Whom do you thing will be the first woman to win the US Presidency?
Asked by
ETpro (
December 22nd, 2009
Hillary Clinton came the closest so far. She certainly demonstrated the public is ready to elect a woman. Who will break this ultimate glass ceiling?
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58 Answers
If I think about the current pool of possibilities…well, I can’t think of one. The high powered female politicos have so much baggage.
Just don’t let it be Palin. Please!
Maybe Hillary !! Regardless of what everyone is saying I doubt people will remember Sara 2 years from now !
@ChazMaz- One person’s dream is another’s nightmare.
Lois Griffin….... well she gets my vote. If only because she’s the most capable contender, I mean look at the competition. Besides she’s got one helluva butt! Whoo Hoo.
I got it !!! Hillary Cliton will marry Sarah Palin ,,,They’ll take turns being The President and Vice-President,,, They also take turns with the Presidential Strapon !
Well.. I remember back in the mid 90’s a late night host once said “The President is doing a wonderful job! And her husband ain’t ‘doin so bad either”
I miss the Clinton years.. the Country was doing much better then.
It will be one of Obama’s daughters.
@Dr_C I could never understand the hatred some people had toward Bubba !!
They just would not stopped bitching about the Hummer he got in the Global Office !!
Won’t be Hillary. That would have been nice, but she will be too old (she is 62 now), unless there is an assassination.
Palin is too stupid/evil to be elected.
So, I gotta go with Miley Cyrus.
@Pretty_Lilly If the worst thing that can be said about your presidency is that you jot a blow job… that’s saying something. It’s not like the guy killed the economy (ahem… budgetsurplusthanxverymuch) or started a war with the guy that threatened his daddy over weapons that didn’t exist…. or decided to use a terrorist attack as an excuse to go bully everyone he dislikes.
The man was a great president… not the best husband but no one elected him to be the first husband.. they elected him to lead a nation. The choice before our current president was… misguided to say the least.
Someone we haven’t heard of yet. Hopefully no one related to any former president. I’d hate to see that become a trend.
@filmfann i have to agree with you on Palin… the woman is as dumb as a box of hammers… but she looks pretty good in running shorts!
(please keep her away from the nuclear launch codes).
Sadly, I think it’s still a ways down the road and we don’t know her yet.
@Dr_C Palin and Launch codes? “I can see Russia over my house!”
Palin should be because she is the smartest one out there. The HIlder beast is a farce ,along with the wicked bitch of the east, prune face Pelosi. Hope to God it is conservative, who ever it is.
@Roby Since Pelosi is from San Francisco, and you consider that East, I can only assume you are from Communist China or Russia.
@Roby When you say Palin is the smartest one out there… whom are you comparing her to? (rock… baby rattle? maybe a bowl of uncooked seaweed?).
Hope to God it’s conservative? yeah.. because the last one really worked out well…
How about someone who is actually qualified for the Job? that immediately gets Palin off the list
Probably someone we haven’t heard of yet who is in middle school or high school at the moment.
FLIMFLAM…..where in the hell is her office located IN THE EAST!
I am comparing her to any left wing liberal who can breath. Palin can outshine any freaking Liberal
If you meant George Bush being the last one….he was not a Conservative he was a Republican.
Oh yea, how this socialist we got in office now how’s he working out> LOL Your on Welfare right?
I think Hillary will run again, but I don’t think she’ll win.
I think Christie Whitman (former governor of NJ) might be a good choice, but she’s a moderate, so both sides will try to destroy her. Jennifer Granholm (governor of Michigan) would also be a good choice if it wasn’t for that pesky natural-born American thing.
@Roby On what planet can Palin “outshine” any “freaking Liberal”? I would put my 3 year old son up against her in a debate. Since we play with a globe at home, he already knows the location of 10 countries, which is 9.5 more than Sarah Palin (maybe Alaska is its own country?). It boggles the mind how knee-jerk some people are in defending her. It’s one thing to believe in a certain ideology (i.e. conservatism). It’s quite another to be an absolute moron (i.e. Sarah Palin).
Any question?
I can see her sometimes when I visit Russia and look over to the United States. She’s usually on the porch waving.
