Would you go up on the space shuttle?
just pretend that it became affordable and the pretty average bear person with a good job could do it. You would go up, orbit the earth and return. Would you go? Or say you won the trip. Would you go?
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35 Answers
I would probably be quite scared. But I think in the end I’d have to do it. It would be the ultimate life achievement
I would love to take a ride on virgin galactic into lower orbit. The waiting list is long… even at 200k a trip. Do they serve champagne in lower orbit?
@Tomfafa no, this is limited to a creaky old space shuttle with bath tiles for heat shields. if you won, would you go
Probably not. I’m sick and tired enough of airports and the stupid “security” rules that do absolutely nothing to improve security. One can only imagine what getting “the public” on the space shuttle would be like.
Plus, I hear the in-flight meals really suck, and there’s no movie.
On the other hand, just imagine the frequent flyer miles you could accumulate… towards your next trip on the space shuttle.
No thanks, I’ll drive.
@trailsillustrated With bath tiles? Yes I would… I spent many hours looking into space… ah… to go there! Join me?
@Tomfafa I look all the time too. No I’d be too scared >.,<
I would only date a girl who would ride with me on virgin galactic… yes I’m still single!
Im not im just wondering how many people would be scared to go into space
@trailsillustrated, I’m not afraid to go to JFK or Newark to fly to China or Singapore. I think I’d be more worried about flying to Florida and renting a car there to get myself to Cape Canaveral. Space ain’ no thang. I’ve been taking up space since I went to school, according to all of my teachers.
Considering that they are older than my Toyota and maintained by an under-funded agency, I would have to say no.
That goes double since the Challenger launch which proceeded against the advice of the engineers.
Absolutely. I see no reason why not.
I’d prefer the Soyuz capsule.
I guess, reconsidering my earlier response… I would rather go up on the Space Shuttle than go down on it.
My tongue is a bit sensitive, for some reason.
Hell. No.
I’m usually up for a new experience and a good adrenaline rush, but that is too much. All I can think of is something going wrong and floating away into space just waiting to die. That might actually be a cool way to go if I could enjoy it instead of having the mother of all anxiety attacks, but I wouldn’t get far enough for the scenery to change much before I died.
I’d sign up in a heartbeat if they would let me. :)
Nope…once was enough for me. Nasa’s still pissed at me about the last trip because I locked the keys in the craft when we went into the space station. Remember that Looooooong Shuttle mission awhile back…that was me. There I was hanging by a tether in space with a phucking coat-hanger trying to get into the cabin.
@Supacase What could possibly go wrong when you are riding in a vehicle with 1,000,000 horsepower and 500,000 mission-critical parts all built by the lowest bidder?
@Corporate_Avenger, in Space, no one can hear you ask for a Slim Jim™.
@etpro, tut tut. You know better than to crib someone else’s work and not provide attribution… that’s lifted out of Tom Wolfe’s The Right Stuff.
@CyanoticWasp – “In space, no one can hear you scream…when you bang your knuckles trying to get the keys out of one of the few remaining Space Shuttles left in the fleet.”
@ETpro I asked myself that the entire time I was in the Navy….
Hell Yes!!! Pushes his way to the front of the line
@jerv Me too, mate. The WWII DE I served on had a firewall in the boiler room that would bang back and forth an inch or more at flank speed. It made this constant shuddering roar as it vibrated. And I was assigned to that fire room.
Yes, I would. And when we got up far enough, I’d sing the theme song to that old kids’ show, Big Blue Marble for all the peoples down below.
“The world’s a big blue marble when you see it from out there…”
i think it would be cool!
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