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Why are you friends with people?
This is so stupid, but I was watching iCarly tonight, on the Disney channel. It’s the one where Carly & Sam break up (at least, temporarily, I haven’t seen the end yet, because this question occurred to me). They’re obviously the best of friends, and get in an argument that temporarily makes them think that maybe they don’t really want to be friends.
This got me to thinking about my own friends…I have a number of them, and really, they are all friends for some of the same reasons, and many different ones. Like my best friend, whom I can tell just about anything, and who will never judge me for who I am, I can’t imagine getting in a conflict with him. I have other friends who are relaxing to hang out with, but may never know the true me.
What are your thoughts on this? Why are you friends with people?
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