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ucme's avatar

If immortality was a viable prospect would you sign the contract?

Asked by ucme (50052points) December 20th, 2009

I mean who wants to live forever right?

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24 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

It would get to be an awful bore eventually.

Zen_Again's avatar

I might.I’m kinda scared of dying.

ucme's avatar

@pdworkin Without a shadow of doubt.

phillis's avatar

Only if I had nothing to lose. Everything has it’s price.

ucme's avatar

@Zen_Again Yeah but imagine the consequences.

ucme's avatar

@phillis Well you’d lose your mortality at the get go. A fairly hefty price in my book.

Zen_Again's avatar

@ucme The consequences of dying suck.

ucme's avatar

@Zen_Again Disagree. A great many peoples lives end after a long & sufferable terminal illness. Death to them poor souls comes as a blessed relief.

daemonelson's avatar

Without a doubt.

Zen_Again's avatar

@ucme That wasn’t an option nor in the details. This was just about living forever.

iphigeneia's avatar

Forever is an awfully long time.

I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t like to be around in a billion (depending on what you read) years or so when the earth is inhabitable.

phillis's avatar

I meant besides that. In other words, even though I’m giving up mortality to gain eternal life, there is always going to be a drawback. Since we’‘re pretending anyway, I could live in a vegetative state as my body grows older, for instance. Or how about if I have an accident that leaves me completely paralyzed for all eternity?

ucme's avatar

@Zen_Again A question grows & moves along dependent of the flow & calibre of it’s answers. Precisely my point. Immortality with all its flaws would not necessarily be an attractive proposition.

ucme's avatar

@phillis Refer to my earlier response to Zen Again.

ucme's avatar

@iphigeneia Another salient point

scotsbloke's avatar

I’d say yes. After a few thousand years you’d probably go insane anyway…................

lonelydragon's avatar

@phillis I agree. Too many things could go wrong. I’d want to know if I would get eternal youth along with eternal life. If not, then I’d simply be re-living the myth of Eos and Tithonus all over again!

Furthermore, I’d probably become depressed about friends dying off every few decades, and I’d just get bored with life in general. Seventy or so years is a long enough life for anyone.

seekingwolf's avatar

No way.
I must have been brainwashed by Tuck Everlasting…haha :)

I’m not afraid of death and I know it’s a natural part of life. You have your time here and then you die. At some point in my life, I’d welcome it because my time on Earth will be up and my soul needs to move on to something else.

It’s a beautiful thing, if you ask me. No one is going to take my mortality away from me…

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

No. I saw what happened to my great-grandfather and he only lived to 103. He outlived his wife, all of his children, all of his friends and about half of his grandchildren. Although he retained his mental faculties to the very end, he lived in a world he could not understand. He didn’t hear a radio until he was over 50.
I recieved a very good education and am already beginning to feel lost in my mid fifties. People in their 20s speak a language laced with computer jargon that is incomprehensible to me. Rather than look like an idiot I don’t bother asking what the hell they are talking about. Most of the new information gadgetry coming onto the market I see no point in having, much less how to use it. As long as I have classical recordings and good book to read, I’m happy.
No immortality for me. I’m ready and willing to go at any time now. Us dinosaurs have to get out of the way of those who are younger and more adaptable.

Kelly_Obrien's avatar

No need to sign anything. It is included in your original papers. You are already immortal.

gymnastchick729's avatar

To be honest, I’d only sign on if certain sparkling vampires existed.

UScitizen's avatar

That would depend on who was availabe to be immoral with. Oh, you said immortal, well that too.

lonelydragon's avatar

@seekingwolf GA for your reference to Tuck Everlasting. I remember feeling cheated at the end, when the only information about Winnie’s adult life came from her tombstone. I would’ve liked to know more about her reasons for choosing not to drink the potion.

LC_Beta's avatar

I’d want an Achilles type of deal, where I could kill myself if I really wanted to.

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