My 1st Question is why is grumpyfish so grumpy?
Asked by
December 22nd, 2009
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50 Answers
Good question. I’ve never really thought about it before.
He probably always has been…hence the name.
Because his name is grumpyfish. It wouldn’t make sense for him to be named grumpyfish and be happy.
@LANEYO please stop the shouting. Hurts my ears
He gets grumpy when people don’t use proper grammar or spelling.
Maybe he has a case of ick! Those parasites can really cramp your style.
Did Mr.Grumpyfish name himself or did someone help him ? Emotions/Feelings are real and different in each person some people are uneducdqewfed ideiots da!!
Jellyfish are spineless is this true!
@gailcalled – Now i know who gave me the lurve.
He can’t type; it’s really grampyfish.
@LANEYO:—Please get off the “caps lock” key. That makes all of us grumpy.
And please translate this: “some people are uneducdqewfed ideiots da!!” for the sake of the uneducdqewfed ideiots da.
Perhaps some of the “Jellies” cause him to be so grumpy .
Idea hummm let us take a collection up for Mr.Grumpy, (I have two dollars to my name) No,no money can’t buy happiness.What can I DO
Maybe he just needs a hug.
And prozac.
What is grumpyfish? Why is grumpyfish a user? Why does the site use grumpyfish as a mascot? What color is grumpyfish’s hair? Does gumbyfinch even have hair? What is the derivation of grumpyfish? So many questions, so little time. Will grumpyfish come out to play?
I’ll have some of what you’re on, thank you.
You would be too, if you had to live and swim around in other fishes’ feces and human pollution.
I would give it to you big guy if that will help you from being so GRUMPY it’s the HOLIDAY’S for God sake put a smile on someone else’s face maybe that will make feel better!!HUG NOW NOW MR GRUMPY YOU NEVER COME OUT TO PLAY What would make Mr dumpyfish come out
Can not spare any of that. Running low on my plaseeeebo
Welcome to Fluther. Tone it down, please. (placebo)
: ( im sad. why are you here?
To learn and understand people
My goal this holiday is to put a smile on someone face
Then please reread the Fluther guidelines. (someone’s)
And I thought this was a serious question? Color me red! How much longer can this question stay unmoderated?
@daloon . . . I just flagged. My first flag ever. I hope you are happy @LANEYO. I am now a censor.
@gemiwing Was that comment aimed at me? Because you don’t want what I’m on. Believe me, Lithium is no fun. And it rots your kidneys!
GUYS & GALS We just wanted to help Mr Grumpyfish feel better I guess looking back I JUST LIKE TO MAKE PEOPLE FEEL better ya no give what they want.
@daloon No it was for the OP. Lithium sucks- almost killed me, actually. I much prefer Neurontin or Trileptal. Ahh, nothing like a nice 1774 Trileptal, good legs and a nice bouquet. Pairs well with normalcy and sleeping.
I’m a perfectly happy fish. There’s just certain things that make me grumpy. And you wouldn’t like me when I’m grumpy.
Grumpyfish is grumpy because there are so many frizzers and frizzerusers. We have a little talk every night, grumpyfish and me.
@andrew Why don’t you talk in the day, too?
@andrew Grumpyfish needs some assistants, me thinks.
A Clash of Cultures. ((((((((((((((@gailcalled)))))))))))) – hugggzz!
O you guys (blushing) what’s the world coming 2 do i put a period there or a question mark life is SOOOOOOOOO UNfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He’s not.He’s happy as a clam ;)
Maybe he was once a ski star and got his brain put in the body of a fish.
Could happen.
good morning USAAAA
he exists in the internet
Grumpy is Fluther’s Luca Brasi, spell poorly, “you swim with the fishes”.
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