What food will you simply not eat?
We all have food we just don’t like. Mine is avocadoes. I think it comes from my parents forcing me to eat them. I just decided I was never going to eat them again when I could choose.
One time I had food poisoning from eating undercooked turkey and wouldn’t eat that for years.
What food(s) do you refuse to eat? Any reason for that other than you don’t like the taste?
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188 Answers
I don’t like meatloaf and veal and liver.
Texture is more important to me than taste. Anything that does not have a uniform texture or has inedible portions like bones, shells, etc. I can drink fruit and vegetables processed through a juicer but will not touch the raw thing. An autistic trait.
Anything gelatinous like sweetmeats or flan. I just gurfed a bit
Anything with gritty textures.
Anything with chewy bits of gristle.
Cauliflower. I hate the stuff.
@erichw1504 oh my lord. eeew eeew eeew eeew eeew eeew eeew eeew eeew eeew (repeat like 3.33) I cannot agree more about pulp in orange juice. You go for this nice smooth orange juice and instead get a mouthfull of maggot-like pulp. ughhhhghgh
@gemiwing Oooo. I agree. I can’t handle that either.
@gemiwing Thanks a lot for that image. I will never drink orange juice again. :)
@Dr_Dredd I used to hate it too, but it kinds of grows on you :)
@JustPlainBarb In all seriousness, I’m about to cry just thinking about pulpy oj.
@erichw1504 I agree about the sushi. My son loves that stuff… eel sushi especially. I thought I raised him better than that!! :)
Oh, come now. Sushi is amazing!
Still hate kimchi.
Sauerkraut. My husband loves the stuff but I just can’t stand the smell or taste of it. I gave it a try this past fall. We cooked brats in a mixture of sauerkraut and beer and the smell in the house about killed me.
You can have my Lima beans!! Gag! and gag again!
Oh, and cow brains. The texture is so gross.
@jonsblond Same here. My husband would eat that stuff, but I just refuse to have it in the house. He can go out to eat it!! The smell lingers long after it’s been eaten!!!
I may get a lot of flak for this but, Jolly Ranchers. They just don’t appeal to me at all and taste like ass.
Never found a food that I will not eat Barb! When you grow up poor, just happy something was on the table!
@autumn43 @absalom I agree with those too… I cannot do lima beans or any brains or innerds!!
Pimento cheese!! If pimento cheese was the last food left on Earth, I’d starve to death!!!!
An ex. got me to try it once. She drenched it in garlic butter. I felt as though I was chewing on someone’s lower lip. Three or four chews and I headed right for the toilet, so I could spit it out. Nasty.
@Cotton101 Good point Cotton. You would be a great dinner guest!!! (But I already knew that.)
@baileysmom12 Oh I haven’t had that since I was a kid… I don’t think I could eat it now either!!
I will not eat a goat brain. Apparantly it is something served over in Pakistan. I can’t believe you don’t like avocadoes though…they are probably my favorite. Let’s see…I will not eat raisins, sushi, liver, or lamb either.
@jmah Hilarious description of that. The taste and the COST are both killers!!
Any animal organs – I would not be able to swallow without gagging.
I do like kimchi and maggoty… er, sorry, pulpy OJ.
A sandwich with too much mayonnaise.
@Blackberry I love meatloaf and veal, but I’ll let someone else have the liver for sure.
@erichw1504 I used to slather on the mayo, but my good old cholesterol numbers did not approve.
Keep it together Gemi! You can do this! Be strong! haha You guys are making me laugh on a very stressful morning. Thank you!
Attention, there are barf bags in the seat pocket in front of you.
@erichw1504: Does it indicate my naivete if I first thought you meant meatballs made of moose meat?
I’m a big fan of earwax, though.
@pearls really…love it, but very bad for you! full of “C!”
RAW ONIONS! blech blech blech!
@Beta_Orionis My father-in-law can eat a whole raw onion like an apple.
There are things I can’t stand the flavor of: olives, lima beans, cabbage, liver, cauliflower.
Then, there are things that I don’t like the texture and flavor of: veal, sushi, fried corn.
I’ve tried all of the above, sometimes more than once. Every now and then I give sushi another try because almost everyone I know (including my six year old) can’t get enough of it. And it’s so pretty! Each time I give it a chance, it’s all I can do to get it down. :(
I’ve never tried brains or innards and don’t plan on it. Pimento cheese is something else I think I can get through life without trying. Also, that green and red stuff inside a lobster. My mother in law scoops it out and spreads it on bread, and I have to be careful not to look or I totally lose my appetite.
