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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Do you meditate?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) December 19th, 2009

There are many different types of meditation. There’s guided meditation where you can follow the voice of someone. There’s zen meditation where you use various techniques to try to clear your mind. There’s staring at a mandala.

With all the different ways to meditate, do you do it? What benefit do you get from it?

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22 Answers

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

I try not to hate,I meditate and love my mate.

NUNYA's avatar

Nah, But betime is a calm down time for me. Watch a movie and think about the world around us.

Vunessuh's avatar

No, I do not meditate.

hearkat's avatar

I have yet to integrate it into my daily life. I attend a weekly yoga and group meditation, and I am still exploring what methods work best for me.

I went to a Zen workshop, and they were rather orthodox with their methods, which does not work for me. Since my mind does wander (but not ‘race’) and because I have tinnitus, I seem to do better with an audio stimulus. I do enjoy the guided meditations of the group I practice with. Doing the yoga before hand is a meditation in itself and really helps me a lot.

anoop66's avatar

Meditation is very helpful when you are stressed out. I do it when I get depressed. There are numerous ways to go about doing it. You can google around and find the one which suits the most. The purpose is to ‘watch’ your chaotic mind. There are just so many thoughts going around at any moment. Funnily, the moment you try to calm your mind, it sort of kicks into a hyper mode and throws up more garbage thoughts. You get better at it with practice.

Really easy ways to meditate:

Light a candle. Turn the lights off. Wear loose clothes and focus on the flame.
Listen to music with all of your concentration. Don’t let anything else come in your mind. Feel the music. Sing along if you want. Its important that you don’t multitask this with anything else. Be ‘one’ with the music.

I still don’t get it why music as a form of meditation isn’t talked about that often. Its by far the easiest.

Hope I helped!

Blondesjon's avatar

Does getting really high and staring at the Weather Channel count?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Blondesjon : rofl… oh… cough cough cough… no

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Just started doing it again….no specific method.It relaxes me and can be an amazing thing.

Harp's avatar

I do zazen. Strictly speaking, I haven’t gotten anything at all from it, but it has helped me see that there’s no need to get anything, and that has been immensely helpful.

Berserker's avatar

I’ve tried, and maybe I’m doin it rong, but it does nothing for me.

Smile_loves_California's avatar

Have I been in the habit of meditating in the past . . . yes. Do I consistently meditate right now . . . no. Is that something I plan on making a part of my daily routine again . . . yes. I found running to be my best form of meditation, but I have to get in a rythem and maintain it for a period of time. I recently moved and need to desparately find a new comfortable running path (or shall we say “place for meditating”). If I can’t, then I guess my meditation pillow and I will be seeing each other twice a day.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Smile_loves_California : I often meditate while walking. There’s a beautiful park near me that I can walk around and really lose myself in the rhythm and sounds and smells and the feel of the path beneath my feet.

Smile_loves_California's avatar

I find the rhythm (and the spelling of the word correctly ;-) to be the determining factor. I learned zen, but found the rhythm of my feet hitting the pavement to be the most effective. It’s especially nice when you actually do find that special park that gives you the sounds and smells to go along with the much needed rhythm. Enjoy!

hearkat's avatar

@Smile_loves_California: I get into a meditative state while swimming laps… The water, the rhythm of the strokes and the breath, all quiet except for the splashing I make… It’s my favrite cardiovascular workout for that reason.

Smile_loves_California's avatar

@hearkat : It makes meditation seem a little less like work, doesn’t it? Maybe you’re not like me and get enough of it in your day. I really have to make it a habbit and part of my daily routine again. My sanity, ;-) depends on it! Happy swimming (and meditating)!

oreo45's avatar

I use music and mental visualization. I started meditating at age 16(im 45 now) my technique has evolved over the years. it helps me to relive stess, and solve problems.

Aster's avatar

I’ve just started. It makes me go to sleep faster.

marinelife's avatar

Yes. It calms me down and de-stresses me.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I only started a few months ago. I have a lot to learn.

YARNLADY's avatar

Not formally, but I do take time occasionally to reflect on things.

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