If fluther had a Christmas party (a la office parties), what do you think you would remember the next day?
Who would have behaved badly? Who would be sitting in the corner gossiping? Who would be the DDs? Who might have been naughty enough to get Santa to rethink their presents? Would we find someone’s panties pinned to the bulletin board when we staggered in the next day?
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112 Answers
I would remember how all the faces matched the avatars in NO WAY WHATSOEVER.
I’d be the new guy in the corner..
I look just like my avatar.
There would be a tiger in the bathroom.
@Notrom – are you kidding? With the recent AB influx, the corners would be FULL.
someone would end up in the copier machine room doing something rated “R”
Not much. Although, I’d probably wake up in a bed in between @Grisaille and @Facade and think, “Hey, now…” accompanied by a slight smirk.
I’ll be lucky to remember anything at all.
But I would probably just remember getting to know a few people I talk to the most and hope I don’t disappoint in person.
@erichw1504 – from the candy cane? ‘Cause I’m not a Dentist…
We’d lock the mods in the bathroom and say anything we wanted to!!!!!!!!
I’d remember how beautiful @johnpowell’s karaoke singing voice is, probably.
@Sarcasm Would be found on the roof after looking for him for hours.
Whose panties would end up on the bulletin board? ;D
Instead of Jell-O shots, we’ll be having jelly shots.
@ChazMaz We all love you now!
We’d all wrap our arms around rranger and let her know how much she means to us…
@Val123 She’d be so stuffed full of cookies she wouldn’t be able to move. :)
@Val123 What!? Why? No, please. I’m fun, I swear.
AstroChuck wouldn’t be allowed to drink anything ‘cause he’s underage but he’d still be funny. Jonsblond and Blondsjon would be making out in a corner. Gailcalled and Jeruba would be reading Strunk and White’s Elements of Style aloud…..
i’d probably be a father several times over mid-september.
@Allie Oops!!! Who let you outta da bafroom??
@janbb LOL to Elements of Style! AstroChuck is underage???? How hold is he? He’s not underage!
@Val123 Hate to break it to you, but he’s six.
I would remember everything I don’t drink much and I’d be rich by selling all the videos and pictures I took most likely back to the people who where the “stars” in them lol
I’d probably not remember a thing until i found my camera…
Edit: I might try to start a contest with the ladies… “who can have the most orgasms” I’ll try to give as many of them all the orgasms they can handle and the winner will be… well, me.
@janbb He is NOT!!! I read his blog! Quit teasing me or I’ll tell @Allie !
@Val123 He’s a very precocious 6 year old but nonetheless…. And Allie’s probably too busy talking to johnpowell to get involved.
I’d remember the food, who was nice to me, & who backed me into a closet. ;-)
@Allie Did you enroll in the mod release program?
@avvooooooo LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing at all, after the second gin and tonic.
After enough drinks, I’d moon the entire collective. If it’s a lot of drinks, the pants would come all the way off.
@avvooooooo You’re gonna get us in trouble AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Val123 Don’t worry, the mods are all locked in the bathroom except for Allie since she signed the agreement and she won’t remember a thing tomorrow. ;)
That I came wearing a tux and left wearing a lime green Leisure suit.
@avvooooooo Be careful with Allie! Don’t hurt her! I like her!
I’d remember making terribly obvious passes and JP and Jayne. I’d end up playing with their hair and saying I wanted to make naughty with the big brains.
I would remember winning Dr_C’s competition.
And I’d remember playing grab ass with all my Fluther girls.
And I’m almost certain I’d wake up the next day half dressed in a kitchen somewhere with the remains of an attempt to make pancakes. Knowing Allie, she’d be there with me. Probably sleeping near all the booze on the counter.
And I’d probably manage to break Fluther for the third time. With the help of IBERnineD. Trufax.
It was great hanging with all you fellow jellies at the party! The last thing I remember was doing shots, drinkin PBR and talking about Grindcore with Dr. J.