Yogurt with fruit chunks in it.
call it fruit but i ain’t eating no papayas like ever!! I think i was about umm 10 or so and then my grand parents they had this papaya tree. Well ma insisted in taking one out and i had my try and believe me it was something about the mushiness or the smell. Ever since then i never even come close to thinking of eating them let alone eating them !!
@erichw1504 I’ve seen people do it. It leaves me in awe, but upsets my stomach. I can’t even stand tiny pieces of green onion!
Oh, and lamb. I don’t like the flavor of lamb at all.
Candy with toffee in it. Can’t stand it sticking to my teeth and it’s not the best tasting stuff in the world.
@Cotton101 We were made to sit at the table until we ate all of it. Couldn’t stand the smell and taste. Probably why I despise eating it today.
@pearls No one ever ran me off from the table! loll
Anything with raw cucumbers, I get severe stomach cramps.
Anyone else here from the South were boiled okra is like some kind of delicacy?
Talk about your aversion to texture – slimy medium with the soft little seeds in there – like sucking on the nose of someone with a bad cold!
Sorry for the mental image there, but if you’ve never seen/ate it, you really need a description to appreciate why I can’t stand the stuff.
@Cotton101 So is there anything you don’t like to eat?
@stratman37 That’s the image and feeling that always comes to my mind, but apparently it’s only that way if cooked improperly.
@pearls LOLL..there are some things i rather eat than others..but, no!
@Beta_Orionis – no, I had it from the best cooks down here, and it’s always runny on the inside. Now FRIED okra is a different animal altogether…
Cucumber and egg mayo, just the smell makes me want to hurl :-0
@stratman37 hmm! Maybe It’s fried okra I was thinking of…
While I’m no longer a coffee drinker, I think that, even in the height of my fanaticism, I wouldn’t have been able to bring myself to drink Kopi Luwak.
Caramel. Don’t know why, I just don’t like the taste.
@stratman37 I am from Tenn, and I do like boiled okra. I like okra just about any way it can be cooked. Yes, it’s slimey but I still like it. Ever had pickeld okra?? YUMMMM!!!
Wild game.
I can’t do it.
@Axemusica Really, just stuffing in general? Because there’s a ton of stuffing varieties out there.
@erichw1504 yep. I will not eat stuffing. Just the smell can make me gag. I’ll throw up if I eat it. The only thing about Thanksgiving I hate.
Veal. I won’t eat veal
I also don’t like fresh tomatoes, although and exception is if they are in pico de gallo with lots of lemon, but never on a salad.
whipped cream
cream cheese
mayo (only ok in tuna, but very little)
sweet potatoes
Canned tuna fish. The smell alone is so revolting that I often lose my appetite if someone else is eating it in the same room with me. Why would anyone eat something that smells like old bait rotting in the sun? I don’t think it’s fundamentally different from catfood.
Also, mayonnaise, unless seriously mixed with other ingredients.
And sour cream. I mean, it’s sour cream. Think about the words. Why would I eat that?
Anything that contains animal produce!
Well, this has been really fun reading these answers! Being a country boy, love my vegis! The best meal in the World would be: fresh tomatoes, black-eyed peas, smashed potatoes, snap-beans, and fried chicken…with hot biscuits! oh, a cold glass of ice tea! ummmmmm…Think I’m going to Cracker Barrel for lunch!
btw, if you put on the table, Cotton will eat it!
I also generally won’t eat veal or foie gras, simply because I think that the production process is particularly barbaric and not worth any flavor gained. In general I avoid large predatory fishes (though sometimes I can’t resist a little raw tuna) mainly due to mercury content, but also due to over fishing.
must be all “city people” here…loll
@Snarp Ooooh, I hate sour cream also, except inside of a few recipes, but I would never put a dollop on anything. When I go to Chili’s and order the nachos I ask for the sour cream and guacamole on the side completely separate (for my husband, because he eats that stuff) they always say, “well it is on the side.” NO! It is in the middle still touching some of the chips and on top of my lettuce. I don’t want it near my food. Yuck.
I won’t eat Chicken i feel too sorry for the poor battery chickens kept in cramped conditions.
I won’t eat Prawns as i caught samonella poinoning from them once and that was one time too many!
I won;t eat cooked Carrots i think the taste is vile although i will eat them raw.
