What would be the equivalent of a fluther food fight?
Asked by
Zen_Again (
December 23rd, 2009
I’ve wanted to start one here for ages…
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170 Answers
→☺ That’s a tomato in your face.
I think it would go like “hotdog @Zen_Again !” But what do jellies eat anyway?
۞→☺ That’s a pomegranate in your face.
Do we throw squid? Plankton? sometimes I feel like I’m watching a food fight when people ‘discuss’ religion, does that count?
₪₪₪₪₪→☺ Four packages of Ramen noodles. I’m winning.
@Zen_Again Funny….my face is still clean as a whistle.
throws applesauce into ceiling fan
@SirGoofy Is it just me or do five apples look a lot like anal beads?
@Zen_Again ۵۵۵۵۵۵→☺ (just threw the punch bowl at you!)
@trumi Crap! You got some in my left eye…...oooooohhhh!!
¤°۵◊◦▫☼▫○→☺ Everything on my plate! C’mon…BRING IT!!
@Zen_Again Peeeeeeeyoooooo….watch it dude….I’m wearin’ contacts today!
Just disagree with what I say.
Launches a meatloafhow ‘bout that?
@Zen_Again you should’ve invited more people to this party, either that or we’re running out of food already!
*I play to win!*Sends a buffet table loaded with cream puffs on it’s way!Merry f’n Xmas everyone!!lol!!!
@the name so nice she named it thrice: I am throwing @SirGoofy at you!
Oh yeah….I’m headed for the dumpster in the alley….let’s see what’s in there!
@Zen_Again NO! NO! DON’T!!! <hiding behind buffet table>
@Zen_Again -LOL!Tosses my mother-in-law into the mix!!!Whoops!Forgot the cream pie!!!
@Zen_Again – I respect your insight!
But then again, you are an exception
Hey everybody….I’ve got the entire pudding bowl…heh heh!! Better duck Zen!
@SirGoofy -Hey!Don’t you knock before entering? Squirts maple syrup at him and tosses a few cats at him.Love the new coat!
So….nobody’s brave enough to touch the blue cheese dressing?? **heaves the entire blue cheese salad dressing @lucillelucillelucille ** How’d you like that??!!
Fills everyone’s shoes with Capn’Crunch
Woah woah woah guys! Let’s not waste virtual food! There’s people out there in the simulated reality world that need to eat!!
**Slings the malted milk balls all over the floor**
This was fun but exhausting—cleans off uniform I propose Wednesdays be fluther food fight day.
@HumourMe -I gave them fruitcake and now have a “Get out of hell free card”slaps him with a steak
@Zen_Again Lean over here…I’ll help yank that celery stalk out of your nose.
@Zen_Again -I agree!Now taste this stroganoff!whoooooosh!!!lol!
@SirGoofy -here’s some Kahlua to go with that ice-makes a great shampoo doesn’t it??lol!
I know!!!! I know!!!
Lets talk about RELIGION and HOMOSEXUALITY!!
Santa loves a good bedtime story.
@everybody: Okay….who threw up over here in the corner??!!
@sir gioofy-That’s not barf!I made stew for you guys!!
@ChazMaz You were supposed to say it takes one to know one.
And who’s Gioofy?
@lucillelucillelucille AHA!! Caught your Jackson Pollock in mid-air…now I’m taking to Sotheby’s to sell it. Thanks!!!
@Zen_Again -I just finisth the vodka you threw ath meeeth!
@Zen_Again – I would, but I do not believe in Gay Jews.
Gay Catholics but not Jews.
@thrice: that wasn’t vodka.
@SirGoofy -not beforee I customize it with some chop suey!
@lucillelucillelucille Too late…Zen knocked the damn thing out of my hand and blitzed me with the spaghetti and meatballs!!
@Zen_Again -I’m not asking!!Wedding cake coming your way!!!LOL!
You know it’s a good food fight when there’s a wedding cake.
and a mother o’ the bride…here she comes and she’s a biggun’!
@everybody: LOOK!! Snowflakes!! Ooooooo…..wait…THOSE AREN’T SNOWFLAKES!!! It’s the parmesan cheese….okay, who threw that??!!
All “Observing Members” are chickenshit and Gay.
@SirGoofy -It’s like a cheese shower!!!A real Xmas day miracle!! garlic powder for everyone!!
Man oh man..THIS place is startin’ to stink!! Hey…I’m not cleanin’ any of this up!!
“All “Observing Members” are chickenshit and Gay.”
I though that was part of the Fluther by laws for membership?
Can anyone throw some peppermint patties at me??I love them!So very much!
@lucillelucillelucille I did already, they were mixed in with that cheese pizza hangin’ around your neck. SEE??? Look down…you can pick’em off.
I think we should BAN peppermint patties.
Just got one in the ear.
There is no food.The fluther Matrix makes your brain feel the food ,but in reality you are responding to the code of the Matrix.When you’re hit by a rotten egg or a cheese bust pie,it’s just the foodware loaded to the matrix that collides to your code logic and bugs it for a moment and the outcome is in form of response from your mind waves coded into a food you like to chuck at your opponents.Actually there are no opponents.They are agents who are in disguise of fluther food fighters who are again hard codes of the Matrix which are difficult to demolish or erase.