BTW, thank you to whoever tried to help me get home, but that wasn’t actually my home I woke up in!
Getting into huge, heated, drunken debates with everyone, only to end them by saying ,“Ahhh, I’m just fuckin’ with ya”, and sneaking off to the parking lot with Gary and Pete every once and while.
Oh yeah. I would also remember the argument with @jonsblond, who was ready to leave at the right time. I love you baby! You deserve way better.
I would remember Pink Congo Rats….
@janbb “And Allie’s probably too busy talking to johnpowell to get involved.” Hehehe. Busy… or getting busy? :p
@avvooooooo I’d probably drink so much I wouldn’t remember anything anyway. I’m no threat. =) Now, where do I sign this form?
@asmonet “And I’m almost certain I’d wake up the next day half dressed in a kitchen somewhere with the remains of an attempt to make pancakes. Knowing Allie, she’d be there with me. Probably sleeping near all the booze on the counter.” Love you, toots.
I’m the one who tries to turn everything into a strip game. Or a drinking game. Or both. Or I just laugh a lot. All of the above.
@avvooooooo (Sloppily writes “allllllliureee” on the line.)
@Allie (((((()))) DON’T SIGN THE FORM!! It’s a trick to hold you responsible for all the littl old ladies who target her shins with the grocery carts!! You can stay out of the bafroom on your own recognizance!
@Val123 Uh, what? Well either way that doesn’t sound like something I want to be held responsible for. (eats paper form) Evidence destroyed. =D
I’d be out in the parking lot with Gary and Pete. Every now and then Jon would come visit and I’d tell him to get back inside and “debate” with everyone.
see how we’re real fighting over a fake event? that’s fucking commitment.
@Blondesjon Hey Jon. I like @janbb‘s idea. Let’s have a few beers and make out in the corner. ;)
I always knew I’d be a good marriage counselor!
Meanwhile, @pdworkin and I would be trading barbs in a corner in teeny, tiny type until the mods told us off.
I don’t drink, so I guess I will have to be the historian.
@pdworkin Please leave the video camera at home…..
@Allie It was just a little hush order. Nothing nefarious. looking sneaky
I’d remember every single thing and would record the good stuff.
I’m hoping that at some point during last night’s debauchery, I hung out with @Esteban.
I mean, I woke up in the bed with Gris and Facade and I was wearing a tux jacket and some pasties. That is all.
I remember spending most of the evening in the parking lot with @jonsblonde, Gary & Sherry, Pete, Chyna and @Grisaille. I have a special pipe I brought for the occasion. After a couple of hits debates, us gals hit the snack table. We left the men in charge of making sure @Grisaille didn’t pop his collar and head in, we did not want to take the chance that anyone would be vaporized. After we took care of the munchies we got a snack, ran around, unlocked all the bathrooms, and let the mods out – they are some of the coolest jellies around! Worry not Auggie and Dog, I got your backs! (All the rest of the mods too.)
@SuperMouse . . . I am now officially sad at Christmas.
@Blondesjon we headed back out after releasing all the mods! We convinced @Grisaille to flatten his collar to decrease the risk of vaporization then mabl8tr & I, the little woman and you, and WTF and Sccrowell found a table to play a rousing game of X-Rated Scrabble. remember? Everyone asked to join but we said it was couples only. You must have taken more hits fresh air then I did if you don’t recall these things.
@Val123 She hit me hard!
@SuperMouse Can I join the couples game if I haul my fluthercrush over? The mods were just in the bathroom so that nobody would get in trouble! Not because we don’t like them or anything…
@SuperMouse You released the Mods??? The cops are comin’! Scatter!
@avvooooooo yes, you and your Fluthercrush are welcome to join in.
@SuperMouse She can’t. She’s in the hospital due to grocery cart related injuries.
@Val123 she and her fluthercrush can put down a couple of words while we wait for the ambulance.
@SuperMouse You need to ask the paramedics, when they arrive, if they can put beer in @avvooooooo‘s IV. I mean, really. It’s her party. It’s the least we could do, don’t you think?