I won;t eat Fish that still has it’s head and tail still attached i am greatly disturbed at the thought of the food i am eating Watching me while i do so!!
And i won’t eat any form of Offal ie Liver Kidneys ect .
I won’t eat fresh tomatoes but will eat them cooked
I won’t eat Rhubarb or Rasberries.
I won’t eat Hard Boiled eggs i have to eat them very soft.
I think i got it all down lol
@JLeslie Yeah, I hate that. Sometimes I forget because I usually don’t get nachos, or they ignore the request. Then I have to scrape it off, and you can never get it all. I really don’t understand the popularity of sour cream.
Oh, and how could I forget – BRUSSELL SPROUTS!!
My Dad used to make me eat those barf balls everytime my mother cooked ‘em, even though it always ended with me getting physically sick at the table.
Then he’d snatch me up and spank me!
Can you believe that?
Chittlins, Mountain oysters, Kimchi, any form of scavenger, dog, cat, tofu. It just isn’t possible to be that hungry.
@Cotton101 Can I go with you? I’m a country girl living in the city now.
I guess I’m pretty much down on eating predators in general. Although I have made exceptions for reptiles and fish.
@Ghost_in_the_system I guess I never considered cats or dogs as a food item in the first place, but I wouldn’t eat them either.
That being said, all bets are off on anything I’ve said if I’m hungry enough.
@Snarp we have this Mexican place here that is the real deal. Anyway, they have messages posted up in the restaurant (it is a very casual place, you walk up to the counter order your food, and then they call you when it is ready) one message says more or less if you are in a hurry leave, because we treat everyone like they are friends and family and if someone in front of you needs help deciding what to order you will have to wait. And, the best sign says, We do not put cheese on our tacos and we do not have any sour cream in the restaurant, so don’t bother to ask. Goes on to say something along the lines of, friends from Southern California, Texas, and other border states please do not tell us what is Mexican, we are Mexican.
@pearls gotcha my friend…when i read that people don’t like tomatoes, chicken, sweet potatoes, and cucumber etc…this has to be “city crowd!” lol
@Snarp One of my friends from school was Korean. They(cats& dogs) were never a consideration for me either until I spent time in that home.
I just realized I forgot to mention I don’t like oysters (but I do cook with oyster sauce).
Eel is ok, but I never eat it.
Lobster is ok, but I never order it.
@Ghost_in_the_system Well, the Italians eat horse. Never ordered it, but I suppose if it was served in someone’s home I would eat it. Cat or dog though, only if the insult would mean my life or if I was literally starving to death.
@pearls oh yes…when you grow up poor like myself, happy there was something on the table!
I guess the list could get pretty long if you start getting exotic.
@JLeslie I love eel. Squid and octopus, not so much. I can eat calamari, but don’t really see the point. I’ve had octopus sushi, that was like eating a shoe, I see no point to it. I got octopus on a salad in Italy, it was just as tough, I didn’t eat it. But my two year old loved it. Weird. I’m not big on most shellfish, don’t like crab or lobster. I will eat scallops or shrimp, but I don’t care for oysters and mussels are nothing to write home about for sure.
Any type of rodent meat, possum, raccoon, squirrel…blech!!
Any food which could be considered unethical / disgusting – decomposing animal parts (you probably call it meat).
wow…mention food or sex, and everyone gets excited…loll
Great question Barb!
anything that used to live in water
sour cream
@Snarp I missed scallops, I do not like scallops. I had eel in Tokyo, it was fine, but I would never order it for myself. I think you would be safe if you came over to my house for dinner :).
Funny, so many people tell me I am a picky eater, especially when I was growing up. I don’t like sandwiches much, I don’t want any cheese on anything unless it is hot and melted, remember I am disgusted if they have spread any mayo on there or added tomatoes on top. I don’t think I have ever had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The thing is when I went to my friends houses that are more ethnic, Italian, Middle Eastern, South American, I ate everything.
Black eyed beans. I am allergic to them.
when did bugs become food? Are we talkin’ “mudbugs”, aka crawfish?
Squash. Zucchini. Anything like squash or zucchini. Turnips, parsnips, yams and sweet potatoes.
I don’t particularly care for cooked carrots, but I like them raw.
I won’t eat oatmeal, grits, stuffing, cranberries, strawberries, hush puppies, okra, and well there is others but that is all I can think of.
