Social Question

Are our governments leading up to a carbon tax on our pets, now?
I’ve told you guys since I’ve been here that this carbon tax bullshit is a proverbial bottomless pit. There is nothing that cannot be assessed this tax. NOTHING!
Look at this (short) article:
I’ve never seen any democratic society so willing to swallow such a monumental story without any IDEA where we’re headed. Why are we turned belly up, giving total control over a sect who says “This is good for you” without demanding any specifics whatsoever?
Where are we going with this? Shouldn’t this be a joint effort, instead of us being lead around by the nose? Why are we not demanding to be told what the goals and future projections are, and where we are expected to end up, in each of our nations?
Let’s weigh how many taxes have been levied against us legally, versus how many have been repealed, shall we? What do you suppose the odds are that, if indeed they DO find they’ve made a mistake (because nobody is perfect, afterall) will
A) admit it, and
B) repeal it?
Whassa matter? You suddenly don’t like your odds?
Now, YOU might not think that signing a bill means jack to you, but you will when you suddenly have to pay annual taxes on your…
By the time they’ve finished, it might not even be legal to have a dog. Or it will be so expensive that you won’t be able to afford it anymore. And forget about vet care. If your dog isn’t registered with (in my case) the US government, the vet won’t be allowed to treat him even if he wanted to. Moreover, he’ll be required to turn you in.
This is the article that got me wondering ALL OVER AGAIN. Don’t get too emotionally attached to Fido. I see where this is going. Do you?