@janbb Hoooooo!!!! Haaaaaaa!!!
I think I would remember me, Gary, Harp, and Dalepetrie sitting in as quiet a corner as we could find, drinking beer and reflecting on issues of philosophical or political importance. I might have to get a second beer, but it would take me a long time to down the first one. I’m pretty sure everyone else would have finished several more than me before the night was over, and Gary might get waylayed outside when he was going out to catch the air with @Blondesjon. In fact, I doubt we’d see him again.
Anyway, if the conversation got slow, I’d probably go home. I’d also remember watching the youngsters doing that wild thing somewhat jealously, and wishing that some of my other friends were here so we could do our own version of the wild thing.
Then daloon got there! We invited him outside for a hit some fresh air and of course he joined us! Then we brought him back in, paired him with @avvooooooo while she waited for the ambulance, and the two kicked all of our asses in x-rated Scrabble. You all remember this right?
@daloon I like to think you would bring an instrument and play for us, and I would be honored to have a dance.
@Val123 Screw the hospital, I’ll self-medicate. Where’s the vodka?
What would @tinyfaery remember? Hmm..
I wonder why the fuck i didn’t hit the parking lot…
@SuperMouse You now, normally I remember everything, even if I’ve been taking a toke or two, but I must say I can’t remember that. Of course, I hear that these days, weed is a whole lot more potent than it was the last time I imbibed.
Oh. Just curious. Why is everyone pretending like they have to pretend they weren’t smoking?
@Dr_C You don’t have cancer or nothing, right? I mean, those folks were out there purely for medicinal purposes. Least, that’s what they told me!
@daloon I have invisible asymptomatic glaucoma…
@daloon as you so aptly pointed out, the purpose was purely medicinal and the prescription stuff is certainly more potent. @Dr C I saw you there and passed the pipe, do you mean you don’t remember either?
@Dr_C Oh is that what they are calling it these days? Doctors handing out “prescriptions” right and left!
@daloon that’s one of the perks of having your own prescription book ;)
@Dr_C… and the perk of knowing someone who has their own rx book, right? ;)
@Allie that depends on how you placed in the orgasm contest ;)
Second, but only because you’re in first.
There’s a reason we let @Allie out of the bathroom!
@Allie lurve.. you get to decide what gets done with the scripts…
My gosh ya’ll! Somebody called the cops!!! RUN!! Passes @avvooooooo the bottle while we’re on the run….. Oh wait. What about the Mods? We have to go back and save them!!!
My face actually does match my avatar.
My gosh. Am I back here AGAIN??!! Did anyone save the Mods? Am I the only one worried about them?
I remember @daloon favoring us with a little slobber blues on the old meat horn now that you mention it.
The mods. The mods. Where are they???
@eponymoushipster The grotto’s cool. And secret. Here’s the bottle. Everyone else is trying to save the mods. Let’s hunker down here!
@Val123 I’m not trying to save the mods. Lemme in the grotto!
I’d wake up under the frizzer!
Hmmm. Now that you mention it, perhaps I didn’t spend all night hiding in a dark corner drinking a beer. Could it be that I was the groupie? Hmmm. Maybe that explains @Blondesjon‘s comment. Oh dear. I hope I wasn’t wearing a funny hat, too!
@Val123 I let the mods out a long time ago! Didn’t you see PnL and Harp spiking the punch?
@daloon . . . My caustic wit explains my comment friend. You have to know that if we were both in attendance at such a function you and I would be making out in the corner.
Caustic? Is that what they call it these days? Sigh. You only want me for my body. Why can’t I find someone who respects my….. well….. you know.
Oh. Good morning all. I have a headache. @SuperMouse Thank you so much for saving the mods. Oh. Anybody got asprin? Is there anybody we need to bail out of jail this morning? Oh, my head. Oh, ow. The word @ supermouse just popped up in bright red. Ow.
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