Why do I hate parties?
I went to a party last night. I go there every year at this time. I never see these people any other time. But we talk about what we did since we last saw each other and I always go home feeling like it was a futile waste of time. These people don’t care about me and I don’t care about them and yet we stand around chatting superficially once a year as if we both do. I always feel like this at parties. Is there something wrong with me?
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28 Answers
Since your name is “PartyAnimal,” one could easily think you’re conflicted about this matter, and that part of you secretly enjoys them.
That said, you could just be an introvert. (Nothing wrong with that, so am I.) Do you try to compensate and resent it, maybe?
Nope most people feel that way but are afraid of looking like a douche for not going. Its called peer pressure.
I don’t care about anyone, I just goto partys for the fact of getting drunk :p
I’m all about me me me :) Skip all the pointless crap talk, I’m only gona forget it all :)
No, there is nothing wrong with you. I feel your pain. I’m the same way, standing around making inane conversation with people I don’t really know. It’s good you went anyway, you never know, one of these days you might actually have fun.
@laureth Well, one side of me enjoys chatting, but another side of me questions what it’s all about since ultimately we (the people at this party) don’t mean anything to each other.
And you won’t mean anything to each other until you connect more, and spend time together. Kind of a Catch-22, eh?
Then don’t go. Find something more interesting to do with your time. Have people over that you like to spend time with, and play poker or Risk.
@PandoraBoxx That’s true. I’ve been cooped up at home for a while so some people pushed me to go to this thing. But, honestly, I don’t know anyone I would want to have over. It’s sad but true.
because you’re smart and you think beyond all this superficial things.
I think that very much fluthers are like you(luckily me too,I don’t like parties too)
@PartyAnimal I also feel this way. I don’t mind going out with a couple friends, but I don’t care for large group gatherings, even if I know most of the people. When I went to my class reunion this year, I had to isolate myself with who I was talking to to enjoy it at all.
That is why I stay home.
Unless I am invited to a party!
I dread going to parties, but I always have fun when I get there. I make the best of a bad situation.
I feel the same way about these types of parties. It is pointless. I can’t stand pretending for a single second. I avoid these situations at all cost.
I went to a party last night and that is probably why I read your question as “why do I hate pirates?” After pondering long and hard how you could hate pirates, I realized that was not the question . . .
Given that you have nothing in common with these peple and you don’t enjoy yourself, why bother going? It could well be that you are an introvert, as others have suggested; there is nothing wrong with that. Do you feel uncomfortable in all social situations? There is really no point in forcing yourself to go to these gatherings unless they are somehow mandatory. I was stuck with mandatory social functions in the Army, but they were highly formalized affairs requiring little actual socializing. If it is mandatory, just make the best of it you can, arriving as late as you can and leaving as early as allowable.
maybe just there too superficial for you.
Just get drunk.. and you don’t have to worry about anything.
Not at all. I agree with you that small talk is superficial and a waste of time. If being in each other’s company was that important, you’d meet more often, instead of having occasional chance meetings at holiday parties.
However, I do think that you might enjoy parties a little bit more if you just went to small, intimate gatherings with close friends or possibly family members (if you are a family person).
I like dinner parties, but not cattle-call throw-downs.
At best, it’s a bother and an intrusion if you are not very sociable. At worst: agoraphobia.
Because you’re doing it out of perceived obligation, not because it’s really what you want to do. When I go to parties, I don’t ever do it because I feel like I have to, I go with people I really care about (my boyfriend for example) and it’s always enjoyable. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be doing it. Time isn’t wasted unless you’re spending it doing things you don’t want to do.
@PartyAnimal Just responded to your question complaining about your sucky life so don’t pretend this is about a party. If you don’t like this party, go to another one. If you don’t like your life, change it.
I don’t do parties of any kind anymore. Too much fakery and seems all the people there can’t wait to see if you measure up. SCREW’EM!! They all think they’re royalty or something. I got sick and tired of meeting people at parties who tried to show everyone else how much their shit don’t stink. Parties? You’re more likely to meet the crowned monarchs of bullshitery than anything else. I’m perfectly content alone. Dammit.
Maybe it’s just the parties you go to aren’t filled with real friends. Not many people would enjoy going somewhere and feeling obligated to talk to acquaintances that you don’t really care too much about. Throw your own party and invite friends or family that you love being around, and you’ll have a great time!
Yes, there is something wrong with you…
...you waste mental energy attempting to make sense of nonsense.
You’ve already determined why you don’t like attending these parties.
What useful purpose does it serve to try to justify that feeling based on what other people feel?
Parties are nonsense.
There’s no sense to be made of it.
its always awkward for me to go. Even if it is a company party and I’m familiar with some people. I see these people enough during the week for money. Hanging out with them on my own time is dumb. That was before I became self employed so now I don’t have to worry about it. It’s great.
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