Meta Question

jonsblond's avatar

10K is all the rage. Shall we welcome another into the mansion?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) December 21st, 2009

ragingloli has hit 10k!

It is time to put your school girl skirt and knee high socks on! Let’s congratulate this most interesting jelly. =)

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109 Answers

AstroChuck's avatar

Hey, everyone! It’s 10K-palooza!
Fantastic! Congratulations! We can never have too many in the mansion.

Geez, ragingloli. I thought you were already here.

Freedom_Issues's avatar


lillycoyote's avatar

I’m quite happy with my 2586, if that’s o.k. with everyone. But certainly, congratulations to all the 10ks

rangerr's avatar

This is madness! Congrats!

Judi's avatar

Congrats!!!!!!! Party time!!

Tink's avatar

Congratulations angry Asian avatar girl!

strange1's avatar

cool ! congratulations!!!!! quite an achievment actually

kevbo's avatar

I’ve been looking for an excuse to post this, and I can think of no finer or more appropriate means of celebration.~~~ Congrats!

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

jonsblond's avatar

@kevbo I have a strong desire to play Frogger after watching that video. ;)

mcbealer's avatar

I knew there’s a reason I’m up this late… or is it this early?!?
In any case, much lurve to you @ragingloli

pjanaway's avatar

Another one. ding ding ding! :)

J0E's avatar


OreetCocker's avatar

Top job ragingloli :-) Congrats!!!!

rooeytoo's avatar

Welcome ragingloli, come on in and make yourself at home. There’s still lots of room.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Ho’omaikai! (Congratulations! in Hawaiian) That’s amazing!

Haleth's avatar

Yeaaaaaaah!!!!!!! Congratulations! Woooooo!

Ansible1's avatar

Congrats!! Lurve on!!

filmfann's avatar

Congrats and welcome to a very deserving contributor!
Y Y Y Y A A A A A A A ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

forgewolf's avatar

congrats 10kers

augustlan's avatar


jackm's avatar

I know we may not always agree on everything (or anything) but congrats. I am always glad to debate things with you.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

Congratulations ragingloli!!!!!!!!!!!!

wildpotato's avatar

Congratulations! Thank you for teaching me about things as varied as German law, furriness, and a host of other stuff that doesn’t come to mind just now because I’m sleep-deprived. But I do remember that your remarks are amusing and incisive, and you’re often insightful in a way that hasn’t yet been explored in a thread. Glad you’re here.

SuperMouse's avatar

Scoot over everyone Ragingloli has arrived. Congratulations!

dpworkin's avatar

Glad to see this. The better I get to know you, the happier I am you are here.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Wow! That was fast! Congratulations!

MissAusten's avatar


Cotton101's avatar

dang, sorry i’m late for the party…CONGRATS ragingloli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ccrow's avatar

Woo hoo! Congratulations @ragingloli!!

aprilsimnel's avatar

お祝い! すばらしい仕事をした!

Well, that’s if you can read kanji, @ragingloli!

JustPlainBarb's avatar

Wow .. very impressive! Congrats ragingloli!
@jonsblond Thanks for the announcement!

flameboi's avatar

Congratulations!!! we have to start looking for a bigger mansion :D

ccrow's avatar

Maybe you need more mansions; it could be the “10k compound”. pool, tennis court, bowling alley, movie theater…

IBERnineD's avatar

Hey Congrats!!!

delta214's avatar

Happy Congratulations!!

whatthefluther's avatar

When I see a post by @ragingloli, I know I’m about read something very interesting, perhaps even intriguing, and sometimes just completely off the wall…..and, it will be thorough yet concise with compelling arguments based on sound logic and, first and foremost, totally honest, perhaps even brash, but undeniably from the heart. Congratulations @ragingloli!
See ya….Gary/wtf

syz's avatar


Axemusica's avatar

I’m running out of clever things to say, lol. Congradamulations!! Enjoy you’re10k lurve, now you have the choice of receiving it in a glass jar or a can. Spreads on your bread just the same though.

ubersiren's avatar

Congrats to one spicy meatball! Lurve on your big day!

absalom's avatar

Already? Feels like only yesterday you were at 5K. Or I’m delusional. Congrats! おめでとう! Et cetera!

zephyr826's avatar

Hoorah for ragingloli! So much 10k, so little time.