Oh yeah?!@engineerwhateverthefuckyourincomprehensiblenameis.
Prarie oysters for everybody!!!!I love you all!!:)))
@ChazMaz -Peppy patties rock!Shoots a salad at him…
@Zen_Again Hey fella….this is a FOOD FIGHT…put your clothes back on!!! GEEZ! some people just get so carried away
@SirGoofy I always fluther naked. Get used to it. And yes, I’m happy to see you.
@Zen_Again : Logic always seem incomprehensible,but once you get used to the Matrix, everything else would follow.
@SirGoofy :There are no peach cobblers.They are just an impression that our brain creates for the moment.
@Zen_Again Uh…uh…uh….oh my gosh….uh….I’ve got to go the the bathroom now.
@lucillelucillelucille :I was locked till the time I thought that there was a lock and a basement.When I realized it’s all in mind,I was out and I’m here.
Call a doctor!!! I’ve got M&M’s stuck in my nose!!! HAAALLP!! I can’t breathe!!
Hey, I didn’t realize that the Turkey wasn’t a turkey.lucillelucillelucille stuffed it really bad and that might be something that you are seeing,but not for long.
@Sure!!If you *really * have to go,I have an ostrich!
<BONK> Who threw that calculator??!!
@SirGoofy -I’ll get the Shop Vac!
I threw that,for I am a calculating woman!!!!
@Zen_Again: The pie rebounded back to you and is covering your bald head all over.EKkkk clean up the mess quick.
@lucillelucillelucille : I asked the company of my tall chik Trinity and not the Ostich.You can have your Ostrich back.
@SirGoofy -Throws a mini-fridge*I’m a multi-tasker too*!!
Okay, now the terminator is about to load his shotgun.Guard yourself for the good.
Better watch out….I’m goin’ high tech here…built me slingshot out of lucillelucillelucille’s garter straps!!
Gets her M1 Garand out ;) and pea shooter too
@SirGoofy : Oh Heck,I want my Girlfriend back.
@SirGoofy She’s runnin’ off with me. Good luck with that!
Phasers on…............................KILL….. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
@SirGoofy -I don’t need no sticking permit!or badgers!
@Zen_Again -stands behind mother-in-law…and that rude b@stard at the gas station..;)
Closing the breach on my 5 inch Howitzer.
Damn! Loses ability to spel.
@Zen_Again I can see you now….better move or take cover
@SirGoofy -those aren’t googles!Those are cucumber slices.Eyes feelin’ puffy?This is the best spa ever!!
@Zen_Again hey man, loan me that cloak real quick…I’ve got somethin’ special for lucillelucillelucille!!
Hit you all with random starfish.
@Zen_Again Only 5 observing members?? What’s goin’ on here???
@Zen_Again better enforce some recruitment measures, buddy
Lookee!! I’m an ice cream tornado!! ShErSsPpLaT!!
@SirGoofy -And a gin tidal wave!!These Xmas miracles won’t stop!!
Holding his zucchini Toss a flounder here, @SirGoofy
@Zen_Again Uhmmm…you don’t look like you’re so “glad to see me anymore”...your zucchini fell out and I just stomped it flat!
<sits back on a couch to watch the battle>
How do you do that? The couch is already covered with so much crap?
Takes a breather with lucy on the couch. Moves his zucchini to the left.
And is back from behind the nebula – that was a decoy on the couch. Phasers on stun.
@Zen_Again Nebula?? Nebula?? That’s no nebula…I farted about 10 minutes ago!! LOL!!!
@SirGoofy -<halves a watermelon ,puts her helmet on and hands one to Zen…bring it on!!
Walks in from the “men’s room” carrying one of the toilets.
It’s over when I say so, toilet head.
Holds Sir Goofy by the ankles and slides his face over the floor as he inhales…lol!
<BBrrrrrrrippp….farts audibly while lucillelucillelucille is doing this>
Guys – let’s clean up this thread quickly before the mods see it.
I throw cream cheese at all of you!
Thanks for the spa treatment everyone…dashes off to the ball..in a smashed pumpkin…
I’m beat! Whew! <places used urinal pucks in pocket for next week’s battle>
And furthermore, @SirGoofy and @lucillelucillelucille Black holes are completely characterised by electrical charge, mass, and angular momentum, so how can we talk about matter or antimatter black holes.It’s useless .Even if one would be matter and the other one would be antimatter all this would be beyond event horizont so it would be relevant just for electrical charge(the black holes would have opposite electrical charge).So I think that the 2 black holes would merge and it will result an electrical neutral black hole until a non-neutral object would go beyond the event horizon.Probably inside it the matter and antimatter would annihilate each other releasing high energy photons(gamma rays)but this would be hold inside by the radiation energy.
@Zen_Again Exactly….so when is the examination scheduled for??
@SirGoofy Next Monday. Cram on Sunday at your place?
@Zen_Again Sure Zen! I’m going to take a shower right now.
That was fun. I can hardly breathe from laughing so hard. Needed that. Later guys.
Turns hose on Goofy.
You two need to get a room!
And, Black Holes do not count! Unless one of you are black.
Who cares, I’m trying to stop peeing from reading this hillarious stuff…..ow! ;))))))
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