Sarah Palin has parlayed what would have been political death for most politicians into a very lucrative venture. Yeah. Dumb.
@Blondesjon Paris Hilton has also parlayed pseudo-fame for a lucrative “career” (though she didn’t need the money). Would you classify her as smart?
Our celebrity culture will reward just about anyone simply for being a celebrity, independent of their actual inherent gifts or value. Shrewdly using her newfound celebrity to cash in doesn’t make her qualified to deal with complex issues like the wars, our economy, immigration, national security, and so on.
@shilolo . . . I don’t recall every saying that it did.
@Blondesjon You mean, saying “Yeah. Dumb.” implied that she is dumb, right after your other statement? Are you backtracking? You think she is smart, or dumb? Which is it? On the basis of her public, unscripted appearances, it is hard to call her smart. S.M.R.T. maybe…
I don’t think it will happen anytime soon (next 3–5 elections), so the future female president is probably relatively young. I think she’d have to come from a political family with lots of political connections and resources.
Meghan McCain is the only one who comes to mind right now.
@shilolo . . . I only commented on the fact that she is often referred to as unintelligent and yet has a great deal more money and political clout than any of us. I never once mentioned that she was fit to be any type of leader.
All of you folks who get your panties in such a bunch over this woman do realize that you are half of what continues to keep her relevant? She is cashing in on your hate and laughing all the way to the bank. Yeah. Dumb.
I would totally vote for Meghan. a) yum and b) she’s a relatively reasonable persona.
@Blondesjon Wrong. I could care less about her. If she decided to go live with the wolves tomorrow, I wouldn’t miss her one bit. I don’t buy her books, buy magazines about her, or bring her up. I was responding to a comment proposing her as some sort of genius antidote to liberalism. You’ve got it all wrong, and, as before and after the election, love to play this Palin game (I think you not-so-secretly like to agitate).
@shilolo . . . methinks thou doth protest too much.
Does having money and clout = smart? No. Does cashing in on celebrity = intelligent? No.
Let’s just say that your record as a Palin supporter speaks for itself.
@Roby… I don’t think you really know what you’re talking about. As far as “Being on welfare” lol… I think our driver’s brother might be… I really wouldn’t know about those things.
@shilolo . . . I have never said I support Palin. I just don’t support vapid, talking point, conservative style hatred and anger.
It wouldn’t matter who you all were screaming about, when the above conditions are met I like to put in my two cents worth.
@Blondesjon Are you serious? I watched every public appearance that she gave, dissected every speech, and read every interview she gave. What else am I to go on? Is it incumbent on each of us to have one-on-one discussions with potential leaders?
I am by no means stupid, or readily susceptible to FoxNews style propaganda, so I find your statement unacceptable. She hasn’t given anyone one whiff of being an intelligent person. We live in complex times that require thoughtful people, and she fails miserably at that. No one with a critical mind could or should think otherwise. Indeed, I am shocked you can defend her.
Edit: Oh, I see. You just like to play devil’s advocate and pretend like you support her all the while accusing others of not doing their homework and spewing out the words “talking points” like you are on MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour? Gotcha.
@shilolo . . . If you can’t understand the point I am trying to make then the best I can do is wish you a very Happy Holiday and a wonderful New Year.
Vegetable Rights and Peace,
Wait, there was a point there? Yeah, I’m too stupid to see it. There is, of course, an alternative explanation…
@Blondesjon & @shilolo can we at least agree that the woman knows how to wear a pair of running shorts? come one.. legs like that at her age take some work!.~
I think cashing in on celebrity is pretty smart. Only an idiot wouldn’t cash in on fame. It’s the only upside.
@Roby You said OF the East. She is not OF the East. She is OF the San Francisco Area.
W. was certainly both Conservative and Republican. What Conservative had distanced himself from Bush, until his popularity made him the liability he is.
Palin is a tart. She will never hold elected office again.
Thanks for all the answers, everyone. Perhaps I should ahve said present company excepted. But then, who knows, one of our own just might make it. :-)
There will never be a woman president. Girls are icky and have cooties. And they are dumb and don’t know how to shoot marbles or fish. Stupid girls.
I am a good marble shooter and I catch big fish. See the proof in the fluther photo album
Prolly Lady Gaga or something.
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