Cupcake's avatar

Congrats @ragingloli!!

Buttonstc's avatar

If I want to see a different and interesting take on the subject at hand, all I have to do is read your posts.

You are definitely one unique and fascinating snowflake.


erichw1504's avatar

I won’t be caught dead in a skirt and knee-high socks, but I’ll be congratulating ragingloli!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Yay, congratulations
good job!

CMaz's avatar

Fantastic! Keep on keeping on.

casheroo's avatar


erichw1504's avatar

¡sʇɐɹƃuoɔ ¡*ǝƃɐɹ* ǝɥʇ llɐ sı ʞ01

nikipedia's avatar

I freakin’ love you. Congratulations!

azlotto's avatar

Congratulations ragingloli…Good job.

Dr_C's avatar

Way to go ragingloli! Congratulations! that was fast!

stratman37's avatar

Everyone chant with me: “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”,

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@stratman37 when I hit 10K, I want you to type my long ass name that many times as well.~

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

c O n G r A t U l A t I o N s ! You’re a thousandaire!!!!

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I’ve gotta ask if these “congrats threads” are really just a means to build individual lurve. I mean no offense, but the Question got 19 Great Questions? And Chuckie is no doubt a Fluther superstar but 19 GA’s for his first comment? Value of lurve is dropping faster than the dollar ever did.

dpworkin's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous Nobody gets lurve from those GAs. We’ve all maxed out on one another long ago.

forgewolf's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous thanks for the contribution of adding to the thread any way. lol

CMaz's avatar

It is one of those pass the drink around take a sip type of tings.

In this case the spit is kind of sweet.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Of course you get lurve for the GA’s if a new user is giving the lurve. i didn’t mean to be a downer…just askin’

casheroo's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous After 5 GAs, the lurve doesn’t count, no matter if the person is new and hasn’t run out on you. Jeruba tested the theory and it is correct.

dpworkin's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous Oh, I mistyped. What I meant to say was, yes, that is our evil plan for domination.

CMaz's avatar

“After 5 GAs, the lurve doesn’t count,”

It does count after 5.

You can earn a Gold Ingot an/or an Ernest Hemingway.

dpworkin's avatar

Merry Christmas!

casheroo's avatar

@ChazMaz Yes, you can win awards for lots of GAs, but the lurve doesn’t continue to grow after 5 GAs.

erichw1504's avatar

@stratman37 “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”, “ragingloli”,

CMaz's avatar

@casheroo – Got ya! :-)

KatawaGrey's avatar

This is awesome! The wonderful jellies are piling in!

tinyfaery's avatar

Holy schnikies. What a feat. Sometimes you get under my skin, but I appreciate you’re candor. Congrats! Welcome.

Jude's avatar

You’re a true enigma, @loli. Blunt, yes, blunt is good. I love reading everything that you put out (no holds barred there). This place wouldn’t be the same without you.


Dog's avatar

CONGRATS!!!! Welcome to the mansion!

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Congrats ragingloli!

erichw1504's avatar

Where’s the cake with red hot lollipops on top?

wundayatta's avatar

Don’t you people ever sleep? Why am always so late to the party?

Congratulations @ragingloli! 10K is the way to go! Let’s partaaaaaaay!

wildpotato's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous I think that’s a good point, and I used to agree with you. So I avoided these threads at first, not wanting to gain lurve in this way. But then people I feel I have come to know a little bit hit 10k, and I genuinely wanted to congratulate them. So I decided that since it doesn’t really make sense to get all tied up in lurve, I wouldn’t have my participation or lack thereof in these threads hinge on the amount of “artificial” lurve I would receive. That is, if you stop caring about how much lurve you have, the matter of gaining it for GAs on things like “Congratulations!!!!XOXOXO!!!!” is no longer an issue, any more than not gaining it for lack of GAs on an answer you might have thought was really good, but no one else apparently did, is. In both cases, you’re saying what you want to say, and if the lurve comes in, then so be it. It’s just lurve – which I like to think of as a nice bonus in, but not the real point of, fluther.

