How many of you are interested in health bulletin from Macbean's dad?
” She had her surgery today. ..She went in at about 11:45 AM and they started at about 12:20. At 2:30 the surgeon came out and said everything went well, her vitals were all good and she would be in recovery for 2 or 3 hours.
They removed the left half of her pituitary which had a tumor in it. ....the right side looked good so he left that. We were very happy to hear this, as it hopefully means she won’t have to take medications for her lifetime to make up for no pituitary.
We didn’t get to see her until 8 PM. They had no room for her so she is spending the night in the recovery room. Tomorrow she will get moved to a ward similar to ICU but not quite as intense. She will still be monitored closely. Check for another update tomorrow night.”
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45 Answers
Yes thanks for the update! I have been wondering..
Thanks. Crossing fingers and toes.
Here’s the latest update…
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2009 10:04 PM, CST:
MacBean spent most of her day in the recovery room, waiting for her other room to get empty and ready for her. At dinner time they came in and said her room was ready. After she ate they took her up to her room. That was about 6:30PM.
Her room is in the neurological care unit. It is a big room with 8 beds in it. She is being monitored and checked regularly. She did have a fever some of the day but she feels pretty good.
(@gailcalled: I just posted this on the original thread:
She is at Albany Medical Center, which is a really first-rate hospital (and a teaching one, also.) so that is good. My mother and many of my friends have had successful surgery there.
Thank you Gail and Hearkat
Thank you all for posting. I missed the initial question and had no idea. May recovery be swift and complete!
Thanks for the update. Good thoughts only to Macbean.
Just a side note, I mentioned this in the original thread too, but MacBean’s male. He was previously female, and it seems his dad still refers to him as thus (at least on his CaringBridge), but he is definitely a dude. Just fyi… I’ve been trying to decide whether to mention it for a few days in the other thread, but I finally decided it might be slightly depressing for him to come back to 10000 comments calling him a her! :)
Thanks, @gailcalled. Thanks, @hearkat. I am so glad someone is posting for her (and I hope everyone remembers to do that if they have something serious going on). I have been waiting anxiously for news.
Please return lots of good wishes to Macbean for a smooth recovery.
@fireinthepriory Thanks. I was wondering why people said “she”, but I’m still sort of semi new here.
@Jeruba: I am having trouble registering for the guest book.
@pdworkin It’s from hir father, and that’s just what they chose to call Mac by still.
and technically, to be accurate, gender neutral pronouns would be correct.
Yep, I shouldn’t have assumed that Mac would identify strongly as male just cause he’s trans. Sorry again, MacBean… Gonna keep trying to get my foot out of my mouth over here!! :)
Whatever MacBean wants to be called is what I prefer. I just need to be instructed.
Thank you for the update. I love MacBean so much! <3
Well I’m a bit confused but hoping for the best healthwise.
Could someone be a little more specific about the gender -neutral pronouns and what Mac would prefer or be most comfortable with.
Thanks for the updates all.
Whatever the hell gender MacBean is, was or shall be -I’m just happy to hear good news.
the rest is just window dressing and ain’t none of our business.
Get Well Soon @MacBean!!
That is wonderful news! mountains of get well soon hugs for dear @MacBean <hugs>
Thank you so much for letting us know gail <hugs>
À votre sante, MacBean! (((((((HUGS!)))))))
Thanks gail! Hope you have a speedy recovery @Macbean!
@all: Bulletin c. 8:30 AM today.
“This is still Amanda’s dad. Sorry, I got home late last night and forgot to do the update. Amanda said she was awake until about 5 AM. Then she went to sleep and they got her up at 10AM. I don’t think she was quite ready to get up and she said she was a little grumpy. She had a shower and got to the bathroom which was a good thing.
Other than that the only other thing going on is a 24 hour urine collection. That will end at 11AM today(Monday). That checks levels of steroids that her body is producing. We have no word on a release date but hopefully we will know more today. I’ll try to update tonight!”
Sound kind of bland, which means good, right?
Thanks, Gail! I just came to update & see you beat me to it!
Note to @McBean’s remaining pituitary: Keep on keepin’ on pumping those natural hormones… You can do it!
I’m really glad to read the positive news. Hopefully Mac will be back here soon.
Great! Bean is progressing and I am hoping for a hospital release in time for Christmas at home!
Thank you for the update :)
MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2009 8:45 PM, CST
MacBean was moved to a regular room this afternoon. She saw two doctors from her endocrine group. The second one said she thought MacBean would be coming home tomorrow or the next day. Later a couple nurses made remarks about her going home tomorrow so we are very hopeful. Maybe tomorrows update will be from MacBean!
Very, very cool. Thanks for keeping us informed.
That is fantastic news for Macbean. Home before Christmas.
YAY!!!! My Holiday Wish! A Bean at home!
So very glad to hear this. Thanks, @hearkat and @gailcalled, for sharing such good news. Great job of healing, MacBean! Keep it up.
@No news this AM. Maybe as we speak, she is being bundled into a sleigh with four horses, having a bearskin rug tucked around her and is on her way home. (9˚ F now.)
Journal Entry from MacBean!!
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2009 12:54 PM, EST
I have two bedsores on my back, I have so many new prescriptions that I need a pill organizer with AM and PM sections for each day, and I’m now aware of the fact that my house is at a higher altitude than Albany Med (oww, sinuses…!). But my IV is out, I am in my own clothes, and I have internet access. I’m pretty pleased, but terribly tired. I’ll give a more detailed update later, but I wanted to let everyone know that I’m home and doing okay!
YAY! So glad to hear from you! Rest well, and enjoy your holidays at home!! ((((((hugs))))))
haha, I was so going to update with the underpants part, but I wasn’t sure if I should share lol
Welcome home MacBean; good luck on your recovery and hope your Christmas is warm and bright!
Be it ever so humble, there’s nothing like being home! Hooray!
I’m so glad to hear the positive news. Rest up and enjoy the holidays.
We’ll be here waiting whenever you feel up to making an appearance, but no pressure.
We’re just glad you are on the mend. Take care.
I totally understand where the underpants statement comes from. They make you wear these gosh awful fishnet looking things in the hospital.
Macbean, we are glad you are mending.
So glad you hear you’re (yer? yir?) on the mend!
Aw, good news!! Underpants is better than no underpants. (Ok, usually!) And the same for the internet, only that one has no exceptions at all. :)
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