If you drive a vehicle with a manual transmission, do you have trouble explaining to people why ?
Maybe it’s even more difficult for me because I’m a woman, but I just prefer a manual transmission. I love to drive. A manual transmission just makes me feel like I am really driving, like I am more in tune, more connected, more involved in driving. I guess it’s kind of a dying art, the art of driving a five speed (or maybe you have a four speed, that’s what I learned to drive on)... so very sad, I think.
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No, it is quite simple.
1. Manuals are for people who enjoy driving. My car can do 82 in second gear, with a 1.3L engine. The auto version is one of the most sluggish cars ever made.
2. Manuals let you have more control over the car. Sometimes I want to keep the revs high, if I’m about to merge but not just yet.
3. If I get stuck, it can always be push started, and being such a light car I could do it myself.
Edit: It is a dying art, and part of me is pig headed enough to drive it just because no one else can, and I am a car enthusiast. I tend to do some things like that just to be different, but I really do like manuals a lot more than any other transmission. I particularly hate CVTs.
I feel more in control with my manual. 5 speed.
I shrug it off when people ask why I don’t drive automatic.
The only thing I really dislike about stick shift is when you’re on a steep hill and need to stop on it.
Other than that, I have no complaints.
I have trouble understanding why anyone would even ask me why, but if they did, I would point out that it was the cheapest car on the lot.
I do. People don’t seem to understand anything about control. The few people that do care about control go on about how ASC, TCS, and all sorts of other electronic driving aids make it easier for them to drive.
Why can’t they just fucking learn to drive in the first place? Are they afraid of actually learning something? Are they worried that maybe controlling a vehicle may interrupt their texting or make them smear their lipstick that they are trying to apply at 70MPH?
In the wintertime, I feel safer in a stick. More control over the amount of torque going to the drivewheels. However, big words like “torque” and “drivewheels” are too much for people that would rather just turn the key, sit down, and magically get to their destination with no skill or thought.
Driving can be so boring, and cars are getting so automatic, they do everything for you these days, it seems. Manually shifting gears is one of the few things left that takes a little skill beyond just paying attention. I’ve always felt I have way more control over what I want the vhicle to do, and I never seem to have to explain myself for having a stick shift vehicle…in fact, most people who ride with me either already know that about me, or are grudgingly impressed that I own a stick, and know how to skillfully operate it. I’ve even taught some, because it’s amazing the number of people out there who actually would like to be able to do it, but no one ever showed them how.
I always loved manuals until I arrived in Australia. Even after 11 years it still doesn’t feel right to shift with my left hand. For a while I actually tried to reach over and use my right hand but that just doesn’t work. It’s strange.
Wow, the smugness of manual drivers is very off-putting. Kind of glad I’m not part of that crowd now…
It’s the same kind of smugness that so-called “audiophiles” have. It’s the whole purist back-to-basics thing.
@rooeytoo I think that would be more than a little weird for me too, learning to shift with my left hand. Where is the clutch? Would it still be on the left? That might be extra weird, for some reason, to have it be only partly opposite. I think there’s a fair amount of “muscle memory” or whatever you want to call it. When I’m driving an automatic I still try to shift gears. I
@rooeytoo Wow, I can’t even imagine shifting with my right hand. I need it to operate the blinkers while I’m changing down for an intersection! I guess that’s why European cars are a little tricky for me. I’m used to changing gears with my left hand, and I think we do things right in Australia.
@rooeytoo I’m from Australia and I find no problem alternating between left and right-hand drive cars that are manual. Maybe you just need to learn to get comfortable with it?
As for explaining to people why I drive manual, my reason is: it’s more fun.
I have a manual Corvette and a manual Monaro, and it’s always great fun dropping down a gear then flooring it on a freeway on-ramp or just sitting on a low gear on higher revs for a great sound.
It’s mainly the people who drive simply because they want to get from A to B and couldn’t care less about it that can’t understand the beauty of manual.
That being said, automatics are great too if you’re constantly in traffic or any other similar reasons :P
I don’t think anyone has ever asked me for an explanation. If they ever do I’m just going to say, because it’s what came with the truck.
I’m a female, and although people often seem surprised that my car is a manual, no one’s ever asked me why. When they tell me that they don’t know how to drive stick, I do notice that men seem more embarrased than women to say so.
