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talljasperman's avatar

Can love of work be instilled like a love of learning?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) December 21st, 2009

I have a love of learning and I want to instill a love of work in myself… How does one do that? Are the two simmilar loves gained in a smillair manner?

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7 Answers

Judi's avatar

I think passion for work can. I think you have to find what you love.

lillycoyote's avatar

Well, I think you have to love the work you do. There are jobs, over the course of your life, if you are like most people, that you will have to do whether you like them or not. The key to those, I think, is to find as least some aspect of it that you enjoy, maybe you are learning new things, whatever they might be, maybe you are learning new ways to interact with people, maybe, I don’t know. You might have to work it out for yourself. Hopefully, you will eventually find work that you love, but I don’t think that there is any way, at least not some specific formula that someone can give you that will make it possible for you to love work that is intrinsically “unlovable.”

mcbealer's avatar

For me, I truly enjoy some types of hard labor because I prize the gratification – sometimes instant- that you get from accomplishing certain tasks, and a certain zen type feeling during the process. Some examples of this are shoveling snow, raking leaves, handwashing dishes, and mowing the lawn.

marinelife's avatar

Yes. You go about it the same way. You take pride in the work product that you produce. You put effort into it.

Buttonstc's avatar

I think you can instill a work ethic which will have you persevere despite what may basically be a boring or unlovable job.

But the type of love and dedication which has you consistently putting in way much more time and effort than average only comes with a job or activity for which you have a true passion.

Think of guys like Jobs or Gates who would spend countless sleepless night marathons doing code for one or another deadline and decline vacations for years on end because this is their pasion.

Having to do something that dull and repetitious would drive me insane because that’s not my particular passion. But for them and all other sorts of entrepenuers who spend killer hours on their work, that is a fortunate congruence of finding that for which they are temperamentally suited perfectly.

That type of love can’t be taught or forced IMO.

john65pennington's avatar

These two loves are entirely different. to love someone comes from your heart and soul. to love your job, may only come from your heart.
i loved my job, but i am in love with my wife. see the difference?

SirGoofy's avatar

Only if your “work” involves sex.

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