CMaz's avatar

When congratulating someone.

All are Good Answers.

forestGeek's avatar

@ragingloli, glad to see you in the 10K club as you are definitely deserving of it. Congrats and cheers to ya!!

Likeradar's avatar


holden's avatar


Buttonstc's avatar


Trying to stop the tradition of lurve fests on congrats 10K threads is like trying to hold back the tide. An exercise in futility.

Ain’t gonna happen, so you either jump in and enjoy the water or stay on the beach.

Either way, the lurve goes on.

cookieman's avatar

Hmm, let’s see here…

perturbedloli? No.
annoyedloli? Nuh uh.
crankyloli? Nope.
Aah, here we go: ragingloli!!


janbb's avatar

Whew – the politcal discussions in the mansion just got hotter. Us old-style lefties are going to have to hone our disputational skills.

Mazel Tov, raginloli – let me show you to your room on the far-left corridor.

gemiwing's avatar

Way to go! Now the mansion will have all the good anime.

HumourMe's avatar

Arr… well don’ me hearty!

chyna's avatar

I’m going to have to quit working so I won’t keep missing the parties.
Congrats raginloli! Woo Hoo! Cake all around.

Blondesjon's avatar

Congratulation and well done.

now don’t you have some hentai to go watch? ;)

mattbrowne's avatar

Klasse, geil, super, spitze, durchgeknallt, perfekt, genial, astrein, prima, wunderbar, exzellent, pipifein, toff, fantastisch, sensationell, großartig, vollendet, hinreißend, ohne gleichen, hervorragend, ausgezeichnet, einwandfrei, großartig, wunderbar, vortrefflich, exzellent, wundervoll, prima, fundiert, grandios, vorzüglich, stabil, zufriedenstellend, fabelhaft, positiv, beachtlich, sexy, was für eine Augenweide, fesselnd, cool, hip, stylisch, krass, korrekt, weltklasse, mega, knorke, stylish, ein Hammen, sinnlich, wolllüstig, entzückend, anmutig, franzi, fantastisch, großartig, erstklassig, blendent, brilliant !!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Das war superfantastisches!

Dr_C's avatar


Val123's avatar

I found you! Whoot! パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ パキラ

SeventhSense's avatar

Glückwünsche groß

Val123's avatar

Yeah. What @SeventhSense said. (How did you do the special characters? Mine was a cut and paste from his user name on another website…)

Val123's avatar

SeventhSense No, not them ones! I can do that! ><)))((()>#$&! These (cut and pasted from your post) üüß???

SeventhSense's avatar

Click the fishy.

SeventhSense's avatar

Grip the mouse…no put him back in the cage.. not that mouse
Hover over fish emoticon until mouse arrow icon becomes a white pointing glove icon. Left click to hyperlink to site.
If any further explanation is necessary, I’m afraid I may have to come over and make a house call and pinch your cheeks.

Val123's avatar

WHAT FISH???? I don’t see no stinkin’ fish! And don’t even pinch my cheeks! I have a MEAN German Shepard who attacks people who pinch my cheeks! That’s not true….she the sweetest dog but….just looking at her hugeness will stop you from pinching my cheeks! NEVER MIND! I SEE THE FISH! I SEE THE FISH!

Val123's avatar

Now that is cool! Bookmarked. Thank you! are quite the artist. Just takes a more discerning eye than I to appreciate it right off….. :)

Val123's avatar

Purty eyebrows!
....................... ><
........................ + .....(think mistletoe an you don’t wanna!)

Howzat for a first try!

Cheeseball451's avatar

Congrats on 10K :) you ROCK!!!

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