@JLeslie I don’t think of myself as a picky eater, nor does anyone else. I’ll eat all sorts of foods, including a lot of ethnic variety. There are only a few things I don’t like. I can see how people who like mayo would find me picky, but then I don’t understand liking mayo. My wife’s family is super picky. They won’t eat anything that isn’t standard middle America fare. I always try to do something unusual at the holidays and my wife and I are the only ones who eat it. This year I’m roasting a goose. They’d better eat it. I wonder if they would find my exceptions to tuna and mayo picky? It’s never come up.
@kruger_d I think I’ll add that to my list too. Blechhh!
and… Spam
just wondering what is the record here for most responses…110 on this one!
fun quesion..enjoyed reading all the responses!
everyone have a great day…yikes, got to Christmas shop..now, that is fun..loll
@stratman37 In many, many, parts of the world, insects are a dietary staple. You can buy roasted insects by the bag in some Asian markets.
Google “insect candy” and you can order yourself a lollipop with a cricket or scorpion in the middle, some chocolate covered ants, or some roasted spicy ants. I’m always tempted to get some of these for my insect-obsessed son, but I don’t think his fascination extends to consumption.
Meatloaf.I probably wouldn’t try prarie oysters either.
I am definitely not a picky eater. I will happily eat just about anything when I am hungry with one exception. I cannot tolerate poi. For me it is worse even than Durian. And its purple, and gooey, and sour…shudder
I love kimchee on balogna sandwiches, and okra and tomatoes, yum!
Oh, and cinnamon. I don’t know exactly why, I just can’t stand the taste of it.
Calves’ liver is the only thing I can think of right off the bat.
Pastrami. Come on, it smells like rotten meat!
btw, avocado’s are wonderful! Guacamole is one of the things that make life worth living.
“I used to hate it too, but it kinds of grows on you :)”
I heard that Al Bundy had cauliflower growing on him too, until he took a shower. :p
Fungi and mollusks, e.g. mushrooms, clams, octopi, etc.
Organs or parts thereof.
Road apples. ;-)
Wow… thanks everyone. What a list of things. Oh and I’m not really hungry anymore too!! :)
Wow, this is what I get for going to sleep. 125 responses.
I hate things with chunks of stuff in it. Like pulpy orange juice. Yogurt with fruit bits. Salsa.
Jerky of any kind is teh yuck
I have tried and will not eat again:
Kidney beans, and most other legumes
Lima beans
Any squash that isn’t made into a pie.
Green olives
I have not tried and plan to avoid as long as possible:
Any “innard” from any animal (Yes, I know how some sausage casing is made.)
Raw fish
The brain or tongue of any animal
@filmfann you don’t like Pastrami? Have you had the good stuff? Carnegie or Stage in NYC, even Too Jays In FL? Bad Pastrami is awful.
I refuse to eat meat. I believe it’s wrong to cause sentient creatures to suffer. It’s wrong to turn 16 pounds of grain into 1 pound of beef so a few can eat while many starve. I prefer not to kill animals. So it’s wrong for me to support an industry that contributes to these wrongs.
Any meat that is not chicken, turkey or seafood. And even then I only it the normal parts. No innards or feet or eyes or anything like that.
Also, anything gelatinous or anything that feels squishy in my mouth, I will not eat b
Squid, sardines, and nasty squishy clams. EEEwwww. I’m a texture kind of person. I can’t stand anything that taste like I am swallowing a hocker. Or anything rubbery or anything with all its organs or head like sardines.
@Pandora I would have said sardines, but I had a pasta dish made with fresh sardines on the Italian coast. Man it was good. Also, they were not whole.
@Snarp don’t they still have the skin and little bones and head? Either way they are slimey and I don’t do slimey. Yuck, nor will I ever eat those nasty Philipino or orstrich eggs with the half formed chick inside. EWWWWWWWWWW!
@Pandora No, they were chopped up into little bits. I have no idea what was in the bits.
Cucumbers and brussels sprouts. <gags>
Well, honestly, if I were really hungry, say, literally hadn’t eaten in a week or two, there is no food I would refuse. None at all. I would even eat food out of the trash. But being a well fed, spoiled American, and having the luxury of being picky I’d say…..calamari! And escargot!
Amen! I saw some poor souls eat that on Fear Factor!! A bird fetus, C’MON!!!
“I can’t believe you don’t like avocadoes though…they are probably my favorite. Let’s see…I will not eat…sushi….”
I love avocados too.
Re sushi: I don’t like raw sea creature flesh either, but I love rice and seaweed wrapped around a chunk of ‘cado with sliced ginger.
