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Vista Won't Boot?
Right now, I’m in Safe Mode with networking.
The problem started when I woke up (About 30 minutes ago)
I turned on the laptop, ( I guess the battery died, I falled asleep On the phone with the laptop still on, But couldn’t of over heated because theres a fan underneath)
Anyways, I turned It back on. It got all the way to the part, right before the log-in screen. Then after, it just went black,
This happened to me before, like 3 days ago. I loaded In Safe Mode, Opened Tune-Up Utility’s. And ran “Restore Deleted Files”
There was a “bootex.log” i restored that, restarted my computer & that fixed it. Now I do it again, & It doesn’t fix the problem.
(Tune-Up did say it was a bad file)
I have a Vista Home Premium, Service Pack 2, & its a compaq.
The stickers on the laptop says the drivers are “AMD Turion64, Nvidia Graphics, & Broadcom Wireless”
Now I can just restore my computer to brand new, But I have files I don’t Wanna throw away.
Any ideas whats causing this problem?
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