Because they think, they’re funny, they’re nice, I love them, I’d be lost without them… Pretty much what everyone else has said. It’s kind of interesting to see how we all have our different friends in our different lives for more or less the same reasons…
But also because for me, loneliness is incredibly painful, physically painful.
Because they, for whatever reason, choose to love me, too, and I couldn’t get rid of them even if I tried, even if I wanted which I would never want, and never try
I’ve thought about that whole pack idea, too. But I don’t think that’s the only reason. Yes, we “need” each other, we’re wired to “want” each other, but we’re not friends with everyone, not even close! At some point we do get to choose our friends, people we’re close to. While we may be doomed to have friends, we’re not doomed as to who those friends are. I think that says something. I don’t think there’s an easy ‘biological’ answer, one that purely evolution can explain. It may explain a lot, but there’s something else to it. Or maybe I just want to think there’s more to my friendships than chemical reactions in my brain, idk ; )
…I’m friends with these people people I love the energy they give off. (I’m a dancer! Energy is very important!)
Also, because while the rest of the world stares at me and judges me, sees my flaws, and while I keep expecting these friends to see what the world does, they don’t care. They love me for my imperfections even more than my abilities!! I can’t even understand it… Although I feel the same way about them, and that feels completely natural, unchangable.
So I guess I’m friends with them because something worked, something just seems, or feels, right when I’m with them. The world makes more sense with them in my lives. And is unfathomable without them.