Sweet potatoes, because of the taste and the texture.
I don’t and won’t eat an onion in any form.
Meat and all animal products.
cilantro and celery are on my top list of vegetables I will not eat.
nope!! the only thing I like with bananna flavour is chubba chubba lollies!!
Okra. Slimy horrible nasty stuff. It’s the only vegetable that will never pass my lips. There are a few fruits I don’t like, strawberries and cherries in particular. And I don’t like meat that’s got fatty bits in it, like pork chops. I used to be vegetarian and I still don’t really like meat that much; it’s got to be very lean.
@downtide – wait, you MUST expand. Why did you give up being a vegan?
@downtide, I generally agree with you on okra, except when it’s chopped and in a good soup (gumbo). That transforms the stuff, somehow. Plus at that point you’re not eating a plateful of okra.
@downtide and @CyanoticWasp , please see my answer about boiled okra earlier in the thread…and join the brotherhood!
@Val123 – Yup, I had a feeling I’d get nailed for that one
@stratman37 I was vegetarian, not vegan*, and I gave it up because I missed fish too much. And once I started eating fish again I gradually started eating other meat too. Truth is, it was just too much hassle, having to study labels for animal products in things that by rights shouldn’t have had any.
*actually I was nearly vegan because I am intolerant of some dairy products too. Thankfully I can eat cheese and eggs. I think I’d have starved as a vegetarian without those.
Just remembered more yogurt, potatoe chips ( chips in general) anything made with sour cream, cottage cheese, eggs, white bread, green olives, pimentos, falafals, pork, lamb, and there’s still more but that’s all I putting down
Almonds. I refuse to eat almonds.
Any fish served with bones in it.
@PandoraBoxx I know about those darned fish bones… only filets for me.
I hate yogurt too. Did I mention that one already? HATE.
I don’t understand everyone’s aversion to texture here. You like other foods with a texture similar to the food you hate, right?
I don’t like mushy soggy things. Like the bread croutons they put in the bottom of french onion soup, that is disgusting to me. Or open face sandwiches with gravy on top that soaks into the bread. Stuffing I can handle if it is rather dry.
I also don’t like creamy salad dressings. Not much into the creamy/dairy thing in general (remember I don’t like cream cheese, cheese cake, sour cream, etc). I like ice cream at times, but I get a very small scoup and I like a sharp flavor like coffee, rather than something creamy. And very few cream soups, and again small portions if I do.
Same here @JLeslie That’s why I go through a thousand contortions when I have pancakes with syrup! When bread gets wet I can’t help but feel like somebody dropped in in the dish water, then just fished it out and served it to me. Bleh!
@Val123 Yes! I don’t like pancakes for that reason. I can tolerate them if I have syrup to dunk a piece into right before it enters my mouth, but I prefer waffles if I am going to eat one or the other. I actually prefer over both french toast made without milk, the milk makes it soggy. All of it is so bad for me I don’t eat any of it often.
I like soggy food.
But then, I eat almost anything, much to the disgust of my children.
@tvshowhost at lest you won’t have to worry about it being soggy.
and they are easy to cook
@Silhouette I know it’s really good for you, but it just doesn’t look like “food” to me!! I guess I’m just not advertureous enough. I’m sure my husband would eat it though!!
@JustPlainBarb I try to force it down once a year or so because it is so good for you, but so far, I have been a complete failure in the tofu department.
Tofu is all about how you prepare it. It’s just a protein vehicle for whatever sauce or marinade you adorn it with. You can alter the texture by frying or steaming, and by how thoroughly you drain the water out of it before preparing. Freezing it first also gives it a different, tougher texture. So very versatile.
soylent green and cranberries
frog, cocroach, scorpio, escargot, brains, testicles and little birds. i also can’t eat cake if it smells like orange. and fresh onion leaves.
@kokko That’s quite a variety of things .. I think I’d pass on them too!
I won’t eat:
Insects, Amphibians, reptiles, worms and snakes, slugs,
rodents other than rabbit, farm raised fish or seafood, wild game that are endangered
horsemeat, coyote, wolfs, dogs or cats, moosemeat, Kimchi, Abalone, Bologna,
head cheese, brains, lungs, tripe, kidney, and liver
Birds of Prey – Eagles, Hawks, Vultures
Almost anything else I will at least try!
@Dr_Lawrence I love your list… and that you included bologna in there. Thanks.
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