@Jewel I hate to go the black box route, but hell, this is all theory anyway. We need some scientific investigation to go any further on my theory.
You are thinking as if body language is like language. You are thinking as if your linguistic mind can understand body language.
It’s not like that. Your conscious mind does not have easy access to what the non-linguistic mind is “thinking.” It may not have any access in some people. Yet the non-linguistic mind is still working and thinking—you just aren’t aware of it.
Now I seriously doubt that people with Aspergers have minds that do not include a non-linguistic component. I suspect you are like the rest of us in being unaware of what is going on. Your body knows. You don’t know. You don’t know what your body knows. You’re operating under the illusion that you can know what your body knows, as if it were a translation from Russian, or something. It doesn’t work that way.
You say you struggle to fake understanding of body language. Well, so do people without Aspergers. You way over-estimate what you are missing. We have almost as little clue as you do. You have socialization problems—but those are not the cues I’m talking about. Yes, people can show annoyance or impatience. Those things are easy (for us). That’s not what I’m talking about. That kind of body language can be translated. But it’s just another expression of emotion.
What I’m talking about is different. It’s deeper and more complex, and I don’t know if you get it or not, but I know it happens inside you, and that it finds ways to communicate to you, as well. I just know this. I could be wrong, of course, we’ll see some day. In any case, it’s all theory.
But yeah, dancing is a way out. The kind of dancing I do is purely about expressing what you need to in the moment. If you don’t want to or can’t relate to anyone else at the time, you can still move. It would be interesting to experiment, but I think it’s actually a form of social dancing that a person with Aspergers could feel comfortable in, once they learned what was going on. But that’s all I can say about that. The rest is private.
I do dance, and when I do, I feel like I have a strong impact on others because my energy is so intense and focussed. I just get out of my head and into my body and I stay there—focusing on the story I am living, and not trying to think into the future or remember the past. I’m just there, doing what I find I need to do in that moment. Sometimes—maybe even often—I’m all alone on the floor when everyone else is connecting to someone else. I don’t mind. I know that if I stay with my true feelings and movements, it will fit in. It may even attract others.
I wish I could know that in my linguistic mind life. When I dance, I know everything that is important. At all other times, I am pretty much lost. When I play music, it is often like that, too, although it is not quite as reliable as dance is. I am really fucking tired of living my planful life. I want to live a real life. But I don’t think that’s going to happen, unless my non-linguistic mind has a really good idea of how to make that happen.