Ok so you have to live one day over and over again! Which one will it be and why?
Asked by
sakura (
December 23rd, 2009
I was watching Groundhog day AGAIN! and started to wonder if there was any particular day I would like to live again. Not just a bad day in which I could change bad things from happening, but also a good day, when I had a fabulous time and would enjoy re-living over and over again! Like my wedding day, I will never tire of that fabulous feeling knowing that I was marrying the man I loved, and the day my baby girl was born :)
So what day would you like to re-live over again and again? Either to change something from happening or to re-live a happy time?
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39 Answers
The day I was born, for then I could always be the very closest to my mother that I ever was.
I agree with @sakura, either my wedding day or the day my first child, also a daughter, was born.
A close third would be the first time that I spoke to the woman who is now my wife.
june 24,2008.The day my daughter was born
One day I could relive for a long time is the day my first child was born. Parents, can you relate?
I felt like there was nothing else in life that I just had to experience from that point on, ya know?
you like to revisit the pain of childbirth?
cool. me too!
February 10 2004.i know why that’s all that matters
Yep; I’d like to revisit the day that I was visiting a buddy of mine…. we had a fantastic time and that day is still very memorable to me…
My wedding day, I remember waking up the next day and thinking ‘that was ace, lets do it again!’
I would like to go back in time and place my Son in his current wonderful school. My Son attends a wonderful ABA school in New Jersey. He is Autistic .
I helped to start his first school . He attended the New York Learning Institute from four to eleven In Queens New York.. He was thrown out because they said , we did not donate enough money.
If my Son was in his current school from four . I am sure he would have made even more progress. It breaks my heart. I would do almost anything for a due over or to give him more time in his current school.
I blame the NYC educational system and their complete lack of understanding about Autism. Sadly they still do not have appropriate programs for Autistic children in NYC. Young Autistic Children are still being abused here in NYC ; and many places in this world. They are not being taught with the only documented technique Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) .
The day I first kissed my SO. It was amazing.
Gosh, I hate to be so predictable! But the day my first daughter was born. It was THE culmination of a lifelong dream, having a child of my own. I was so excited, waiting that whole 8 months. I kept trying to feel her in my tummy, the bigger and bigger she got. It was as close as I could get to holding her in my arms. I couldn’t wait to meet her! And then she would not breathe! Twice, the Dr. called for the neonate team. When I finally heard that first weak, tiny cry, I swear to God, it took my breath away. I don’t think I have ever cried for joy more than that day when I heard her kitten-like cry. She was so alert after that! She looked at EVERYTHING, like she already knew what everything was.
A day I had at the beach :)
I can’t think of any one day I would like to live over. I am just thrilled when I wake up to a new one each morning!
I’d have to echo @rooeytoo ‘s answer. I almost would go with @holden ‘s except that that thrill never goes away. Anytime I kiss her is so special!
Hmmn… a whole day- that would be the one where my current SO and I spent in a mountain copper mining town and rode around the valley below on an old fashioned rail train.
My birthday last year, so i could do different things with my friends everyday!
The day I retired. I will never forget the ‘deer in the headlight’ look of my boss and HR’s faces when I told them my Doctor had ordered me to go home and never return. It was such a precious moment! Somehow all the documentation on the projects and wiring diagrams disappeared the second my user-id was removed. (deadman switch virus)
Whenever my last day on the planet is.
@mcbealer the day you die?? Surely that wouldnt be that great
It kills me to be so conventional, but my wedding day is one I could stand to live over and over. It was wonderful to celebrate the connection my wife and I had in from of our family and friends—especially the friends. We ate good food that we chose, drank lots of champagne and danced our asses off. Our friends played the music and we had a great time. The dancing was the best. Did I mention that I liked the dancing?
Well, now that I think of it, there was another couple of days I’d go for. But I can’t tell you why.
The day I walked across the stage to receive my college diploma at the age of 41.
Or maybe that day we spent doing nothing but bake pie, listen to music, and have sex.
Today was pretty good. I didn’t HAVE to do anything and presents came via UPS.
If I could do it and change one thing, that would be the day my dad died. I went home from the hospital a little too early and he passed away before I could say good bye.
If its going to remain the same then I wouldn’t want to relive it.
The first time my dad took me to see Barnum and Bailey Circus. It was the first time he saw a circus as well. It was just the two of us for my birthday. He enjoyed the clowns more than I did but I enjoyed his contagious child like joy. He was so excited. :)
There are so many, its hard to choose. The day my kids were born (after the labor part of course), my wedding day, but another day would be when we took a family trip to Disneyland. I could live there if they would let me!!!!
I want to re-live my first day of school. I had a mullett because I had a crush on the boy next door and I wore my backpack backwards. I didn’t care what anyone thought. I didn’t have to worry about money, food, or shelter. My biggest problem on my first day of school was picking a cool crayon color for drawing time and then creating a good mud pie to give to my new friends.
It sure as hell wouldn’t be today! I’m not going to go into it, but my day today was a complete and utter train wreck. Arrrgghhh!!!!!!!!
This one day, in Sorento, on our honeymoon – almost fourteen years ago.
We stayed in this beautiful cliff-side hotel with a view of the ocean. Skunk-holed downtown for wood-inlayed boxes and furniture. Ate and drank well with friends. Swam in the most gorgeous pool. Washed our unmentionables in the bidet and sprawled on the bed while they dryed over the tub – sea breeze wafting over us as we drifted off to sleep.
I will narrow it down to one moment when I got out of my car and saw her beautiful face for the first time, gave her a hug….tried to kiss her….she felt like heaven in my arms! ;)
@lillycoyote Maybe it should be tomorrow, so you’ll always feel it is better than yesterday!
A few idyllic days I spent at the beach across the street from my house with most my close family and friends there. Really, if there’s an idea of heaven for me, that’s it. (and I even made love with someone I cared about that day!—icing on the proverbial cake!!)
@delta214 ~ why not? death is not always tragic or unexpected…
Wow what a lot of happy days :) Have a great Christmas guys, who knows it may be the day you want to relive in the future!
I’d find the day where the sex was fantastic with my girlfriend (at the time), dinner was delish, and spent the day with my (older) kids and had a great time with them – at a game, or just hanging out. What could be better?
Checking with Matt Browne whether he can arrange a groundhog day for me with quantum physics and time/space continuum.
I’d relive the day I saw my.. boy I like. And we were together the whole day. No disruptions, no parents. It was total bliss. (: I’d live it again and again if I could. Or get my best moments and put them all in one day, yeah I’d relive THAT everyday. :PP
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