Social Question

partyparty's avatar

Here in the UK we only have about seven-and-a-half hours of daylight at the moment. How many hours of daylight do you have, at this time of year, where you live?

Asked by partyparty (9167points) December 23rd, 2009

Here in the UK we only have about seven-and-a-half hours daylight at the moment. How many hours do you have where you live?

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11 Answers

downtide's avatar

hey I was gong to ask this question. You beat me to it!

I’m in the UK too so my answer is the same as your question.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

About the same. Maine is slightly south of the UK in lattitude but only enough to mean a few minutes difference in daylight hours. Maybe 10–15 minutes difference at most.

randomness's avatar

We have about 14 hours of daylight here at the moment.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@randomness I spent two years in the Land of Oz as a child. My father was Naval Attache in Canberra (mid 1960s), With those kind of daylight hours, you must be in Victoria or Tazzie?

randomness's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land I’m quite low down in South Australia, actually :)

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Somewhere near Adelaide then? In central Maine, I’m at about the same N latitude as Christchurch NZ is S latitude. In high summer, we get abut 17½ hours daylight. Years ago I was stationed at Ft. Wainwright in Alaska where the sun never set in high summer. I also spent 7 months at the South Pole, most of that time never seeing the sun. :^)

randomness's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land Yes, somewhere near Adelaide. I can’t imagine being in Alaska though…. how would you get any sleep if it was always sunny? Did you have problems with this when you were stationed there?

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@randomness Eye shades and ear plugs (the Air Force plays wargames 24/7 during the summer up there). We (the Army) frequently went out to rescue downed fliers, ase had the helicopters and tracked vehicles. I once had to drive off a grizzly who was intending to have an RAF pilot for lunch.

JustPlainBarb's avatar

I’m in IL in the US. Right now, we probably have around 8 hours of daylight.

mattbrowne's avatar

Right now there are too many clouds in Germany ripping off extra hours from the days which are too short already. Want daylight? 24 hours a day? South Pole is a good place to go.

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