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14yr old pregnant girl vs mom and B/F, who will win?
If you knew of a progressive mom I think that is what they call it these days who allowed her 14yr old daughter to bring her 16yr old B/F for over night stays knowing they are having sex. Her reasoning is that she can’t stop her daughter from having sex, and it wasn’t really illegal for her daughter to have sex so she might as well try to manage it than prevent it by allowing her to do it in the safety of her h0me and provide protection. But somehow the girl ends up pregnant. The B/F wants her to terminate the baby, the mother is in agreement. The girl on the other hand doesn’t want to kill her baby, she wants to keep it. Who is going to prevail in the end? The B/F and mom in wiping out the baby or her getting to birth it even if she can’t raise it in the end?
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