I probably offer the explanation before anyone has a chance to ask… It’s a 6-speed MINI Cooper S (I think sone cars shouldn’t even be made in automatic) it is meant to be actively driven, not passively ridden in. Those who know me well say that it’s the perfect car for me. And now with the 2’ of snow that just fell, I appreciate the control and handling of the manual. I also joke at times that having a stick is a theft deterrent.
I just bought my first stick shift in 15 years – a 5 speed Jetta. My ex hassled me about it to no end, but I love driving that car! It has incredible pick up, I feel in better control in the snow, and I am more engaged in driving. So far no one other than the ex has mentioned anything about it.
@DominicX smug? Never! Just enthusiastic!
I tell them that I like to “Riverdance” while I’m driving ;)
Explaining how to drive a stick is a lot easier than getting someone to understand the nuances and technique. Several cars I’ve owned were manual transmission and the unconscious action of shifting stays with me when driving an automatic. Yeah, occasionally I still try to shift in an automatic. I’m sure that driving a stick would be a little weird for me if it was on the left instead of the right, but it’s probably just because I’m used to having it on the right.
I think people find it weird because most can’t do it. I’ve only driven manual transmission cars in the 36 years that I’ve been driving. I learned on a “three on the tree” and felt rather sporty when I graduated to a 5 speed. It’s a handy thing to be able to do.
I have no trouble explaining why!! As most of the people I know & work alongside drive manuals! :-/
The same people consider an automatic a lazy mans car or lazy woman’s car for the sake of argument! being more involved in the driving experience gives you a better understanding of the vehicle IMO! Anyway each to their own I say, I’ve driven manuals as well as automatics but will stick to my “stick shift” thanks very much! :-/
I prefer to drive manual. Never been asked why, but I would say…. I have more control over the vehicle. Plus it’s nice to choose if you want to use more gas or brake. I prefer to downshifting as apposed to smashing the brakes.
@Rufus_T_Firefly I feel ya. I’ve often been the culprit of a many brake checks because for that brief second I thought I was driving a stick, lol. Certainly does scare the crap out of the passengers, haha.
I love my manual transmission. I get better mileage, people (i.e. my high school students) are less likely to try and steal it, and it seems safer (particularly when the weather’s bad.)
And of course, stick shift is sexier.
With a manual transmission you have more complete control of the vehicle. Especially in mud, snow and ice, Repairs are also simpler and cheaper. You usually get slightly better fuel economy with a manual transmission.
I gave up my 5-speed after I got pregnant. We moved up to a family car and somehow that seemed like it should be an automatic. That was 5 years ago and I still find myself automatically trying to push in the clutch sometimes.
I insisted on learning on a manual so I would know how to drive one in an emergency. What if the only car available was a manual? After that, I saw no reason to pay more for an automatic when I liked 5-speeds just fine.
The only time I have ever preferred an automatic in a 4×4 is on sand. For some reason I like automatic for beach and sand driving. But for snow, mud or deep water, manual is preferable.
It’s simple. You can’t squeal your tires with an automatic…DUH!!
Lilly…BTW. You can’t just ask a question then not show back up again!
@Val123 I’m here! I going out of town tomorrow, all the way to the west coast! For the holidays and I should be packing now, but here I am, doing the fluther thing. What’s wrong with me? Now I’m going to have to do it in a rush and find that when I get to Portland I will have packed 17 shirts and only 2 pairs of underwear!
@lillycoyote Don’t ferget your books!! When my daughter was four she packed to run away from home. It was winter, she packed two pairs of shorts, one shirt, 6 stuffed animals and 12 books! Where on the West Coast??? Which way is West???
No. I always tell them its because I like driving manuals. Automatics make me feel less in control, and there have been times when driving a stick has made a difference in getting hit by another vehicle. I was able to quickly pick up speed and get out of the way. And slow down quickly so I didn’t hit someone a head of me. I only like automatics for really long distance drives.
Truth be told, you also get less request to borrow your car. LOL
My car is manual because I enjoy it more, but I agree with @DominicX a lot of people are so self righteous about it I am sometimes embarrassed to admit I own one. I feel the same way about my Mac. I enjoy it but I am embarrassed because of the rest of the fan base.
I don’t assume everyone who doesn’t own a manual is a dumb fucking american who can’t wipe his own ass.
Jeeez this is turning into the old argument about fly fishing versus live bait.
I think some people are pompous asses no matter what they drive or fish with or listen to. With an enophile you can always prove their pomposity by having a blind tasting wonder how we could do that with cars or fish, would be easy enough with the audiophile.
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