite my best efforts.
And I’m not the only one! There are others who are dyslexic too, who also care about putting for the best effort they can to present a thoughtfully crafted response.
I’d appreciate it if, in the future, you applied common sense and eased up off my ass about it.
I do tend to be a little bit of a grammar nazi, but I’ve eased up greatly since learning more about my own learning disability. All my life I thought I just had trouble with numbers, and was a little scatterbrained… come to find, I have what’s called “dyscalculia”. You can Wikipedia it if you like, but it’s basically the numbers version of dyslexia, with some added transposing of cardinal directions for flavor. Ultimately amounts to a huge PITA when it comes to driving someplace new. (What was the address? 4074 or 7047? Right or left at Birch St.? Which way is left, again?)
@Seek_Kolinahr@phillis: In my family, we call it “the getting-lost-gene.” All the women, including me, have it. I have to pull over often, check the real map, take deep breaths, and calm myself.
The last time I tried to drive to the Albany airport, I ended up heading towards Boston and had to drive over the bumpy highway divide when no one was looking.
@gailcalled call it what you wanna call it but I call it “Give people a break” and “get off our ass”. The world isn’t perfect and neither are you. (though you think you are)
@NUNYA Whoa! What was that? @gailcalled was just joining the conversation. You guys are being hypersensitive. Sometimes that can happen on line when people don’t know one another. I know all these people, and none of them are mean, or hard-assed, or punctuation Nazis, or anything at all like that. You guys are misunderstanding one another and you should all back off and let it go.
@pdworkin—sorry I’ve just been “barked” at enough. I’m not the type to get uptight about petty things but she seems to be rubbing it in my face. People make mistakes and people are different, not everyone is as perfect as they would like to be. imperfections is what it is and my !!!!!!!!!!! and ?????? seem to upset her. So I have decided to go with the rules of “fluther.com” and blow her off. But I can speak my mind about certain issues and fully intend on doing so. I am about as docile and calm as any person can be. I avoid agruments at all costs! (I sure could have used the caps lock on that statement but abiding by fluther rules is most important to me.) But when push comes to shove, I shove back. It is called human nature. I’ve haven’t had “any” person on fluther treat me as badly as “gailcalled” has treated me. I love people and love conversation but not arguments. This is totally out of charcter for me! And I am not enjoying it at all!
@NUNYA I’m getting a kick out of pd for trying to tell someone else what to say, after the scathing retort he gave me on the same subject awhile back. hahaha
@pdworkin gailcalled is upset because of my punctuation…....!!!!!!!!!! and ?????? and has told me in so many words that it needs to stop. So I am doing that. I figured the fluther rules are more important then being overly happy and enthusiastic outlook on life! I am a very happy person that just wants to show how I feel through my punctuation marks and caps lock” that I now can’t use! So telling me that it is a misunderstanding is not accurate pdworkin….....she has it out for me and my happy go lucky nature and is trying to stomp out my fire. *But it won’t work! I am gonna still be just the way I am!* And hope she gets to know me better and appreciates my humor and enthusiastic ways. But if not <<<Shrugs>> no biggy!
@all:For any of you who still give a toss about this, I will be glad to PM you my exact remarks to NUNYA. I will not disclose her answers to me (which were agreeable, pleasant, and courteous) because that would be breaking a confidentiality.
@NUNYA Every site has it’s unique culture, and I’m sure she was just trying to help you adapt to ours. I don’t like the caps and punctuation here on Fluther, but it’s not personal. I do like you.
Laughing Out Loud! She herself told me she was a old/elderly person with “time on her hands” when I was asking her why the !!!!!!!!‘s and the ????‘s hurt her eyes & that is what she said. Something like that. But don’t wanna go and copy/paste cause that would not be right. Gotta mind the privacy issue.
Can someone be kind enough to tell me what the Perfecto-Fish award is for? I got it, but I haven’t a clue why? (It would be nice if they told you why you won one of those secret awards when you win one)
There are a couple that are just for fun, with hidden meanings. We have teased out the meaning of one of them, I’m sure we will figure out more as time goes on. It’s just supposed to amuse you, if it doesn’t, ignore it.
n Archaic
1. luck; chance
2. an occurrence
vb haps, happing, happed
(intr) an archaic word for happen
[from Old Norse happ good luck; related to Old English gehæplic convenient, Old Slavonic kobǔ fate]
An example: “he recorded all the little haps and mishaps of his life”
hap2 Scot and eastern English dialect
vb (tr)
to cover up; wrap up warmly
a covering of any kind
[perhaps of Norse origin]
Considering how far you’ve come, V, feck is light years ahead. It denotes a completely new mindset…..something many people are not willing to bother working for no matter who it hurts. You’ve grown massively since I first met you. Take pride in it! Use the word all you want until you feel comfortable with your next giant leaps forward. These folks do not have the benefit of knowing your background, but I do.
And another gripe. The big blue bar that appears when you get one looks like the one when you need to edit a question. It might be better if the one to edit was red or a different color.
My only gripe is the big blue bar. I think they are kinda fun. But I don’t need to wake up in the morning for the page to take up 75% of my vertical space telling me I got the same award eight times.
Actually, I wish we could opt out of being notified of awards too. I can see them on my homepage to know what I have and I know where he award page is if I want to know more. Having a list of who got when and when isn’t high on my list of interests.